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The Widespread Prevalence and Functional Significance of Silk-Like Structural Proteins in Metazoan Biological Materials., McDougall C, Woodcroft BJ, Degnan BM., PLoS One. July 14, 2016; 11 (7): e0159128.      

Taxonomic status of the three color variants in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus): evidence from mitochondrial phylogenomic analyses., Zhang W, Cao Z, Li Y, Zhao H, Huang J, Liang Z, Huang L., Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal. July 1, 2016; 27 (4): 2330-3.

The influence of ph and waterborne metals on egg fertilization of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), the oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus)., Riba I, Gabrielyan B, Khosrovyan A, Luque A, Del Valls TA., Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. July 1, 2016; 23 (14): 14580-8.

The sea urchin mitochondrial transcription factor A binds and bends DNA efficiently despite its unusually short C-terminal tail., Malarkey CS, Lionetti C, Deceglie S, Roberti M, Churchill ME, Cantatore P, Loguercio Polosa P., Mitochondrion. July 1, 2016; 29 1-6.

The diversity of nanos expression in echinoderm embryos supports different mechanisms in germ cell specification., Fresques T, Swartz SZ, Juliano C, Morino Y, Kikuchi M, Akasaka K, Wada H, Yajima M, Wessel GM., Evol Dev. July 1, 2016; 18 (4): 267-78.

Thermodynamic geometry and critical aspects of bifurcations., Mihara A., Phys Rev E. July 1, 2016; 94 (1-1): 012144.

Three-dimensional ruthenium-doped TiO2 sea urchins for enhanced visible-light-responsive H2 production., Nguyen-Phan TD, Luo S, Vovchok D, Llorca J, Sallis S, Kattel S, Xu W, Piper LF, Polyansky DE, Senanayake SD, Stacchiola DJ, Rodriguez JA., Phys Chem Chem Phys. June 21, 2016; 18 (23): 15972-9.

The Role of Maternal Nutrition on Oocyte Size and Quality, with Respect to Early Larval Development in The Coral-Eating Starfish, Acanthaster planci., Caballes CF, Pratchett MS, Kerr AM, Rivera-Posada JA., PLoS One. June 21, 2016; 11 (6): e0158007.              

The Total Synthesis of Starfish Ganglioside GP3 Bearing a Unique Sialyl Glycan Architecture., Goto K, Sawa M, Tamai H, Imamura A, Ando H, Ishida H, Kiso M., Chemistry. June 6, 2016; 22 (24): 8323-31.

The Kinome of Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas, Its Expression during Development and in Response to Environmental Factors., Epelboin Y, Quintric L, Guévélou E, Boudry P, Pichereau V, Corporeau C., PLoS One. May 4, 2016; 11 (5): e0155435.        

The association between rural residence and stroke care and outcomes., Koifman J, Hall R, Li S, Stamplecoski M, Fang J, Saltman AP, Kapral MK., J Neurol Sci. April 15, 2016; 363 16-20.

Teenage mothers of black and minority ethnic origin want access to a range of mental and physical health support: a participatory research approach., Muzik M, Kirk R, Alfafara E, Jonika J, Waddell R., Health Expect. April 1, 2016; 19 (2): 403-15.

Two little-known metazoan parasites potentially pathogenic to smooth-hounds, Mustelus spp., in captivity., MacKenzie K, Smith LE., J Fish Dis. April 1, 2016; 39 (4): 511-4.

Two macrophage migration inhibitory factors regulate starfish larval immune cell chemotaxis., Furukawa R, Tamaki K, Kaneko H., Immunol Cell Biol. April 1, 2016; 94 (4): 315-21.

Transport and uptake effects of marine complex lipid liposomes in small intestinal epithelial cell models., Du L, Yang YH, Xu J, Wang YM, Xue CH, Kurihara H, Takahashi K., Food Funct. April 1, 2016; 7 (4): 1904-14.

The first description of complete invertebrate arginine metabolism pathways implies dose-dependent pathogen regulation in Apostichopus japonicus., Yina S, Chenghua L, Weiwei Z, Zhenhui W, Zhimeng L., Sci Rep. April 1, 2016; 6 23783.              

Time-Dependent Wetting Behavior of PDMS Surfaces with Bioinspired, Hierarchical Structures., Mishra H, Schrader AM, Lee DW, Gallo A, Chen SY, Kaufman Y, Das S, Israelachvili JN., ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. March 1, 2016; 8 (12): 8168-74.

Tick (Amblyomma chabaudi) infestation of endemic tortoises in southwest Madagascar and investigation of tick-borne pathogens., Ehlers J, Ganzhorn JU, Silaghi C, Krüger A, Pothmann D, Ratovonamana RY, Veit A, Keller C, Poppert S., Ticks Tick Borne Dis. March 1, 2016; 7 (2): 378-83.

Taraxerol 4-Methoxybenzoate, an in vitro Inhibitor of Photosynthesis Isolated from Pavonia multiflora A. St-Hil. (Malvaceae)., Lopes LG, Tavares GL, Thomaz LD, Sabino JR, Borges KB, Vieira PC, Veiga TAM, de Souza Borges W., Chem Biodivers. March 1, 2016; 13 (3): 284-292.

Two new species of Microlia Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) with comments on obligatory pollen-feeders and the first record from South America., Bortoluzzi S, Caron E, Silveira D., Zootaxa. February 9, 2016; 4078 (1): 197-208.

Tension tests on mammalian collagen fibrils., Liu Y, Ballarini R, Eppell SJ., Interface Focus. February 6, 2016; 6 (1): 20150080.

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) activates caspases in human prostate cancer cells through sigma 1 receptor., Das D, Persaud L, Dejoie J, Happy M, Brannigan O, De Jesus D, Sauane M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 5, 2016; 470 (2): 319-323.

Toxicity of seabird guano to sea urchin embryos and interaction with Cu and Pb., Rial D, Santos-Echeandía J, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Jordi A, Tovar-Sánchez A, Bellas J., Chemosphere. February 1, 2016; 145 384-93.

Tool use by a temperate wrasse, California sheephead Semicossyphus pulcher., Dunn RP., J Fish Biol. February 1, 2016; 88 (2): 805-10.

Transcriptomic identification of starfish neuropeptide precursors yields new insights into neuropeptide evolution., Semmens DC, Mirabeau O, Moghul I, Pancholi MR, Wurm Y, Elphick MR., Open Biol. February 1, 2016; 6 (2): 150224.                                          

Trends in the prevalence of erosive tooth wear in Brazilian preschool children., Murakami C, Tello G, Abanto J, Oliveira LB, Bonini GC, Bönecker M., Int J Paediatr Dent. January 1, 2016; 26 (1): 60-5.

Toxic and essential metals determination in commercial seafood: Paracentrotus lividus by ICP-MS., Salvo A, Cicero N, Vadalà R, Mottese AF, Bua D, Mallamace D, Giannetto C, Dugo G., Nat Prod Res. January 1, 2016; 30 (6): 657-64.

Toxicity of polyunsaturated aldehydes of diatoms to Indo-Pacific bioindicator organism Echinometra mathaei., Sartori D, Gaion A., Drug Chem Toxicol. January 1, 2016; 39 (2): 124-8.

The Great Diadema antillarum Die-Off: 30 Years Later., Lessios HA., Ann Rev Mar Sci. January 1, 2016; 8 267-83.

The impact of mariculture on nutrient dynamics and identification of the nitrate sources in coastal waters., Kang P, Xu S., Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. January 1, 2016; 23 (2): 1300-11.

Theoretical studies of the role of C-terminal cysteines in the process of S-nitrosylation of human Src kinases., Andre FR, dos Santos PF, Rando DG., J Mol Model. January 1, 2016; 22 (1): 23.

The conserved genetic background for pluteus arm development in brittle stars and sea urchin., Morino Y, Koga H, Wada H., Evol Dev. January 1, 2016; 18 (2): 89-95.

The role of coral colony health state in the recovery of lesions., Ruiz-Diaz CP, Toledo-Hernandez C, Mercado-Molina AE, Pérez ME, Sabat AM., PeerJ. January 1, 2016; 4 e1531.      

Trophic ecology of sea urchins in coral-rocky reef systems, Ecuador., Cabanillas-Terán N, Loor-Andrade P, Rodríguez-Barreras R, Cortés J., PeerJ. January 1, 2016; 4 e1578.      

The Starfish Assassin., Platt JR., Sci Am. January 1, 2016; 314 (1): 16.

Toxic Diatom Aldehydes Affect Defence Gene Networks in Sea Urchins., Varrella S, Romano G, Costantini S, Ruocco N, Ianora A, Bentley MG, Costantini M., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (2): e0149734.                

The Influence of Alcohol Consumption in Conjunction with Sex Hormone Deficiency on Ca/P Ratio in Rats., Lodi KB, Marchini AM, Santo AM, Rode Sde M, Marchini L, da Rocha RF., Int J Endocrinol. January 1, 2016; 2016 3797139.        

The Use of Two-Photon FRET-FLIM to Study Protein Interactions During Nuclear Envelope Fusion In Vivo and In Vitro., Byrne RD, Larijani B, Poccia DL., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1411 123-32.

The Acrosome Reaction: A Historical Perspective., Okabe M., Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol. January 1, 2016; 220 1-13.

The Cytotoxicity of Dacarbazine Potentiated by Sea Cucumber Saponin in Resistant B16F10 Melanoma Cells through Apoptosis Induction., Baharara J, Amini E, Nikdel N, Salek-Abdollahi F., Avicenna J Med Biotechnol. January 1, 2016; 8 (3): 112-9.        

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Food Therapy, and Hypertension Control: A Narrative Review of Chinese Literature., Zou P., Am J Chin Med. January 1, 2016; 44 (8): 1579-1594.

The potential for self-seeding by the coral Pocillopora spp. in Moorea, French Polynesia., Tsounis G, Edmunds PJ., PeerJ. January 1, 2016; 4 e2544.        


Total Synthesis of Linckosides A and B, the Representative Starfish Polyhydroxysteroid Glycosides with Neuritogenic Activities., Zhu D, Yu B., J Am Chem Soc. December 9, 2015; 137 (48): 15098-101.

Transcriptomic analysis of Nodal- and BMP-associated genes during juvenile development of the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma., Byrne M, Koop D, Cisternas P, Strbenac D, Yang JY, Wray GA., Mar Genomics. December 1, 2015; 24 Pt 1 41-5.

The interaction of eugenol with cell membrane models at the air-water interface is modulated by the lipid monolayer composition., Gonçalves GE, de Souza FS, Lago JH, Caseli L., Biophys Chem. December 1, 2015; 207 7-12.

The coelomic epithelium transcriptome from a clonal sea star, Coscinasterias muricata., Gabre JL, Martinez P, Nilsson Sköld H, Ortega-Martinez O, Abril JF., Mar Genomics. December 1, 2015; 24 Pt 3 245-8.

Thyroid hormone modulates neuroglobin and cytoglobin in rat brain., Oliveira KC, da Conceição RR, Piedade GC, de Souza JS, Sato MA, de Barros Maciel RM, Giannocco G., Metab Brain Dis. December 1, 2015; 30 (6): 1401-8.

Tenacibaculum holothuriorum sp. nov., isolated from the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus intestine., Wang L, Li X, Hu D, Lai Q, Shao Z., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. December 1, 2015; 65 (12): 4347-4352.

The Roles of Two miRNAs in Regulating the Immune Response of Sea Cucumber., Zhang P, Li C, Zhang R, Zhang W, Jin C, Wang L, Song L., Genetics. December 1, 2015; 201 (4): 1397-410.

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