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Sea urchin sperm head plasma membranes: characteristics and egg jelly induced Ca2+ and Na+ uptake., García-Soto J, Mourelle M, Vargas I, de De la Torre L, Ramírez E, López-Colomé AM, Darszon A., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 15, 1988; 944 (1): 1-12.

Sea-urchin RNAs displaying differences in developmental regulation and in complementarity to a collagen exon probe., Nemer M, Harlow P., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 7, 1988; 950 (3): 445-9.

Stimulus-secretion coupling: a perspective highlighting the contributions of Peter Baker., Rink TJ, Knight DE., J Exp Biol. September 1, 1988; 139 1-30.

Synthesis and turnover of late H2B histone mRNA in developing embryos of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Ito M, Bell J, Lyons G, Maxson R., Dev Biol. September 1, 1988; 129 (1): 147-58.

Starfish Saponins, Part 35. Two Novel Steroidal Xyloside Sulfates from the Starfish Marthasterias glacialis., Riccio R, Greco OS, Minale L., J Nat Prod. September 1, 1988; 51 (5): 989-92.

Starfish Saponins, Part 36. Steroidal Oligoglycosides from the Pacific Starfish Thromidia catalai., Riccio R, Greco OS, Minale L, La Barre S, Laurent D., J Nat Prod. September 1, 1988; 51 (5): 1003-5.

Spec2 genes of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Structure and differential expression in embryonic aboral ectoderm cells., Hardin PE, Angerer LM, Hardin SH, Angerer RC, Klein WH., J Mol Biol. August 5, 1988; 202 (3): 417-31.

Some properties of the membrane currents underlying the fertilization potential in sea urchin eggs., David C, Halliwell J, Whitaker M., J Physiol. August 1, 1988; 402 139-54.

Stress proteins by zinc ions in sea urchin embryos., Roccheri MC, La Rosa M, Ferraro MG, Cantone M, Cascino D, Giudice G, Sconzo G., Cell Differ. August 1, 1988; 24 (3): 209-13.

Stabilization of tubulin mRNA by inhibition of protein synthesis in sea urchin embryos., Gong ZY, Brandhorst BP., Mol Cell Biol. August 1, 1988; 8 (8): 3518-25.

Structure and expression of an actin gene of Physarum polycephalum., Gonzalez-y-Merchand JA, Cox RA., J Mol Biol. July 5, 1988; 202 (1): 161-8.

Structural modifications induced by TPA (12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate) in sea urchin eggs., Ciapa B, Crossley I, De Renzis G., Dev Biol. July 1, 1988; 128 (1): 142-9.

Synergistic actions of disulfide-reducing agents on 1-methyladenine-induced oocyte maturation in starfish., Yoshikuni M, Ishikawa K, Isobe M, Goto T, Nagahama Y., Dev Biol. July 1, 1988; 128 (1): 236-9.

Skeletogenesis in the sea urchin embryo., Decker GL, Lennarz WJ., Development. June 1, 1988; 103 (2): 231-47.

Structure of an unusual sea urchin U1 RNA gene cluster., Nash MA, Marzluff WF., Gene. April 15, 1988; 64 (1): 53-63.

Structural and functional characterization of mouse U7 small nuclear RNA active in 3' processing of histone pre-mRNA., Soldati D, Schümperli D., Mol Cell Biol. April 1, 1988; 8 (4): 1518-24.

Stimulation of Protein Synthesis in the Mitochondria of Sea Urchin Embryos before Gastrulation: (protein synthesis/sea urchin embryo/mitochondria/peptide elongation factor/mitosol)., Kawashima T, Nakazawa T., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 1988; 30 (2): 137-145.

Sequence specificity of DNA cleavage by bis(1,10-phenanthroline)copper(I)., Veal JM, Rill RL., Biochemistry. March 22, 1988; 27 (6): 1822-7.

Specific binding of lectins with the nucleus of the sea urchin embryo and changes in the lectin affinity of the embryonic chromatin during the course of development., Kinoshita S, Yoshii K, Tonegawa Y., Exp Cell Res. March 1, 1988; 175 (1): 148-57.

Specific contacts between mammalian U7 snRNA and histone precursor RNA are indispensable for the in vitro 3' RNA processing reaction., Cotten M, Gick O, Vasserot A, Schaffner G, Birnstiel ML., EMBO J. March 1, 1988; 7 (3): 801-8.

Sea Urchin Massacre Is a Natural Experiment: Major influences on community composition are often difficult to determine, but a massive natural experiment in the Caribbean has thrown some light on one case., Lewin R., Science. February 19, 1988; 239 (4842): 867.

Sequence of cDNAs for mammalian H2A.Z, an evolutionarily diverged but highly conserved basal histone H2A isoprotein species., Hatch CL, Bonner WM., Nucleic Acids Res. February 11, 1988; 16 (3): 1113-24.

Sulfhydryl groups are involved in the activation of sea urchin eggs., Dale B, Russo P., Gamete Res. February 1, 1988; 19 (2): 161-8.

Selective visualization of gene structure with ultraviolet light., Wang Z, Becker MM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 1, 1988; 85 (3): 654-8.

Sequence and properties of the message encoding Tetrahymena hv1, a highly evolutionarily conserved histone H2A variant that is associated with active genes., White EM, Shapiro DL, Allis CD, Gorovsky MA., Nucleic Acids Res. January 11, 1988; 16 (1): 179-98.

Storage and mobilization of extracellular matrix proteins during sea urchin development., Alliegro MC, McClay DR., Dev Biol. January 1, 1988; 125 (1): 208-16.

Studies on Holothuria polii (Echinodermata) coelomocyte lysate. II. Isolation of coelomocyte hemolysins., Canicatti C, Ciulla D., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1988; 12 (1): 55-63.

Synonymous nucleotide substitution rates of beta-tubulin and histone genes conform to high overall genomic rates in rodents but not in sea urchins., Harlow P, Litwin S, Nemer M., J Mol Evol. January 1, 1988; 27 (1): 56-64.

Spatially deranged though temporally correct expression of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus actin gene fusion in transgenic embryos of a different sea urchin family., Franks RR, Hough-Evans BR, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Genes Dev. January 1, 1988; 2 (1): 1-12.

Starfish acrosomal acid phosphatase: a cytochemical and biochemical study., Sousa M, Moradas Ferreira P, Amorim A, Azevedo C., Biol Cell. January 1, 1988; 63 (1): 101-4.

Swimming behaviour of the unicellular biflagellate Oxyrrhis marina: in vivo and in vitro movement of the two flagella., Cosson J, Cachon M, Cachon J, Cosson MP., Biol Cell. January 1, 1988; 63 (2): 117-26.

Stimulation of sea star Asterias rubens axial organ B-like cells by Nocardia-delipidated cell mitogen and derived fractions., Leclerc M, Bahmaoud T, Brillouet C, Tlaskalová-Hogenová H, Petit JF, Barot-Ciorbaru R., Folia Biol (Praha). January 1, 1988; 34 (3): 182-91.

Subcellular localization of DNA polymerase gamma and changes in its activity in sea urchin embryos., Shioda M., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1988; 91 (3): 525-30.

Spermidine in mammalian lymphocytes and sea urchin embryos: uptake and labeling of macromolecules., Canellakis ZN., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 1988; 250 423-34.

Some more speract derivatives associated with eggs of sea urchins, Pseudocentrotus depressus, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Anthocidaris crassispina., Suzuki N, Kajiura H, Nomura K, Garbers DL, Yoshino K, Kurita M, Tanaka H, Yamaguchi M., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1988; 89 (4): 687-93.

Spec3: embryonic expression of a sea urchin gene whose product is involved in ectodermal ciliogenesis., Eldon ED, Angerer LM, Angerer RC, Klein WH., Genes Dev. December 1, 1987; 1 (10): 1280-92.

Stimulation of tubulin gene transcription by deciliation of sea urchin embryos., Gong ZY, Brandhorst BP., Mol Cell Biol. December 1, 1987; 7 (12): 4238-46.

Stage-specific expression of beta-1, 3-glucanase in sea urchin embryos and hybrids., Peeler MT, Chambers SA, Wang CY, McClay DR., J Exp Zool. November 1, 1987; 244 (2): 215-22.

Synthesis and conformation of the amino-terminal hexapeptide of histone H2B from gonads of the starfish Asterias rubens., Helbecque N, Bernier JL, Hénichart JP, Martinage A, Sautière P., Int J Pept Protein Res. November 1, 1987; 30 (5): 689-94.

Studies on Unequal Cleavage in Sea Urchins III. Micromere Formation under Compression: (equal division/unequal division/micromere formation/Hertwig's rule/Balfour's rule)., Dan K., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 1987; 29 (5): 503-515.

Single-channel activity in sea urchin sperm revealed by the patch-clamp technique., Guerrero A, Sánchez JA, Darszon A., FEBS Lett. August 17, 1987; 220 (2): 295-8.

Sea urchin actin gene linkages determined by genetic segregation., Minor JE, Lee JJ, Akhurst RJ, Leahy PS, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Dev Biol. July 1, 1987; 122 (1): 291-5.

Substructure of sea urchin egg cytoplasmic dynein., Hisanaga S, Hirokawa N., J Mol Biol. June 20, 1987; 195 (4): 919-27.

Starfish oocyte maturation: 1-methyladenine triggers a drop of cAMP concentration related to the hormone-dependent period., Meijer L, Zarutskie P., Dev Biol. June 1, 1987; 121 (2): 306-15.

Sea urchin testicular cells evaluated by fluorescence microscopy of unfixed tissue., Simpson MV, Poccia D., Gamete Res. June 1, 1987; 17 (2): 131-44.

Sea urchin maternal and embryonic U1 RNAs are spatially segregated in early embryos., Nash MA, Kozak SE, Angerer LM, Angerer RC, Schatten H, Schatten G, Marzluff WF., J Cell Biol. May 1, 1987; 104 (5): 1133-42.

Structure and organization of the CyIII actin gene subfamily of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Akhurst RJ, Calzone FJ, Lee JJ, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., J Mol Biol. March 20, 1987; 194 (2): 193-203.

Sea urchin prosome: characterization and changes during development., Akhayat O, Grossi de Sa F, Infante AA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 1, 1987; 84 (6): 1595-9.

Structure of A-DNA in solution., Charney E, Chen HH., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 1, 1987; 84 (6): 1546-9.

Structure and mass analysis of 12S and 19S dynein obtained from bull sperm flagella., Marchese-Ragona SP, Gagnon C, White D, Isles MB, Johnson KA., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. January 1, 1987; 8 (4): 368-74.

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