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Metabolism of sea urchin sperm. Interrelationships between intracellular pH, ATPase activity, and mitochondrial respiration., Christen R, Schackmann RW, Shapiro BM., J Biol Chem. May 10, 1983; 258 (9): 5392-9.

Mitochondrial DNA sequences in the nuclear genome of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Jacobs HT, Posakony JW, Grula JW, Roberts JW, Xin JH, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., J Mol Biol. April 25, 1983; 165 (4): 609-32.

Morphogenetic effects of evans blue and of zinc ions in embryos of Lytechinus variegatus., O'Melia AF., Experientia. March 15, 1983; 39 (3): 319-20.

Modification of flagellar waveform and adenosine triphosphatase activity in reactivated sea-urchin sperm treated with N-ethylmaleimide., Cosson MP, Tang WJ, Gibbons IR., J Cell Sci. March 1, 1983; 60 231-49.

Mobilization of maternal mRNA in amphibian eggs with special reference to the possible role of membraneous supramolecular structures., Shiokawa K., FEBS Lett. January 24, 1983; 151 (2): 179-84.

Microinjection of Lucifer yellow CH into sea urchin eggs and embryos., Pochapin MB, Sanger JM, Sanger JW., Cell Tissue Res. January 1, 1983; 234 (2): 309-18.

Message-specific sequestration of maternal histone mRNA in the sea urchin egg., Showman RM, Wells DE, Anstrom J, Hursh DA, Raff RA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 1, 1982; 79 (19): 5944-7.

Modifier role of internal H+ in activating the Na+-H+ exchanger in renal microvillus membrane vesicles., Aronson PS, Nee J, Suhm MA., Nature. September 9, 1982; 299 (5879): 161-3.

Molecular biology of the sea urchin embryo., Davidson EH, Hough-Evans BR, Britten RJ., Science. July 2, 1982; 217 (4554): 17-26.

Mechanism of univalent antisperm antibody inhibition of fertilization in the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata., Saling PM, Eckberg WR, Metz CB., J Exp Zool. May 20, 1982; 221 (1): 93-9.

Mechanochemical coupling in the relaxation of rigor-wave sea urchin sperm flagella., Penningroth SM, Cheung A, Olehnik K, Koslosky R., J Cell Biol. March 1, 1982; 92 (3): 733-41.

Mechanisms of G6PD isozyme pattern changes at fertilization., Barber ML, Kolan DM, Yabuta C, Nielsen B., J Exp Zool. February 20, 1982; 219 (3): 369-76.

Models for oscillation and bend propagation by flagella., Brokaw CJ., Symp Soc Exp Biol. January 1, 1982; 35 313-38.

Moderately repetitive DNA in evolution., Bouchard RA., Int Rev Cytol. January 1, 1982; 76 113-93.

Microtubule sliding in reactivated flagella., Takahashi K, Shingyoji C, Kamimura S., Symp Soc Exp Biol. January 1, 1982; 35 159-77.

Mitotic spindles isolated from sea urchin eggs with EGTA lysis buffers., Salmon ED., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 1982; 25 Pt B 69-105.

Mechanical properties of sperm flagella., Ishijima S, Hiramoto Y., Prog Clin Biol Res. January 1, 1982; 80 149-52.

Monoclonal antibodies to tubulin and their effects on the movement of reactivated sea urchin spermatozoa., Asai DJ, Brokaw CJ, Harmon RC, Wilson L., Prog Clin Biol Res. January 1, 1982; 80 175-80.

Membrane fluidity changes accompany activation of sea urchin eggs., Scandella C, Campisi J, Elhai J, Selak M., Biophys J. January 1, 1982; 37 (1): 16-8.

Microinjection of echinoderm eggs: apparatus and procedures., Kiehart DP., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 1982; 25 Pt B 13-31.

Melittin, a Component of Bee Venom, Activates Unfertilized Sea Urchin Eggs: (melittin/activation/sea urchin egg)., Shimada H, Terayama H, Fujiwara A, Yasumasu I., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 1982; 24 (1): 7-16.

Most sea urchin maternal mRNA sequences in every abundance class appear in both polyadenylated and nonpolyadenylated molecules., Duncan R, Humphreys T., Dev Biol. December 1, 1981; 88 (2): 201-10.

Multiple oligo(A) tracts associated with inactive sea urchin maternal mRNA sequences., Duncan R, Humphreys T., Dev Biol. December 1, 1981; 88 (2): 211-9.

Modulation of nucleosome structure by histone subtypes in sea urchin embryos., Simpson RT., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 1, 1981; 78 (11): 6803-7.

Membrane potential depolarization and increased intracellular pH accompany the acrosome reaction of sea urchin sperm., Schackmann RW, Christen R, Shapiro BM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 1, 1981; 78 (10): 6066-70.

Mössbauer spectroscopy of iron-containing dermal granules from Molpadia intermedia., Ofer S, Papaefthymiou GC, Frankel RB, Lowenstam HA., Biochim Biophys Acta. August 17, 1981; 676 (2): 199-204.

Microfilament-mediated surface change in starfish oocytes in response to 1-methyladenine: implications for identifying the pathway and receptor sites for maturation-inducing hormones., Schroeder TE., J Cell Biol. August 1, 1981; 90 (2): 362-71.

Motility of basal fragments of sea urchin sperm flagella., Goldstein SF., J Cell Sci. August 1, 1981; 50 65-77.

Maturation and fertilization of the sea urchin oocyte: an electrophysiological study., Dale B, de Santis A., Dev Biol. July 30, 1981; 85 (2): 474-84.

Monocistronic transcription is the physiological mechanism of sea urchin embryonic histone gene expression., Mauron A, Levy S, Childs G, Kedes L., Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 1981; 1 (7): 661-71.

Mechanisms of selective signalling by calcium. Based on an NRP Work Session., , Neurosci Res Program Bull. June 1, 1981; 19 (3): 213-328.

Morphological features of the surface of the sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata) egg: oolemma-cortical granule association., Longo FJ., Dev Biol. May 1, 1981; 84 (1): 173-82.

Molecular structure of maternal RNA., Thomas TL, Posakony JW, Anderson DM, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Chromosoma. January 1, 1981; 84 (3): 319-35.

Microtubule sliding in cilia of the rabbit trachea and oviduct., Dirksen ER, Zeira M., Cell Motil. January 1, 1981; 1 (2): 247-60.

Measurement of intracellular pH in sea urchin eggs by 31P NMR., Inoue H, Yoshioka T., J Cell Physiol. December 1, 1980; 105 (3): 461-8.

Movement of spermatozoa in viscous environments., Pate EF, Brokaw CJ., J Exp Biol. October 1, 1980; 88 395-7.

Methylation of nuclear proteins during early embryogenesis in sea urchin., Branno M, Tosi L., Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper. September 15, 1980; 56 (17): 1778-84.

Message sequences and short repetitive sequences are interspersed in sea urchin egg poly(A)+ RNAs., Costantini FD, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Nature. September 11, 1980; 287 (5778): 111-7.

Messenger RNA prevalence in sea urchin embryos measured with cloned cDNAs., Lasky LA, Lev Z, Xin JH, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 1, 1980; 77 (9): 5317-21.

Molecular evolution of mRNA: a method for estimating evolutionary rates of synonymous and amino acid substitutions from homologous nucleotide sequences and its application., Miyata T, Yasunaga T., J Mol Evol. September 1, 1980; 16 (1): 23-36.

Maize histone H1: a partial structural characterization., Hurley CK, Stout JT., Biochemistry. February 5, 1980; 19 (3): 410-6.

Method for observing the interior of biological specimens by scanning electron microscopy., Eakin RM, Brandenburger JL., Mikroskopie. February 1, 1980; 36 (1-2): 33-4.

MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE SPERMATOZOA OF ECHINOTHURID SEA URCHINS., Amemiya S, Suyemitsu T, Uemura I., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 1980; 22 (3): 327-335.


MAGNESIUM ION-REQUIRING STEP IN FERTILIZATION OF SEA URCHINS., Sano K, Usui N, Ueki K, Mohri T, Mohri H., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 1980; 22 (3): 531-541.

MARKED DECREASE IN THE RIGIDITY OF STARFISH OOCYTES INDUCED BY 1-METHYLADENINE1., Nemoto SI, Yoneda M, Uemura I., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 1980; 22 (3): 315-325.

Membrane response to 1-methyladenine requires the presence of the nucleus., Dale B, de Santis A, Hoshi M., Nature. November 1, 1979; 282 (5734): 89-90.

Membrane fusion during secretion: cortical granule exocytosis in sex urchin eggs as studied by quick-freezing and freeze-fracture., Chandler DE, Heuser J., J Cell Biol. October 1, 1979; 83 (1): 91-108.

Messenger ribonucleoprotein particles in developing sea urchin embryos., Young EM, Raff RA., Dev Biol. September 1, 1979; 72 (1): 24-40.

Methylation of DNA in developing embryos of the sea urchin Psammechinus miliaris., Baur R, Wohlert H, Kröger H., Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem. September 1, 1979; 360 (9): 1263-9.

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