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Mol Phylogenet Evol 2000 Mar 01;143:375-88. doi: 10.1006/mpev.1999.0707.
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PCR survey of Hox genes in the crinoid and ophiuroid: evidence for anterior conservation and posterior expansion in the echinoderm Hox gene cluster.

Mito T , Endo K .

To help elucidate the cluster organization of Hox genes in echinoderms, we amplified a homeobox region by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and cloned and sequenced the PCR products for the comatulid crinoid Oxycomanthus japonicus and the ophiuroid Stegophiura sladeni. The crinoid had at least three anterior, four medial, and four posterior genes, and the ophiuroid had at least one anterior, three medial, and six (one of which being a possible trans-paralog) posterior genes. The survey of the crinoid detected all three anterior complements (PG1-3 genes). It was inferred that the Hox genes of each species are organized into a single cluster and that a novel cognate group of echinoderm posterior genes (tentatively termed HboxP9) exists among echinoderms in addition to the known posterior genes Hbox4, Hbox7, and Hbox10. The results, combined with the data of other echinoderm classes, strongly suggest that the presence of a single Hox gene cluster is a common feature among echinoderms and that the cluster has the general features of the deuterostome Hox gene cluster, i.e., the anterior conservation and posterior expansion. The results of the ophiuroid imply that the posterior genes in this class diversified after the phylum Echinodermata had been established.

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Genes referenced: Hbox7 polr3a