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Matrix metalloproteinases in a sea urchin ligament with adaptable mechanical properties., Ribeiro AR, Barbaglio A, Oliveira MJ, Ribeiro CC, Wilkie IC, Candia Carnevali MD, Barbosa MA., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (11): e49016.                

Morphogenesis in sea urchin embryos: linking cellular events to gene regulatory network states., Lyons DC, Kaltenbach SL, McClay DR., Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol. January 1, 2012; 1 (2): 231-52.

Metal dealing at the origin of the Chordata phylum: the metallothionein system and metal overload response in amphioxus., Guirola M, Pérez-Rafael S, Capdevila M, Palacios O, Atrian S., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (8): e43299.                      

Multigait soft robot., Shepherd RF, Ilievski F, Choi W, Morin SA, Stokes AA, Mazzeo AD, Chen X, Wang M, Whitesides GM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 20, 2011; 108 (51): 20400-3.

Mechanical mutability in connective tissue of starfish body wall., Motokawa T., Biol Bull. December 1, 2011; 221 (3): 280-9.

Molecular phylogeny of the order Euryalida (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea), based on mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal genes., Okanishi M, O'Hara TD, Fujita T., Mol Phylogenet Evol. November 1, 2011; 61 (2): 392-9.

Molecular phylogeny, biogeography and insights into the origin of parthenogenesis in the Neotropical genus Leposoma (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae): Ancient links between the Atlantic Forest and Amazonia., Pellegrino KC, Rodrigues MT, Harris DJ, Yonenaga-Yassuda Y, Sites JW., Mol Phylogenet Evol. November 1, 2011; 61 (2): 446-59.

Mussel bed boundaries as dynamic equilibria: thresholds, phase shifts, and alternative states., Donahue MJ, Desharnais RA, Robles CD, Arriola P., Am Nat. November 1, 2011; 178 (5): 612-25.

Microscopy refocusing and dark-field imaging by using a simple LED array., Zheng G, Kolner C, Yang C., Opt Lett. October 15, 2011; 36 (20): 3987-9.

Molecular characterization and expression analysis of a complement component 3 in the sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus)., Zhou Z, Sun D, Yang A, Dong Y, Chen Z, Wang X, Guan X, Jiang B, Wang B., Fish Shellfish Immunol. October 1, 2011; 31 (4): 540-7.

Modeling the effects of drug binding on the dynamic instability of microtubules., Hinow P, Rezania V, Lopus M, Jordan MA, Tuszyński JA., Phys Biol. October 1, 2011; 8 (5): 056004.

Morphological transformation and proliferation of rat astrocytes as induced by sulfated polysaccharides from the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus., Sheng X, Zhang N, Song S, Li M, Liang H, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Ji A., Neurosci Lett. September 26, 2011; 503 (1): 37-42.

Metal oxide nanomaterials in seawater: linking physicochemical characteristics with biological response in sea urchin development., Fairbairn EA, Keller AA, Mädler L, Zhou D, Pokhrel S, Cherr GN., J Hazard Mater. September 15, 2011; 192 (3): 1565-71.

Maternal Oct1/2 is required for Nodal and Vg1/Univin expression during dorsal-ventral axis specification in the sea urchin embryo., Range R, Lepage T., Dev Biol. September 15, 2011; 357 (2): 440-9.

Manganese interferes with calcium, perturbs ERK signaling, and produces embryos with no skeleton., Pinsino A, Roccheri MC, Costa C, Matranga V., Toxicol Sci. September 1, 2011; 123 (1): 217-30.

Monoclonal antibodies to sea cucumber polysaccharide and their use in a sandwich ELISA assay., Wang J, Zhao H, Zheng Y, Liu W, Zhou H, Han AR, Gao X., Hybridoma (Larchmt). August 1, 2011; 30 (4): 381-5.

Morphological variations and structural properties of ZnO nanostructures grown by rapid thermal CVD., Kumar RK, Husain M, Ansari ZA., J Nanosci Nanotechnol. August 1, 2011; 11 (8): 6940-5.

Molecular oncology of lung cancer., Toyooka S, Mitsudomi T, Soh J, Aokage K, Yamane M, Oto T, Kiura K, Miyoshi S., Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. August 1, 2011; 59 (8): 527-37.

Mycosporine-like amino acids are multifunctional molecules in sea hares and their marine community., Kicklighter CE, Kamio M, Nguyen L, Germann MW, Derby CD., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 12, 2011; 108 (28): 11494-9.

Modiolide and pyrone derivatives from the sea fan-derived fungus Curvularia sp. PSU-F22., Trisuwan K, Rukachaisirikul V, Phongpaichit S, Preedanon S, Sakayaroj J., Arch Pharm Res. May 1, 2011; 34 (5): 709-14.

Molecular mechanism underlying phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-induced inhibition of SpIH channels., Flynn GE, Zagotta WN., J Biol Chem. April 29, 2011; 286 (17): 15535-42.                

Mitochondrial gradients and p38 activity in early sea urchin embryos., Modell JW, Bradham CA., Mol Reprod Dev. April 1, 2011; 78 (4): 225.

Monolayer collapse regulating process of adsorption-desorption of palladium nanoparticles at fatty acid monolayers at the air-water interface., Goto TE, Lopez RF, Iost RM, Crespilho FN, Caseli L., Langmuir. March 15, 2011; 27 (6): 2667-75.

Measuring fertilization success of broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates within seagrass meadows., Simon TN, Levitan DR., Biol Bull. February 1, 2011; 220 (1): 32-8.

Modularity of gene-regulatory networks revealed in sea-star development., McDougall C, Degnan BM., BMC Biol. January 31, 2011; 9 6.  

Megafaunal community structure of Andaman seamounts including the Back-arc Basin--a quantitative exploration from the Indian Ocean., Sautya S, Ingole B, Ray D, Stöhr S, Samudrala K, Raju KA, Mudholkar A., PLoS One. January 31, 2011; 6 (1): e16162.                          

microRNA complements in deuterostomes: origin and evolution of microRNAs., Campo-Paysaa F, Sémon M, Cameron RA, Peterson KJ, Schubert M., Evol Dev. January 1, 2011; 13 (1): 15-27.

Mechanism regulating Ca2+-dependent mechanosensory behaviour in sea urchin spermatozoa., Kambara Y, Shiba K, Yoshida M, Sato C, Kitajima K, Shingyoji C., Cell Struct Funct. January 1, 2011; 36 (1): 69-82.

Modified habitats influence kelp epibiota via direct and indirect effects., Marzinelli EM, Underwood AJ, Coleman RA., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (7): e21936.    

Maternal mortality profile in Great ABC region from 1997 to 2005., Tognini S, Garcia ML, Braga AL, Martins LC., Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992). January 1, 2011; 57 (4): 402-7.

Molecular aspects of biomineralization of the echinoderm endoskeleton., Gilbert PU, Wilt FH., Prog Mol Subcell Biol. January 1, 2011; 52 199-223.

Microinjection of Xenopus oocytes., Sive HL, Grainger RM, Harland RM., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. December 1, 2010; 2010 (12): pdb.prot5536.

Microinjection of Xenopus embryos., Sive HL, Grainger RM, Harland RM., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. December 1, 2010; 2010 (12): pdb.ip81.

Molecular systematics of the genus Holothuria in the Mediterranean and Northeastern Atlantic and a molecular clock for the diversification of the Holothuriidae (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)., Borrero-Pérez GH, Gómez-Zurita J, González-Wangüemert M, Marcos C, Pérez-Ruzafa A., Mol Phylogenet Evol. November 1, 2010; 57 (2): 899-906.

Monitoring coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves in Costa Rica (CARICOMP)., Cortés J, Fonseca AC, Nivia-Ruiz J, Nielsen-Muñoz V, Samper-Villarreal J, Salas E, Martínez S, Zamora-Trejos P., Rev Biol Trop. October 1, 2010; 58 Suppl 3 1-22.

Morphological evolution of newly metamorphosed sea urchins--a phylogenetic and functional analysis., Emlet RB., Integr Comp Biol. October 1, 2010; 50 (4): 571-88.

Molecular taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution in the family Stichopodidae (Aspidochirotida: Holothuroidea) based on COI and 16S mitochondrial DNA., Byrne M, Rowe F, Uthicke S., Mol Phylogenet Evol. September 1, 2010; 56 (3): 1068-81.

Molecular characterization and expression analysis of cathepsin L1 cysteine protease from pearl oyster Pinctada fucata., Ma J, Zhang D, Jiang J, Cui S, Pu H, Jiang S., Fish Shellfish Immunol. September 1, 2010; 29 (3): 501-7.

Marine biodiversity of Aotearoa New Zealand., Gordon DP, Beaumont J, MacDiarmid A, Robertson DA, Ahyong ST., PLoS One. August 2, 2010; 5 (8): e10905.          

Morphological maturation level of the esophagus is associated with the number of circumesophageal muscle fibers during archenteron formation in the starfish Patiria (Asterina) pectinifera., Miguchi Y, Takata H, Doihara T, Miyawaki K, Shimokawa T, Hamada F, Kobayashi N, Matsuda S., Biol Bull. August 1, 2010; 219 (1): 12-6.

MTERF factors: a multifunction protein family., Roberti M, Polosa PL, Bruni F, Deceglie S, Gadaleta MN, Cantatore P., Biomol Concepts. August 1, 2010; 1 (2): 215-24.

Multispecies impingement in a tropical power plant, Straits of Malacca., Azila A, Chong VC., Mar Environ Res. July 1, 2010; 70 (1): 13-25.

Macroalgal assemblage type affects predation pressure on sea urchins by altering adhesion strength., Gianguzza P, Bonaviri C, Milisenda G, Barcellona A, Agnetta D, Vega Fernández T, Badalamenti F., Mar Environ Res. July 1, 2010; 70 (1): 82-6.

Mitochondrial genome evolution in Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, and Holothuroidea: insights in phylogenetic relationships of Echinodermata., Perseke M, Bernhard D, Fritzsch G, Brümmer F, Stadler PF, Schlegel M., Mol Phylogenet Evol. July 1, 2010; 56 (1): 201-11.

Multilocus phylogeny and rapid radiations in Neotropical cichlid fishes (Perciformes: Cichlidae: Cichlinae)., López-Fernández H, Winemiller KO, Honeycutt RL., Mol Phylogenet Evol. June 1, 2010; 55 (3): 1070-86.

Membrane wounding triggers ATP release and dysferlin-mediated intercellular calcium signaling., Covian-Nares JF, Koushik SV, Puhl HL, Vogel SS., J Cell Sci. June 1, 2010; 123 (Pt 11): 1884-93.

Microscopic anatomy of the digestive system in normal and regenerating specimens of the brittlestar Amphipholis kochii., Frolova LT, Dolmatov IY., Biol Bull. June 1, 2010; 218 (3): 303-16.

Marine glycobiology: current status and future perspectives., Caldwell GS, Pagett HE., Mar Biotechnol (NY). June 1, 2010; 12 (3): 241-52.

Methodological basis for the optimization of a marine sea-urchin embryo test (SET) for the ecological assessment of coastal water quality., Saco-Alvarez L, Durán I, Ignacio Lorenzo J, Beiras R., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. May 1, 2010; 73 (4): 491-9.

Mixing alternating copolymers containing fluorenyl groups with phospholipids to obtain Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films., Santos TC, Péres LO, Wang SH, Oliveira ON, Caseli L., Langmuir. April 20, 2010; 26 (8): 5869-75.

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