New Echinobase Release 5.4.0
This new release features many significant updates including:
Full Gene Page support for:
the bat star, Patiria miniata, v3.0 assembly
the green sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus, v3.0 assembly
Partial support for:
the sugar star, Asterias rubens, v1.3
Interactive display of multispecies 1:1 orthologies to S. purpuratus
The literature load has been updated
Updated ECAO coming soon
The new and improved genome assemblies for P. minata and L. variegatus are now fully supported on Echinobase Gene Pages in addition to search, BLAST and JBrowse support.
Orthology of species to S. purpuratus are displayed on the Gene Pages.
SPU_ID Comments from Legacy added to Gene Page Wiki.
(1) Arshinoff BI, Cary GA, Karimi K, Foley S, Agalakov S, Delgado F, Lotay VS, Ku CJ, Pells TJ, Beatman TR, Kim E, Cameron RA, Vize PD, Telmer CA, Croce J, Ettensohn CA, Hinman VF, Echinobase: leveraging an extant model organism database to build a knowledgebase supporting research on the genomics and biology of echinoderms, Nucleic Acids Research, Database Issue 2022, gkab1005, 10.1093/nar/gkab1005
(2) Foley S, Ku C, Arshinoff B, Lotay V, Karimi K, Vize PD, Hinman V, Integration of 1:1 orthology maps and updated datasets into Echinobase, Database (Oxford), Volume 2021, baab030, 10.1093/database/baab030
(3) Beatman, TR, Buckley, KM, Cary, GA, Hinman, VF, Ettensohn, CA, A nomenclature for echinoderm genes, Database (Oxford), Volume 2021, baab052, 10.1093/database/baab052
(4) Karimi, K, Agalakov, S, Telmer, CA, Beatman TR, Pells, TJ, Arshinoff, BI, Ku, CJ, Foley, S, Hinman, VF, Ettensohn, CA, Vize, PD, Classifying domain-specific text documents containing ambiguous keywords, Database (Oxford), Volume 2021, baab062, 10.1093/database/baab062
P. miniata photo credit to Anne Meyer, Carnegie Mellon University, 2021.
L. variegatus photo credit to Raymond L. Allen, Duke University, 2021.
A. rubens photo copyright: Espen Rekdal, used under the Creative Commons license (, image was modified to remove the black background.
Last Updated: 2021-11-01