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Antibody Name: tubb1 Ab1

Common Name: tubulin beta 1 class 6

RRID: AB_2315513
Synonyms: beta-tubulin, E7

Gene: tubb1

Clone Type: Monoclonal
Source: Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank

Clone Number E7
Isotype IgG1
Host Organism mouse
Echinoderm Reactivity S. purpuratus,
Non-Echinoderm Reactivity human, Lytechinus pictus, mouse, rat, worm
Description: Reacts with microtubules in a wide variety of species, including sea urchins. Originally generated by Drs. M. McCutcheon and S. Carroll, and currently supplied by Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (deposited by M. Klymkowsky (University of Colorado/MCD Biology, Boulder)). Also reacts with Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and Lytechinus variegatus.
Name Drosophila fushi tarazu gene product
Type polypeptide
Post Translational Modifications None
Source Organism Other
Description Recombinant protein.
Reported Usage
western blot
First: Kinesin is associated with a nonmicrotubule component of sea urchin mitotic spindles., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1987  
Most recent: Differential regulation of disheveled in a novel vegetal cortical domain in sea urchin eggs and embryos: implications for the localized activation of canonical Wnt signaling., PLoS One 2013     
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