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Activation of oocytes by latrunculin A., Lim D, Lange K, Santella L., FASEB J. July 1, 2002; 16 (9): 1050-6.

A provisional regulatory gene network for specification of endomesoderm in the sea urchin embryo., Davidson EH, Rast JP, Oliveri P, Ransick A, Calestani C, Yuh CH, Minokawa T, Amore G, Hinman V, Arenas-Mena C, Otim O, Brown CT, Livi CB, Lee PY, Revilla R, Schilstra MJ, Clarke PJ, Rust AG, Pan Z, Arnone MI, Rowen L, Cameron RA, McClay DR, Hood L, Bolouri H., Dev Biol. June 1, 2002; 246 (1): 162-90.

A regulatory gene network that directs micromere specification in the sea urchin embryo., Oliveri P, Carrick DM, Davidson EH., Dev Biol. June 1, 2002; 246 (1): 209-28.

A group of deuterostome Ty3/ gypsy-like retrotransposons with Ty1/ copia-like pol-domain orders., Goodwin TJ, Poulter RT., Mol Genet Genomics. June 1, 2002; 267 (4): 481-91.

A case study of human migration and the sea cucumber crisis in the Galapagos Islands., Bremner J, Perez J., Ambio. June 1, 2002; 31 (4): 306-10.

An annotated description of shallow water holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from Cayos Cochinos, Honduras., Hasbún CR, Lawrence AJ., Rev Biol Trop. June 1, 2002; 50 (2): 669-78.

Antioxidant activity of extracts from Euryale ferox seed., Lee SE, Ju EM, Kim JH., Exp Mol Med. May 31, 2002; 34 (2): 100-6.

A flagellar K(+)-dependent Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger keeps Ca(2+) low in sea urchin spermatozoa., Su YH, Vacquier VD., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 14, 2002; 99 (10): 6743-8.

A complement component C3-like protein from the tunicate, Styela plicata., Raftos DA, Nair SV, Robbins J, Newton RA, Peters R., Dev Comp Immunol. May 1, 2002; 26 (4): 307-12.

A glimpse into the molecular entrails of endoderm formation., Stainier DY., Genes Dev. April 15, 2002; 16 (8): 893-907.

A beta-1,3-glucan binding protein from the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon., Sritunyalucksana K, Lee SY, Söderhäll K., Dev Comp Immunol. April 1, 2002; 26 (3): 237-45.

A genomic regulatory network for development., Davidson EH, Rast JP, Oliveri P, Ransick A, Calestani C, Yuh CH, Minokawa T, Amore G, Hinman V, Arenas-Mena C, Otim O, Brown CT, Livi CB, Lee PY, Revilla R, Rust AG, Pan Zj, Schilstra MJ, Clarke PJ, Arnone MI, Rowen L, Cameron RA, McClay DR, Hood L, Bolouri H., Science. March 1, 2002; 295 (5560): 1669-78.

Akt inhibits Myt1 in the signalling pathway that leads to meiotic G2/M-phase transition., Okumura E, Fukuhara T, Yoshida H, Hanada Si S, Kozutsumi R, Mori M, Tachibana K, Kishimoto T., Nat Cell Biol. February 1, 2002; 4 (2): 111-6.

Antifungal steroidal glycosides from the patagonian starfish anasteriasminuta: structure-activity correlations., Chludil HD, Seldes AM, Maier MS., J Nat Prod. February 1, 2002; 65 (2): 153-7.

Axonemal activity relative to the 2D/3D-waveform conversion of the flagellum., Cibert C., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. February 1, 2002; 51 (2): 89-111.

Assortative fertilization and selection at larval stage in the mussels Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis., Bierne N, David P, Boudry P, Bonhomme F., Evolution. February 1, 2002; 56 (2): 292-8.

A trnL-F cpDNA sequence study of the Condamineeae-Rondeletieae-Sipaneeae complex with implications on the phylogeny of the Rubiaceae., Rova JH, Delprete PG, Andersson L, Albert VA., Am J Bot. January 1, 2002; 89 (1): 145-59.

Anti-tumor effect of chemically synthesized sulfolipids based on sea urchin's natural sulfonoquinovosylmonoacylglycerols., Sahara H, Hanashima S, Yamazaki T, Takahashi S, Sugawara F, Ohtani S, Ishikawa M, Mizushina Y, Ohta K, Shimozawa K, Gasa S, Jimbow K, Sakaguchi K, Sato N, Takahashi N., Jpn J Cancer Res. January 1, 2002; 93 (1): 85-92.

Amino acid sequence and carbohydrate-binding analysis of the N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-specific C-type lectin, CEL-I, from the Holothuroidea, Cucumaria echinata., Hatakeyama T, Matsuo N, Shiba K, Nishinohara S, Yamasaki N, Sugawara H, Aoyagi H., Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. January 1, 2002; 66 (1): 157-63.

A rapid method for assessing the suitability of quenching agents for individual biocides as well as combinations., Johnston MD, Lambert RJ, Hanlon GW, Denyer SP., J Appl Microbiol. January 1, 2002; 92 (4): 784-9.

An investigation into the changed physiological state of Vibrio bacteria as a survival mechanism in response to cold temperatures and studies on their sensitivity to heating and freezing., Johnston MD, Brown MH., J Appl Microbiol. January 1, 2002; 92 (6): 1066-77.

A general approach to transform a lake model for one radionuclide (radiocesium) to another (radiostrontium) and critical model tests using data for four Ural lakes contaminated by the fallout from the Kyshtym accident in 1957., Håkanson L, Sazykina TG, Kryshev II., J Environ Radioact. January 1, 2002; 60 (3): 319-50.

Analysis of ligand-receptor interactions from the molecular level to the whole-body level., Manukhin BN., Neurosci Behav Physiol. January 1, 2002; 32 (3): 283-91.

A novel amphioxus cadherin that localizes to epithelial adherens junctions has an unusual domain organization with implications for chordate phylogeny., Oda H, Wada H, Tagawa K, Akiyama-Oda Y, Satoh N, Humphreys T, Zhang S, Tsukita S., Evol Dev. January 1, 2002; 4 (6): 426-34.

Autotomy as a prelude to regeneration in echinoderms., Wilkie IC., Microsc Res Tech. December 15, 2001; 55 (6): 369-96.

A prize for proliferation., Nasmyth K., Cell. December 14, 2001; 107 (6): 689-701.

A constitutive 70 kDa heat-shock protein is localized on the fibres of spindles and asters at metaphase in an ATP-dependent manner: a new chaperone role is proposed., Agueli C, Geraci F, Giudice G, Chimenti L, Cascino D, Sconzo G., Biochem J. December 1, 2001; 360 (Pt 2): 413-9.

Apoptosis in sea urchin oocytes, eggs, and early embryos., Voronina E, Wessel GM., Mol Reprod Dev. December 1, 2001; 60 (4): 553-61.

Approach to sustainable primary health care service delivery for rural and remote South Australia., Taylor J, Blue I, Misan G., Aust J Rural Health. December 1, 2001; 9 (6): 304-10.

Arenibacter gen. nov., new genus of the family flavobacteriaceae and description of a new species, Arenibacter latericius sp. nov., Ivanova EP, Nedashkovskaya OI, Chun J, Lysenko AM, Frolova GM, Svetashev VI, Vysotskii MV, Mikhailov VV, Huq A, Colwell RR., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. November 1, 2001; 51 (Pt 6): 1987-1995.

A phase I study of aerosolized administration of tgAAVCF to cystic fibrosis subjects with mild lung disease., Aitken ML, Moss RB, Waltz DA, Dovey ME, Tonelli MR, McNamara SC, Gibson RL, Ramsey BW, Carter BJ, Reynolds TC., Hum Gene Ther. October 10, 2001; 12 (15): 1907-16.

An RGDS peptide-binding receptor, FR-1R, localizes to the basal side of the ectoderm and to primary mesenchyme cells in sand dollar embryos., Katow H, Sofuku S., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 2001; 43 (5): 601-10.

A sustained increase in intracellular Ca(2+) is required for the acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm., González-Martínez MT, Galindo BE, de De La Torre L, Zapata O, Rodríguez E, Florman HM, Darszon A., Dev Biol. August 1, 2001; 236 (1): 220-9.

A case of jellyfish sting., Lee NS, Wu ML, Tsai WJ, Deng JF., Vet Hum Toxicol. August 1, 2001; 43 (4): 203-5.

A kinetic analysis of calcium-triggered exocytosis., Blank PS, Vogel SS, Malley JD, Zimmerberg J., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 2001; 118 (2): 145-56.   

Assessment of sediment contamination by spermiotoxicity and embryotoxicity bioassays with sea urchins (Paracentrotus lividus) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas)., Geffard O, Budzinski H, Augagneur S, Seaman MN, His E., Environ Toxicol Chem. July 1, 2001; 20 (7): 1605-11.

An invertebrate model of the developmental neurotoxicity of insecticides: effects of chlorpyrifos and dieldrin in sea urchin embryos and larvae., Buznikov GA, Nikitina LA, Bezuglov VV, Lauder JM, Padilla S, Slotkin TA., Environ Health Perspect. July 1, 2001; 109 (7): 651-61.

A large-scale analysis of mRNAs expressed by primary mesenchyme cells of the sea urchin embryo., Zhu X, Mahairas G, Illies M, Cameron RA, Davidson EH, Ettensohn CA., Development. July 1, 2001; 128 (13): 2615-27.

A TPR motif cofactor contributes to p300 activity in the p53 response., Demonacos C, Krstic-Demonacos M, La Thangue NB., Mol Cell. July 1, 2001; 8 (1): 71-84.

A large-scale categorization of sites in San Francisco Bay, USA, based on the sediment quality triad, toxicity identification evaluations, and gradient studies., Hunt JW, Anderson BS, Phillips BM, Tjeerdema RS, Taberski KM, Wilson CJ, Puckett HM, Stephenson M, Fairey R, Oakden J., Environ Toxicol Chem. June 1, 2001; 20 (6): 1252-65.

An insulator element from the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus suppresses variation in transgene expression in cultured tobacco cells., Nagaya S, Yoshida K, Kato K, Akasaka K, Shinmyo A., Mol Genet Genomics. May 1, 2001; 265 (3): 405-13.

A study of helical and planar waves on sea urchin sperm flagella, with a theory of how they are generated., Woolley DM, Vernon GG., J Exp Biol. April 1, 2001; 204 (Pt 7): 1333-45.

A viral double-stranded RNA up regulates the fungal virulence of Nectria radicicola., Ahn IP, Lee YH., Mol Plant Microbe Interact. April 1, 2001; 14 (4): 496-507.

A sperm cell toxicity test procedure for the Mediterranean species Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)., Volpi Ghirardini A, Arizzi Novelli A., Environ Technol. April 1, 2001; 22 (4): 439-45.

A mammalian radial spokehead-like gene, RSHL1, at the myotonic dystrophy-1 locus., Eriksson M, Ansved T, Anvret M, Carey N., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. March 9, 2001; 281 (4): 835-41.

Application of the transition state theory to water transport across cell membranes., Sogami M, Era S, Murakami M, Seo Y, Watari H, Uyesaka N., Biochim Biophys Acta. March 9, 2001; 1511 (1): 42-8.

A mammalian oocyte-specific linker histone gene H1oo: homology with the genes for the oocyte-specific cleavage stage histone (cs-H1) of sea urchin and the B4/H1M histone of the frog., Tanaka M, Hennebold JD, Macfarlane J, Adashi EY., Development. March 1, 2001; 128 (5): 655-64.

Axonemal beta heavy chain dynein DNAH9: cDNA sequence, genomic structure, and investigation of its role in primary ciliary dyskinesia., Bartoloni L, Blouin JL, Maiti AK, Sainsbury A, Rossier C, Gehrig C, She JX, Marron MP, Lander ES, Meeks M, Chung E, Armengot M, Jorissen M, Scott HS, Delozier-Blanchet CD, Gardiner RM, Antonarakis SE., Genomics. February 15, 2001; 72 (1): 21-33.

A new model for nuclear envelope breakdown., Terasaki M, Campagnola P, Rolls MM, Stein PA, Ellenberg J, Hinkle B, Slepchenko B., Mol Biol Cell. February 1, 2001; 12 (2): 503-10.

A comparative study of asymmetric migration events across a marine biogeographic boundary., Wares JP, Gaines SD, Cunningham CW., Evolution. February 1, 2001; 55 (2): 295-306.

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