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Site of action of 1-methyladenine in inducing oocyte maturation in starfish., Kanatani H, Hiramoto Y., Exp Cell Res. August 1, 1970; 61 (2): 280-4.

Studies of protein uptake by echinoderm cells; their possible significance in relation to the phylogeny of immune responses., Hilgard HR., Transplant Proc. June 1, 1970; 2 (2): 240-2.

Studies on 2-piperidino-8-mercaptoadenine, a potent inhibitor of cleavage in echinoderm embryos., Young CW, Hendler FJ, Simmel E, Karnofsky DA., Exp Cell Res. April 1, 1970; 60 (1): 45-53.

Sea urchin satellite deoxyribonucleic acid. Its large-scale isolation and hybridization with homologous ribosomal ribonucleic acid., Patterson JB, Stafford DW., Biochemistry. March 3, 1970; 9 (5): 1278-83.

Some properties of hyalin: the calcium-insoluble protein of the hyaline layer of the sea urchin egg., Stephens RE, Kane RE., J Cell Biol. March 1, 1970; 44 (3): 611-7.

Synthesis of ribosomal RNA during sea urchin development. 3. Evidence for an activation of transcription., Sconzo G, Pirrone AM, Mutolo V, Giudice G., Biochim Biophys Acta. February 18, 1970; 199 (2): 435-40.

Synthesis of ribosomal RNA in disaggregated cells of sea urchin embryos., Sconzo G, Pirrone AM, Mutolo V, Giudice G., Biochim Biophys Acta. February 18, 1970; 199 (2): 441-6.

Synthesis of RNA in non-nucleate fragments of sea urchin eggs., Craig SP., J Mol Biol. February 14, 1970; 47 (3): 615-8.

Serological studies of two hybrid sea urchins., Badman WS, Brookbank JW., Dev Biol. February 1, 1970; 21 (1): 243-56.

Sea urchin population explosion in southern california coastal waters., North WJ, Pearse JS., Science. January 9, 1970; 167 (3915): 209.

Selective staining of the ultra-structural components of cortical granules and golgi cisternae of sea urchin eggs., Bal AK., Z Zellforsch Mikrosk Anat. January 1, 1970; 104 (4): 471-7.

Separation of intact cortical granules from homogenate of unfertilized sea urchin eggs by zonal centrifugation., Schuel H, Wilson WL, Wilson JR, Schuel R., J Histochem Cytochem. November 1, 1969; 17 (11): 703-13.

Synthesis of protein for DNA replication and cleavage events in the sand dollar embryo., Young CW, Hendler FJ, Karnofsky DA., Exp Cell Res. November 1, 1969; 58 (1): 15-26.

Synthesis of nuclear and chromosomal proteins on light polyribosomes during cleavage in the sea urchin embryo., Kedes LH, Gross PR, Cognetti G, Hunter AL., J Mol Biol. October 28, 1969; 45 (2): 337-51.

Sea urchin nuclear DNA polymerase. I. Localization in nuclei during rapid DNA synthesis., Loeb LA, Fansler B, Williams R, Mazia D., Exp Cell Res. October 1, 1969; 57 (2): 298-304.

Sea urchin nuclear DNA polymerase. II. Changing localization during early development., Fansler B, Loeb LA., Exp Cell Res. October 1, 1969; 57 (2): 305-10.

Starfish infestation: hypothesis., Fischer JL., Science. August 15, 1969; 165 (3894): 645.

Structural and functional identity of ribosomes from eggs and embryos of sea urchins., Kedes LH, Stavy L., J Mol Biol. July 28, 1969; 43 (2): 337-40.

Satellite DNA from sea urchin sperm., Stafford DW, Guild WR., Exp Cell Res. June 1, 1969; 55 (3): 347-50.

Sperm differentiation in the sea urchins Arbacia punctulata and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Longo FJ, Anderson E., J Ultrastruct Res. June 1, 1969; 27 (5): 486-509.

Synthesis of ribosomal RNA during sea urchin development. II. Electrophoretic analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA''s., Giudice G, Mutolo V., Biochim Biophys Acta. April 22, 1969; 179 (2): 341-7.

Sperm isoagglutination and sialic acid content of the jelly coat of sea urchin eggs., Isaka S, Akino M, Hotta K, Kurokawa M., Exp Cell Res. February 1, 1969; 54 (2): 247-9.

Synthesis of glucosamine-6-phosphate by the activity of glutamine hexosephosphate amido-transferase and of glucosamine kinase in eggs and embryos of Paracentrotus lividus., Nicotra C, Tesoriere G, Musotto MA, Livrea MA., Ital J Biochem. January 1, 1969; 18 (5): 382-93.

Sea urchin response to foreign substances., Hilgard HR, Phillips JH., Science. September 20, 1968; 161 (3847): 1243-5.

Studies on the mode of action of sea urchin toxin. II. Enzymatic and immunological behavior., Feigen GA, Sanz E, Tomita JT, Alender CB., Toxicon. August 1, 1968; 6 (1): 17-43.

Structure and fate of the paternal mitochondrion during early embryogenesis of Paracentrotus lividus., Anderson WA., J Ultrastruct Res. August 1, 1968; 24 (3): 311-21.

Sperm-binding capacity of the S-S reduced protein of the vitelline membrane of the sea urchin egg., Aketa K, Tsuzuki H., Exp Cell Res. June 1, 1968; 50 (3): 675-6.

Subcellular particles in echinoderm tube feet. II. Class Holothuroidea., Harrison G., J Ultrastruct Res. April 1, 1968; 23 (1): 124-33.

Space biomagnetics., Busby DE., Space Life Sci. March 1, 1968; 1 (1): 23-63.

Some effects of deoxyribonucleosides on sea urchin egg development., Brachet J., Curr Mod Biol. January 1, 1968; 1 (5): 314-9.

Structural changes of the chromatin in early development of sea urchins., Runnström J., Exp Cell Res. December 1, 1967; 48 (3): 691-4.

Starfish gonad: action and chemical identification of spawning inhibitor., Ikegami S, Tamura S, Kanatani H., Science. November 1, 1967; 158 (3804): 1052-3.

Some immunochemical characteristics of sea urchin gametes., Keckes S, Krajnović M., Z Naturforsch B. October 1, 1967; 22 (10): 1032-4.

Studies on incorporation of 3H-thymidine in Arbacia eggs under hydrostatic pressure., Zimmerman AM, Silberman L., Exp Cell Res. June 1, 1967; 46 (3): 469-76.

Studies on the acrosome. IX. Course of acrosome reaction in the starfish., Dan JC, Hagiwara Y., J Ultrastruct Res. June 1, 1967; 18 (5): 562-79.

Studies on the acrosome. 8. The intact starfish acrosome., Hagiwara Y, Dan JC, Saito A., J Ultrastruct Res. June 1, 1967; 18 (5): 551-61.

Stimulation of protein synthesis in unfertilized sea urchin eggs by prior metabolic inhibition., MacKintosh FR, Bell E., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 25, 1967; 27 (4): 425-30.

Studies on the perivisceral coelomic fluid protein concentration during seasonal and nutritional changes in the purple sea urchin., Holland LZ, Giese AC, Phillips JH., Comp Biochem Physiol. May 1, 1967; 21 (2): 361-71.

Studies on echinoderm phosphagens. 3. Changes in the content of creatine phosphate after stimulation of sperm motility., Yanagisawa T., Exp Cell Res. May 1, 1967; 46 (2): 348-54.

Synthesis of ribosomal RNA during sea-urchin development., Giudice G, Mutolo V., Biochim Biophys Acta. April 18, 1967; 138 (2): 276-85.

Swimming sea anemones of Puget Sound: swimming of Actinostola new species in response to Stomphia coccinea., Ross DM, Sutton L., Science. March 17, 1967; 155 (3768): 1419-21.

Studies on controlled aand released respiration in animalized and vegetalized embryos of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus., De Vincentiis M, Runnström J., Exp Cell Res. March 1, 1967; 45 (3): 681-9.

Sulphation as a metabolic pathway for oestradiol in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus., Creange JE, Szego CM., Biochem J. March 1, 1967; 102 (3): 898-904.

Sutural connective tissues in the test of an echinoid: Arbacia punctulata., Moss ML, Meehan MM., Acta Anat (Basel). January 1, 1967; 66 (2): 279-304.

Studies on the effects of proteins on phosphate uptake by sand dollar embryos., Brookbank JW, Badman WS., Acta Embryol Morphol Exp. December 1, 1966; 9 (2): 99-104.

Synthesis of basic proteins and cellular RNA species during sea urchin development., Comb DC, Silver DJ., Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. December 1, 1966; 23 325-36.

Subcellular particles in echinoderm tube feet. I. Class asteroidea., Harrison G, Philpott D., J Ultrastruct Res. December 1, 1966; 16 (5): 537-47.

Studies on the structural and biological nature of the aster associated metachromatic granules in sea urchin eggs by means of light and electron microscopy., Takashima R, Katsura S, Noda Y., Arch Histol Jpn. November 1, 1966; 27 (1): 199-210.

Studies on the mode of action of sea urchin toxin. I. Conditions affecting release of hiamine and other agents from isolated tissues., Feigen GA, Sanz E, Alender CB., Toxicon. November 1, 1966; 4 (3): 161-75.

Some properties of a rapidly labelled ribonucleic acid species in Sphaerechinus granularis., Siekevitz P, Maggio R, Catalano C., Biochim Biophys Acta. October 24, 1966; 129 (1): 145-56.

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