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Fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy using Europium complexes improves atherosclerotic plaques discrimination., Sicchieri LB, de Andrade Natal R, Courrol LC., Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. October 1, 2016; 32 (10): 1595-604.

First report of the nutritional profile and antioxidant potential of Holothuria arguinensis, a new resource for aquaculture in Europe., Roggatz CC, González-Wangüemert M, Pereira H, Rodrigues MJ, da Silva MM, Barreira L, Varela J, Custódio L., Nat Prod Res. September 1, 2016; 30 (18): 2034-40.

Formulation and development of ophthalmic in situ gel for the treatment ocular inflammation and infection using application of quality by design concept., Patel N, Thakkar V, Metalia V, Baldaniya L, Gandhi T, Gohel M., Drug Dev Ind Pharm. September 1, 2016; 42 (9): 1406-23.

Family Growth and Survival Response to Two Simulated Water Temperature Environments in the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius., Chang Y, Tian X, Zhang W, Han F, Chen S, Zhou M, Pang Z, Qi S, Feng W., Int J Mol Sci. August 29, 2016; 17 (9):   

Four New Steroidal Glycosides, Protolinckiosides A - D, from the Starfish Protoreaster lincki., Malyarenko TV, Kicha AA, Kalinovsky AI, Ivanchina NV, Popov RS, Pislyagin EA, Menchinskaya ES, Padmakumar KP, Stonik VA., Chem Biodivers. August 1, 2016; 13 (8): 998-1007.

Fertilization limitation of Diadema antillarum on coral reefs in the Florida Keys., Feehan CJ, Brown MS, Sharp WC, Lauzon-Guay JS, Adams DK., Ecology. August 1, 2016; 97 (8): 1897-1904.

Fucoidans in Nanomedicine., Chollet L, Saboural P, Chauvierre C, Villemin JN, Letourneur D, Chaubet F., Mar Drugs. July 29, 2016; 14 (8):   

Fallaxosides C₁, C₂, D₁ and D₂, Unusual Oligosulfated Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Cucumariafallax (Cucumariidae, Dendrochirotida, Holothurioidea) and Taxonomic Status of this Animal., Silchenkoa AS, Kalinovsky AI, Avilov SA, Andryjaschenko PV, Dmitrenok PS, Kalinin VI, Martyyas EA, Minin KV., Nat Prod Commun. July 1, 2016; 11 (7): 939-945.

First Morphological and Molecular Evidence of the Negative Impact of Diatom-Derived Hydroxyacids on the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus., Varrella S, Romano G, Ruocco N, Ianora A, Bentley MG, Costantini M., Toxicol Sci. June 1, 2016; 151 (2): 419-33.   

Functional diversification of sea urchin ABCC1 (MRP1) by alternative splicing., Gökirmak T, Campanale JP, Reitzel AM, Shipp LE, Moy GW, Hamdoun A., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. June 1, 2016; 310 (11): C911-20.

Fausto E. Barbo, João Luiz Gasparini, Antonio P. Almeida, Hussam Zaher, Felipe G. Grazziotin,Rodrigo B. Gusmão, José Mário G. Ferrarini & Ricardo J. Sawaya (2016)Another new and threatened species of lancehead genus Bothrops (Serpentes, Viperidae) from Ilha dos Franceses, Southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 4097 (4): 511-529., Barbo FE, Gasparini JL, Almeida AP, Zaher H, Grazziotin FG, Gusmão RB, Ferrarini JM, Sawaya RJ., Zootaxa. April 25, 2016; 4105 (5): 500.

Facile Synthesis of Natural Alkoxynaphthalene Analogues from Plant Alkoxybenzenes., Tsyganov DV, Krayushkin MM, Konyushkin LD, Strelenko YA, Semenova MN, Semenov VV., J Nat Prod. April 22, 2016; 79 (4): 923-8.

Facing the Heat: Thermoregulation and Behaviour of Lowland Species of a Cold-Dwelling Butterfly Genus, Erebia., Kleckova I, Klecka J., PLoS One. March 4, 2016; 11 (3): e0150393.   

Fucoidan from Acaudina molpadioides protects pancreatic islet against cell apoptosis via inhibition of inflammation in type 2 diabetic mice., Wang J, Hu S, Wang J, Li S, Jiang W., Food Sci Biotechnol. February 29, 2016; 25 (1): 293-300.

Faecal contamination of echinoderms: first report of heavy Escherichia coli loading of sea urchins from a natural growing area., Bouchoucha M, Piquet JC, Chavanon F, Dufresne C, Le Guyader FS., Lett Appl Microbiol. February 1, 2016; 62 (2): 105-10.

Fucoidan from sea cucumber may improve hepatic inflammatory response and insulin resistance in mice., Wang J, Hu S, Jiang W, Song W, Cai L, Wang J., Int Immunopharmacol. February 1, 2016; 31 15-23.

FRET analysis using sperm-activating peptides tagged with fluorescent proteins reveals that ligand-binding sites exist as clusters., Arcos-Hernández C, Romero F, Sánchez-Guevara Y, Beltrán C, Nishigaki T., J Exp Biol. February 1, 2016; 219 (Pt 4): 508-15.

Five New Cytotoxic Metabolites from the Marine Fungus Neosartorya pseudofischeri., Lan WJ, Fu SJ, Xu MY, Liang WL, Lam CK, Zhong GH, Xu J, Yang DP, Li HJ., Mar Drugs. January 13, 2016; 14 (1): 18.   

Fine Structure and Molecular Phylogeny of Parametopidium circumlabens (Ciliophora: Armophorea), Endocommensal of Sea Urchins., da Silva-Neto ID, da Silva Paiva T, do Nascimento Borges B, Harada ML., J Eukaryot Microbiol. January 1, 2016; 63 (1): 46-61.

Fucoidan from sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa exhibits anti-hyperglycemic effects in insulin resistant mice via activating the PI3K/PKB pathway and GLUT4., Wang Y, Wang J, Zhao Y, Hu S, Shi D, Xue C., J Biosci Bioeng. January 1, 2016; 121 (1): 36-42.

Further Highly Hydroxylated Steroids from the Vietnamese Starfish Archaster typicus., Hanh TT, Vien LT, Vinh LB, Thanh NV, Cuong NX, Nam NH, Thung DC, Kiem PV, Minh CV., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). January 1, 2016; 64 (10): 1523-1527.

Functional Morphology of the Arm Spine Joint and Adjacent Structures of the Brittlestar Ophiocomina nigra (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)., Wilkie IC., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (12): e0167533.   

From commensalism to parasitism in Carapidae (Ophidiiformes): heterochronic modes of development?, Parmentier E, Lanterbecq D, Eeckhaut I., PeerJ. January 1, 2016; 4 e1786.   

Functional chondroitin sulfate from Enteroctopus dofleini containing a 3-O-sulfo glucuronic acid residue., Higashi K, Okamoto Y, Mukuno A, Wakai J, Hosoyama S, Linhardt RJ, Toida T., Carbohydr Polym. December 10, 2015; 134 557-65.

FGF signaling repertoire of the indirect developing hemichordate Ptychodera flava., Fan TP, Su YH., Mar Genomics. December 1, 2015; 24 Pt 2 167-75.

First complete genome of an Ambidensovirus; Cherax quadricarinatus densovirus, from freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus., Bochow S, Condon K, Elliman J, Owens L., Mar Genomics. December 1, 2015; 24 Pt 3 305-12.

First Report of Ciguatoxins in Two Starfish Species: Ophidiaster ophidianus and Marthasterias glacialis., Silva M, Rodriguez I, Barreiro A, Kaufmann M, Isabel Neto A, Hassouani M, Sabour B, Alfonso A, Botana LM, Vasconcelos V., Toxins (Basel). September 21, 2015; 7 (9): 3740-57.   

First-line treatment of advanced ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer., Gandhi S, Chen H, Zhao Y, Dy GK., Lung Cancer (Auckl). September 18, 2015; 6 71-82.   

First record and five new species of Xylographellini (Coleoptera: Ciidae) from China, with online DNA barcode library of the family., Lopes-Andrade C, Grebennikov VV., Zootaxa. August 25, 2015; 4006 (3): 463-80.

Freezing tolerance of sea urchin embryonic cells: Differentiation commitment and cytoskeletal disturbances in culture., Odintsova NA, Ageenko NV, Kipryushina YO, Maiorova MA, Boroda AV., Cryobiology. August 1, 2015; 71 (1): 54-63.

Follow-me: A new start-and-stop method for visual animal tracking in biology research., Linares-Sanchez LJ, Fernandez-Aleman JL, Garcia-Mateos G, Perez-Ruzafa A, Sanchez-Vazquez FJ., Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. August 1, 2015; 2015 755-8.

Fish-seastar facilitation leads to algal forest restoration on protected rocky reefs., Galasso NM, Bonaviri C, Di Trapani F, Picciotto M, Gianguzza P, Agnetta D, Badalamenti F., Sci Rep. July 22, 2015; 5 12409.   

Four New Sulfated Polar Steroids from the Far Eastern Starfish Leptasterias ochotensis: Structures and Activities., Malyarenko TV, Malyarenko Vishchuk OS, Ivanchina NV, Kalinovsky AI, Popov RS, Kicha AA., Mar Drugs. July 16, 2015; 13 (7): 4418-35.   

Far-infrared spectroscopy of salt penetration into a collagen fiber scaffold., Mizuno M, Yamada A, Fukunaga K, Kojima H., J Biol Phys. June 1, 2015; 41 (3): 293-301.

Foliar secretory structures in Crotoneae (Euphorbiaceae): Diversity, anatomy, and evolutionary significance., Vitarelli NC, Riina R, Caruzo MB, Cordeiro I, Fuertes-Aguilar J, Meira RM., Am J Bot. June 1, 2015; 102 (6): 833-47.

Fungal Planet description sheets: 320-370., Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Guarro J, Hernández-Restrepo M, Sutton DA, Acharya K, Barber PA, Boekhout T, Dimitrov RA, Dueñas M, Dutta AK, Gené J, Gouliamova DE, Groenewald M, Lombard L, Morozova OV, Sarkar J, Smith MT, Stchigel AM, Wiederhold NP, Alexandrova AV, Antelmi I, Armengol J, Barnes I, Cano-Lira JF, Castañeda Ruiz RF, Contu M, Courtecuisse PR, da Silveira AL, Decock CA, de Goes A, Edathodu J, Ercole E, Firmino AC, Fourie A, Fournier J, Furtado EL, Geering AD, Gershenzon J, Giraldo A, Gramaje D, Hammerbacher A, He XL, Haryadi D, Khemmuk W, Kovalenko AE, Krawczynski R, Laich F, Lechat C, Lopes UP, Madrid H, Malysheva EF, Marín-Felix Y, Martín MP, Mostert L, Nigro F, Pereira OL, Picillo B, Pinho DB, Popov ES, Rodas Peláez CA, Rooney-Latham S, Sandoval-Denis M, Shivas RG, Silva V, Stoilova-Disheva MM, Telleria MT, Ullah C, Unsicker SB, van der Merwe NA, Vizzini A, Wagner HG, Wong PT, Wood AR, Groenewald JZ., Persoonia. June 1, 2015; 34 167-266.   

Fucosylated chondroitin sulphate from Cusumaria frondosa mitigates hepatic endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation in insulin resistant mice., Li S, Jiang W, Hu S, Song W, Ji L, Wang Y, Cai L., Food Funct. May 1, 2015; 6 (5): 1547-56.

Fluorescence analysis of iodinated acetophenone derivatives., Crivelaro F, Oliveira MR, Lima SM, Andrade LH, Casagrande GA, Raminelli C, Caires AR., Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. March 15, 2015; 139 63-7.

Food and Nutrition Surveillance System/SISVAN: getting to know the feeding habits of infants under 24 months of age., Coelho Lde C, Asakura L, Sachs A, Erbert I, Novaes Cdos R, Gimeno SG., Cien Saude Colet. March 1, 2015; 20 (3): 727-38.

Feeding behavior and digestive physiology in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus., Sun J, Zhang L, Pan Y, Lin C, Wang F, Kan R, Yang H., Physiol Behav. February 1, 2015; 139 336-43.

Finding our way through phenotypes., Deans AR, Lewis SE, Huala E, Anzaldo SS, Ashburner M, Balhoff JP, Blackburn DC, Blake JA, Burleigh JG, Chanet B, Cooper LD, Courtot M, Csösz S, Cui H, Dahdul W, Das S, Dececchi TA, Dettai A, Diogo R, Druzinsky RE, Dumontier M, Franz NM, Friedrich F, Gkoutos GV, Haendel M, Harmon LJ, Hayamizu TF, He Y, Hines HM, Ibrahim N, Jackson LM, Jaiswal P, James-Zorn C, Köhler S, Lecointre G, Lapp H, Lawrence CJ, Le Novère N, Lundberg JG, Macklin J, Mast AR, Midford PE, Mikó I, Mungall CJ, Oellrich A, Osumi-Sutherland D, Parkinson H, Ramírez MJ, Richter S, Robinson PN, Ruttenberg A, Schulz KS, Segerdell E, Seltmann KC, Sharkey MJ, Smith AD, Smith B, Specht CD, Squires RB, Thacker RW, Thessen A, Fernandez-Triana J, Vihinen M, Vize PD, Vogt L, Wall CE, Walls RL, Westerfeld M, Wharton RA, Wirkner CS, Woolley JB, Yoder MJ, Zorn AM, Mabee P., PLoS Biol. January 6, 2015; 13 (1): e1002033.   

Fluid flow enhances the effectiveness of toxin export by aquatic microorganisms: a first-passage perspective on microvilli and the concentration boundary layer., Licata NA, Clark A., Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. January 1, 2015; 91 (1): 012709.

Facile synthesis of hierarchically structured magnetic MnO2/ZnFe2O4 hybrid materials and their performance in heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate., Wang Y, Sun H, Ang HM, Tadé MO, Wang S., ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. November 26, 2014; 6 (22): 19914-23.

Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate diversity in sea cucumbers: a review., Myron P, Siddiquee S, Al Azad S., Carbohydr Polym. November 4, 2014; 112 173-8.

Foreign body synovitis in the Pacific., Anderson C, Stitt R, Roberts J., Hawaii J Med Public Health. November 1, 2014; 73 (11 Suppl 2): 37-40.

Fucosylated chondroitin sulfates from the body wall of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali: conformation, selectin binding, and biological activity., Panagos CG, Thomson DS, Moss C, Hughes AD, Kelly MS, Liu Y, Chai W, Venkatasamy R, Spina D, Page CP, Hogwood J, Woods RJ, Mulloy B, Bavington CD, Uhrín D., J Biol Chem. October 10, 2014; 289 (41): 28284-98.   

Fucoidan from the sea cucumber Acaudina molpadioides exhibits anti-adipogenic activity by modulating the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and down-regulating the SREBP-1c expression., Xu H, Wang J, Chang Y, Xu J, Wang Y, Long T, Xue C., Food Funct. July 25, 2014; 5 (7): 1547-55.

First glimpse into Lower Jurassic deep-sea biodiversity: in situ diversification and resilience against extinction., Thuy B, Kiel S, Dulai A, Gale AS, Kroh A, Lord AR, Numberger-Thuy LD, Stöhr S, Wisshak M., Proc Biol Sci. July 7, 2014; 281 (1786):

Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from sea cucumber improves glucose metabolism and activates insulin signaling in the liver of insulin-resistant mice., Hu SW, Tian YY, Chang YG, Li ZJ, Xue CH, Wang YM., J Med Food. July 1, 2014; 17 (7): 749-57.

Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from sea cucumber improves insulin sensitivity via activation of PI3K/PKB pathway., Hu S, Chang Y, He M, Wang J, Wang Y, Xue C., J Food Sci. July 1, 2014; 79 (7): H1424-9.

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