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Such hydrophobic peptides as dansylated mastoparan can elevate the fertilization membrane of sea urchin eggs., Saito K, Imoto M, Nagano N, Toriyama M, Nakajima T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 24, 1995; 215 (3): 828-34.

Specific modulation of cyclic ADP-ribose-induced Ca2+ release by polyamines., Chini EN, Beers KW, Chini CC, Dousa TP., Am J Physiol. October 1, 1995; 269 (4 Pt 1): C1042-7.

Sea urchin zygote chromatin exhibit an unfolded nucleosomal array during the first S phase., Imschenetzky M, Puchi M, Gutierrez S, Montecino M., J Cell Biochem. October 1, 1995; 59 (2): 161-7.

Sea urchin fertilization stimulates CaM kinase-II (multifunctional [type II] Ca2+ /CaM kinase) activity and association with p34cdc2., Tombes RM, Peppers LS., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 1995; 37 (5): 589-596.

Structural analysis of monomeric hemichrome and dimeric cyanomet hemoglobins from Caudina arenicola., Mitchell DT, Kitto GB, Hackert ML., J Mol Biol. August 18, 1995; 251 (3): 421-31.

Selective inhibition of gastrulation in the starfish embryo by albuside B, an inosine analogue., Shimizu T, Hamada K, Isomura H, Myotoishi Y, Ikegami S, Kaneko H, Dan-Sohkawa M., FEBS Lett. August 7, 1995; 369 (2-3): 221-4.

Subfossil Indri indri from the Ankarana Massif of northern Madagascar., Jungers WL, Godfrey LR, Simons EL, Chatrath PS., Am J Phys Anthropol. August 1, 1995; 97 (4): 357-66.

Stimulation of Xenopus oocyte maturation by inhibition of the G-protein alpha S subunit, a component of the plasma membrane and yolk platelet membranes., Gallo CJ, Hand AR, Jones TL, Jaffe LA., J Cell Biol. July 1, 1995; 130 (2): 275-84.

Structure of the extraembryonic matrices around the benthic embryos of Patiriella exigua (Asteroidea) and their roles in benthic development: Comparison with the planktonic embryos of Patiriella regularis., Cerra A, Byrne M., J Morphol. July 1, 1995; 225 (1): 77-89.

SpGCF1, a sea urchin embryo DNA-binding protein, exists as five nested variants encoded by a single mRNA., Zeller RW, Coffman JA, Harrington MG, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Dev Biol. June 1, 1995; 169 (2): 713-27.

Sea urchin ovoperoxidase: solubilization and isolation from the fertilization envelope, some structural and functional properties, and degradation by hatching enzyme., Nomura K, Suzuki N., Arch Biochem Biophys. June 1, 1995; 319 (2): 525-34.

Sensitization of calcium-induced calcium release by cyclic ADP-ribose and calmodulin., Lee HC, Aarhus R, Graeff RM., J Biol Chem. April 21, 1995; 270 (16): 9060-6.

Structure, expression, and extracellular targeting of PM27, a skeletal protein associated specifically with growth of the sea urchin larval spicule., Harkey MA, Klueg K, Sheppard P, Raff RA., Dev Biol. April 1, 1995; 168 (2): 549-66.

Spatial regulation of SpMTA metallothionein gene expression in sea urchin embryos by a regulatory cassette in intron 1., Nemer M, Stuebing EW, Bai G, Parker HR., Mech Dev. April 1, 1995; 50 (2-3): 131-7.

SpZ12-1, a negative regulator required for spatial control of the territory-specific CyIIIa gene in the sea urchin embryo., Wang DG, Kirchhamer CV, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Development. April 1, 1995; 121 (4): 1111-22.

Studies on the translocation of the amino terminus of apolipoprotein B into the endoplasmic reticulum., Pease RJ, Leiper JM, Harrison GB, Scott J., J Biol Chem. March 31, 1995; 270 (13): 7261-71.

Sea urchins--a new model for PAF research in embryology., Berdyshev EV, Vaskovsky VE, Vaschenko MA., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. March 1, 1995; 110 (3): 629-32.

Smoking. Just a reminder...., Walley M., Health Visit. March 1, 1995; 68 (3): 116.

Spatiotemporal relationships among early events of fertilization in sea urchin eggs revealed by multiview microscopy., Suzuki K, Tanaka Y, Nakajima Y, Hirano K, Itoh H, Miyata H, Hayakawa T, Kinosita K., Biophys J. March 1, 1995; 68 (3): 739-48.

Structure and evolution of CyI cytoplasmic actin-encoding genes in the indirect- and direct-developing sea urchins Heliocidaris tuberculata and Heliocidaris erythrogramma., Hahn JH, Kissinger JC, Raff RA., Gene. February 14, 1995; 153 (2): 219-24.

Structure, function and biosynthesis of sperm-activating peptides and fucose sulfate glycoconjugate in the extracellular coat of sea urchin eggs., Suzuki N., Zoolog Sci. February 1, 1995; 12 (1): 13-27.

Spiculogenesis in the sea urchin embryo: Studies on the SM30 spicule matrix protein., Brown MF, Partin JS, Killian CE, Lennarz WJ., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 1995; 37 (1): 69-78.

Starfish saponins, Part 53. A reinvestigation of the polar steroids from the starfish Oreaster reticulatus: isolation of sixteen steroidal oligoglycosides and six polyhydroxysteroids., Iorizzi M, Bifulco G, de Riccardis F, Minale L, Riccio R, Zollo F., J Nat Prod. January 1, 1995; 58 (1): 10-26.

Sperm-binding proteins., Foltz KR., Int Rev Cytol. January 1, 1995; 163 249-303.

Structure of histone H2B and H4 genes of the sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa., Drabent B, Louroutziatis A, Prats E, Cornudella L, Doenecke D., DNA Seq. January 1, 1995; 6 (1): 41-5.

Sea urchin microtubules., Suprenant KA, Foltz Daggett MA., Curr Top Dev Biol. January 1, 1995; 31 65-99.

Structurally divergent histone H1 variants in chromosomes containing highly condensed interphase chromatin., Schulze E, Nagel S, Gavenis K, Grossbach U., J Cell Biol. December 1, 1994; 127 (6 Pt 2): 1789-98.

Sperm and its soluble extract cause transient increases in intracellular calcium concentration and in membrane potential of sea urchin zygotes., Osawa M, Takemoto K, Kikuyama M, Uchiyama H, Hiramoto Y, Kuroda H., Dev Biol. November 1, 1994; 166 (1): 268-76.

Stages leading to and following fusion of sperm and egg plasma membranes., Longo FJ, Cook S, McCulloh DH, Ivonnet PI, Chambers EL., Zygote. November 1, 1994; 2 (4): 317-31.

Sperm activation in species with external fertilisation., Tosti E., Zygote. November 1, 1994; 2 (4): 359-61.

Selective inhibition of exoplasmic membrane fusion in echinoderm gametes with jaspisin, a novel antihatching substance isolated from a marine sponge., Ikegami S, Kobayashi H, Myotoishi Y, Ohta S, Kato KH., J Biol Chem. September 16, 1994; 269 (37): 23262-7.

Sulfated fucans from echinoderms have a regular tetrasaccharide repeating unit defined by specific patterns of sulfation at the 0-2 and 0-4 positions., Mulloy B, Ribeiro AC, Alves AP, Vieira RP, Mourão PA., J Biol Chem. September 2, 1994; 269 (35): 22113-23.

Sperm chemotaxis: egg peptides control cytosolic calcium to regulate flagellar responses., Cook SP, Brokaw CJ, Muller CH, Babcock DF., Dev Biol. September 1, 1994; 165 (1): 10-9.

Structure of cucumarioside G2, a novel nonholostane glycoside from the sea cucumber Eupentacta fraudatrix., Avilov SA, Kalinin VI, Makarieva TN, Stonik VA, Kalinovsky AI, Rashkes YW, Milgrom YM., J Nat Prod. August 1, 1994; 57 (8): 1166-71.

Structural changes in the endoplasmic reticulum of starfish oocytes during meiotic maturation and fertilization., Jaffe LA, Terasaki M., Dev Biol. August 1, 1994; 164 (2): 579-87.

Seasonal variations in the production of the egg-jelly macromolecule, a fucose sulphate glycoconjugate, by the accessory cells in the ovary of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus., Abe H, Kinoh H, Suzuki N., Rouxs Arch Dev Biol. August 1, 1994; 203 (7-8): 402-410.

SYMMETRY, LOCOMOTION, AND THE EVOLUTION OF AN ANTERIOR END: A LESSON FROM SEA URCHINS., Grabowsky GL., Evolution. August 1, 1994; 48 (4): 1130-1146.

Small Size, Brooding, and Protandry in the Apodid Sea Cucumber Leptosynapta clarki., Sewell MA., Biol Bull. August 1, 1994; 187 (1): 112-123.

Several Cell Responses to Insulin of Cultured Cells Derived from Micromeres, Isolated from Sea Urchin Embryos at the 16 Cell Stage: (Sea urchin/development/morphogenesis/insulin/micromere)., Kuno SI, Mitsunaga-Nakatsubo K, Nagura T, Fujiwara A, Yasumasu I., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 1994; 36 (4): 397-408.

Spatial distribution of two maternal messengers in Paracentrotus lividus during oogenesis and embryogenesis., Di Carlo M, Romancino DP, Montana G, Ghersi G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 7, 1994; 91 (12): 5622-6.

Starfish saponins, Part 2. Steroidal oligoglycosides from the starfish Cosmasterias lurida., Roccatagliata AJ, Maier MS, Seldes AM, Iorizzi M, Minale L., J Nat Prod. June 1, 1994; 57 (6): 747-54.

Sea star factor blocks development of T-dependent antibody secreting clones by preventing lymphokine secretion., Kerlin RL, Cebra JJ, Weinstein PD, Prendergast RA., Cell Immunol. June 1, 1994; 156 (1): 62-76.

Sperm-egg fusion in the sea urchin is blocked in Mg(2+)-free seawater., Mohri H, Hamaguchi Y, Hamaguchi MS, Sano K, Shirakawa H, Nakada K, Miyazaki S., Zygote. May 1, 1994; 2 (2): 149-57.

Synergistic calcium release in the sea urchin egg by ryanodine and cyclic ADP ribose., Buck WR, Hoffmann EE, Rakow TL, Shen SS., Dev Biol. May 1, 1994; 163 (1): 1-10.

Soluble sperm extract triggers inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release in the oocytes of the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina., Osawa M., Cell Struct Funct. April 1, 1994; 19 (2): 73-80.

Skeletal pattern is specified autonomously by the primary mesenchyme cells in sea urchin embryos., Armstrong N, McClay DR., Dev Biol. April 1, 1994; 162 (2): 329-38.

Speract receptors are localized on sea urchin sperm flagella using a fluorescent peptide analog., Cardullo RA, Herrick SB, Peterson MJ, Dangott LJ., Dev Biol. April 1, 1994; 162 (2): 600-7.

Small-Scale Dispersion of Eggs and Sperm of the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci) in a Shallow Coral Reef Habitat., Benzie JAH, Black KP, Moran PJ, Dixon P., Biol Bull. April 1, 1994; 186 (2): 153-167.

Sequence analysis of the Chlamydomonas alpha and beta dynein heavy chain genes., Mitchell DR, Brown KS., J Cell Sci. March 1, 1994; 107 ( Pt 3) 635-44.

Structural analysis of sulfated fucans by high-field NMR., Mulloy B, Ribeiro AC, Vieira RP, Mourão PA., Braz J Med Biol Res. February 1, 1994; 27 (2): 515-21.

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