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Sea urchin recruitment patterns and implications of commercial fishing., Tegner MJ, Dayton PK., Science. April 15, 1977; 196 (4287): 324-6.

Specificity of cell-cell interactions in sea urchin embryos. Appearance of new cell-surface determinants at gastrulation., McClay DR, Chambers AF, Warren RH., Dev Biol. April 1, 1977; 56 (2): 343-55.

Studies on the de novo formation of centrioles: aster formation in the activated eggs of sea urchin., Miki-Noumura T., J Cell Sci. April 1, 1977; 24 203-16.

Stimulation of sea urchin DNA polymerase by protein factors. II. Formation of active complex in DNA polymerase reaction., Murakami-Murofushi K, Mano Y., Biochim Biophys Acta. March 18, 1977; 475 (2): 254-66.

Studies on protein synthesis during sea urchin oogenesis. I. Synthesis of histone F2b., Cognetti G, Platz RD, Meistrich ML, Di Liegro I., Cell Differ. March 1, 1977; 5 (5-6): 283-91.

Synthesis and turnover of polysomal mRNAs in sea urchin embryos., Galau GA, Lipson ED, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Cell. March 1, 1977; 10 (3): 415-32.

Studies on the structure and possible function of the RNA "cap" in developing sea urchins., Sconzo G, Roccheri MC, Di Liberto M, Giudice G., Cell Differ. March 1, 1977; 5 (5-6): 323-34.

Sites of action of the KCl-soluble protein in the stimulation of protein synthesis in sea urchin systems., Mano Y, Kano K., J Biochem. March 1, 1977; 81 (3): 757-69.

Sequential biochemical and morphological events during assembly of the fertilization membrane of the sea urchin., Veron M, Foerder C, Eddy EM, Shapiro., Cell. February 1, 1977; 10 (2): 321-8.

Studies on the radial muscle of an echinothuriid sea-urchin, Asthenosoma-I. Mechanical responses to electrical stimulation and drugs., Tsuchiya T, Amemiya S., Comp Biochem Physiol C Comp Pharmacol. January 1, 1977; 57 (1): 69-73.

Some characteristics of two morphological mutants of Nostoc linckia induced by nitrosoguanidine., Ladha JK, Kumar HD., Z Allg Mikrobiol. January 1, 1977; 17 (7): 513-9.

Studies on the distribution, biosynthesis and function of steroidal saponins in echinoderms., Mackie AM, Singh HT, Owen JM., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1977; 56 (1): 9-14.

Sequence organization in animal DNA and a speculation on hnRNA as a coordinate regulatory transcript., Davidson EH, Klein WH, Britten RJ., Dev Biol. January 1, 1977; 55 (1): 69-84.

Study of the translational stability of messenger ribonucleic acids of Lytechinus pictus and HeLa-cell histones injected into Xenopus oocytes [proceedings]., Huez G, Marbaix G, Weinberg E, Gallwitz D, Hubert E, Cleuter Y., Biochem Soc Trans. January 1, 1977; 5 (4): 936-7.

Specific allograft reactivity in the sea star Dermasterias imbricata., Karp RD, Hildemann WH., Transplantation. November 1, 1976; 22 (5): 434-9.

Spindle birefringence of isolated mitotic apparatus: further evidence for two birefringent spindle components., Forer A, Kalnins VI, Zimmerman AM., J Cell Sci. October 1, 1976; 22 (1): 115-31.

Synthesis of the acid-soluble proteins in early cleaving embryos of the sea urchin. Cyclic synthesis of histones., Kano K, Mano Y., J Biochem. September 1, 1976; 80 (3): 625-32.

Sea urchin thymidylate synthetase. Changes of activity during embryonic development., Parisi E, De Petrocellis B., Exp Cell Res. August 1, 1976; 101 (1): 59-62.

Starfish oocyte maturation and reduction of disulfide-bond on oocyte surface., Kishimoto T, Cayer ML, Kanatani H., Exp Cell Res. August 1, 1976; 101 (1): 104-10.

Sea urchin sperm guanylate cyclase. Purification and loss of cooperativity., Garbers DL., J Biol Chem. July 10, 1976; 251 (13): 4071-7.

Single copy DNA and structural gene sequence relationships among four sea urchin species., Angerer RC, Davidson EH, Britten RJ., Chromosoma. July 8, 1976; 56 (3): 213-26.

Scanning electron microscope studies of sea urchin fertilization. I. Eggs with vitelline layers., Tegner MJ, Epel D., J Exp Zool. July 1, 1976; 197 (1): 31-57.

Sequence complexity of the RNA accumulated in oocytes of Arbacia punctulata., Anderson DM, Galau GA, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Dev Biol. July 1, 1976; 51 (1): 138-45.

Sequence analysis and evolution of sea urchin (Lytechinus pictus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) histone H4 messenger RNAs., Grunstein M, Schedl P, Kedes L., J Mol Biol. June 25, 1976; 104 (2): 351-69.

Studies on the role and mode of operation of the very-lysine-rich histones in eukaryote chromatin. Nuclear-magnetic-resonance studies on nucleoprotein and histone phi 1-DNA complexes from marine invertebrate sperm., Puigdoménech P, Martínez P, Palau J, Bradbury EM, Crane-Robinson C., Eur J Biochem. June 1, 1976; 65 (2): 357-63.

Subcellular localizations of guanylate cyclase and 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in sea urchin sperm., Sano M., Biochim Biophys Acta. April 23, 1976; 428 (2): 525-31.

Spermiogenesis in the sea urchins Arbacia lixula and Echinometra locunter (Echinodermata)., da Cruz-Landim C, Beig D., Cytologia (Tokyo). April 1, 1976; 41 (2): 331-44.

Structural gene sets active in embryos and adult tissues of the sea urchin., Galau GA, Klein WH, Davis MM, Wold BJ, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Cell. April 1, 1976; 7 (4): 487-505.

Studies on the regulation of ribosomal RNA synthesis in sea urchin development., Pirrone AM, Roccheri MC, Bellanca V, Acierno P, Giudice G., Dev Biol. April 1, 1976; 49 (2): 311-20.

Spindle birefringence of isolated mitotic apparatus analysed by pressure treatment., Forer A, Zimmerman AM., J Cell Sci. March 1, 1976; 20 (2): 309-27.

Spindle birefringence of isolated mitotic apparatus analysed by treatments with cold, pressure, and diluted isolation medium., Forer A, Zimmerman AM., J Cell Sci. March 1, 1976; 20 (2): 329-39.

Separation and partial characterization of DNA polymerases in sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus eggs., De Petrocellis B, Parisi E, Filosa S, Capasso A., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 9, 1976; 68 (3): 954-60.

Swimming of flagellated microorganisms., Keller JB, Rubinow SI., Biophys J. February 1, 1976; 16 (2 Pt 1): 151-70.

Saponin and sapogenol. XIV. Antifungal glycosides from the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus selenka. (1). Structure of stichopogenin A4, the genuine aglycone of holotoxin A., Kitagawa I, Sugawara T, Yosioka I, Kuriyama K., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). February 1, 1976; 24 (2): 266-74.

Saponin and sapogenol. XV. Antifungal glycosides from the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus selenka. (2). Structures of holotoxin A and holotoxin B., Kitagawa I, Sugawara T, Yosioka I., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). February 1, 1976; 24 (2): 275-84.

Sexual difference in latent period of spawning following injection of the hormone 1-methyladenine in Echinaster (Echinodermata: Asteroidea)., Turner RL., Gen Comp Endocrinol. February 1, 1976; 28 (2): 109-12.

Specificity of beta-D-acetylhexosaminidase from Ophiura sarsi., Artyukov AA, Vafina MG, Molodtsov NV., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1976; 54 (2): 303-5.

Structural effects of mercaptoethanol during mitotic block of sea urchin eggs., Harris P., Exp Cell Res. January 1, 1976; 97 63-73.

Scanning electron microscope studies of the surface of the sea urchin egg., Hagström BE, Lönning S., Protoplasma. January 1, 1976; 87 (4): 281-90.

Seasonal changes in the carotenoids of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus dröbachiensis., Griffiths M, Perrott P., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1976; 55 (3B): 435-41.

Studies on the effects of repetition of insufficient activation with butyric acid and benzimidazole in the sea urchin egg., Uto N, Tsukahara J., Acta Embryol Exp (Palermo). January 1, 1976; (3): 253-66.

Size and sequence homology of masked maternal and embryonic histone messenger RNAs., Lifton RP, Kedes LH., Dev Biol. January 1, 1976; 48 (1): 47-55.

Structural studies on a starfish trypsin., Camacho Z, Brown JR, Kitto GB., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1976; 54 (1): 27-32.

Structural studies on a starfsih trypsin., Camacho Z, Brown JR, Kitto GB., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1976; 54 (1): 27-32.

Stage-specific switches in histone synthesis during embryogenesis of the sea urchin., Cohen LH, Newrock KM, Zweidler A., Science. December 5, 1975; 190 (4218): 994-7.

Specificity of cell adhesion: differences between normal and hybrid sea urchin cells., McClay DR, Hausman RE., Dev Biol. December 1, 1975; 47 (2): 454-60.

Sequence organization of the human genome., Schmid CW, Deininger PL., Cell. November 1, 1975; 6 (3): 345-58.

Spontaneous regression (autoinfarction) of proliferative sickle retinopathy., Nagpal KC, Patrianakos D, Asdourian GK, Goldberg MF, Rabb M, Jampol L., Am J Ophthalmol. November 1, 1975; 80 (5): 885-92.

Studies on the role and mode of operation of the very-lysine-rich histones in eukaryote chromatin. The conformation of phi1 histones from marine invertebrate sperm., Puigdoménech P, Cabré O, Palau J, Bradbury EM, Crane-Robinson C., Eur J Biochem. November 1, 1975; 59 (1): 237-43.

Species-specificity of acrosome reaction and primary gamete binding in echinoids., Summers RG, Hylander BL., Exp Cell Res. November 1, 1975; 96 (1): 63-8.

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