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Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Alternating Copolymers., Xu Q, Li S, Yu C, Zhou Y., Chemistry. March 21, 2019; 25 (17): 4255-4264.

Spectroscopic and theoretical studies of some 2‑(methoxy)‑2‑[(4‑substituted)‑phenylsulfanyl]‑(4'‑substituted) acetophenones., Traesel HJ, Olivato PR, Rodrigues DNS, Valença J, Rodrigues A, Zukerman-Schpector J, Colle MD., Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. March 5, 2019; 210 82-97.

Selective azo dye-based colorimetric chemosensor for F-, CH3COO- and PO43., Dos Santos CH, Uchiyama NM, Bagatin IA., Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. March 5, 2019; 210 355-361.

Sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus immune cells in culture: formulation of the appropriate harvesting and culture media and maintenance conditions., Pinsino A, Alijagic A., Biol Open. March 5, 2019; 8 (3):   

Structural investigation of α-l-fucosidase from the pancreas of Patiria pectinifera, based on molecular cloning., Ono A, Suzuki T, Gotoh S, Kono H, Matsui M, Aoki D, Matsuda M, Kawagishi H, Ogata M., Carbohydr Res. March 1, 2019; 475 27-33.

Sex and occupation time influence niche space of a recovering keystone predator., Rechsteiner EU, Watson JC, Tinker MT, Nichol LM, Morgan Henderson MJ, McMillan CJ, DeRoos M, Fournier MC, Salomon AK, Honka LD, Darimont CT., Ecol Evol. March 1, 2019; 9 (6): 3321-3334.   

Spatio-temporal patterns of genetic variation in Arbacia lixula, a thermophilous sea urchin in expansion in the Mediterranean., Pérez-Portela R, Wangensteen OS, Garcia-Cisneros A, Valero-Jiménez C, Palacín C, Turon X., Heredity (Edinb). February 1, 2019; 122 (2): 244-259.

Species delimitation in the presence of strong incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization: Lessons from Ophioderma (Ophiuroidea: Echinodermata)., Weber AA, Stöhr S, Chenuil A., Mol Phylogenet Evol. February 1, 2019; 131 138-148.

Salivary alpha-amylase and hormones levels of young adults with different body composition., Lucas BL, Barbosa TS, Castelo PM, Gavião MBD., J Texture Stud. February 1, 2019; 50 (1): 45-52.

Single-cell analyses demonstrate that a heme-GATA1 feedback loop regulates red cell differentiation., Doty RT, Yan X, Lausted C, Munday AD, Yang Z, Yi D, Jabbari N, Liu L, Keel SB, Tian Q, Abkowitz JL., Blood. January 31, 2019; 133 (5): 457-469.

Synthesis of Sea Urchin-Like NiCo2O4 via Charge-Driven Self-Assembly Strategy for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries., Wang B, Tsang CW, Li KH, Tang Y, Mao Y, Lu XY., Nanoscale Res Lett. January 7, 2019; 14 (1): 6.   

Sea urchin embryonic cilia., Morris RL, Vacquier VD., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2019; 150 235-250.

Spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression during neurogenesis in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus., Slota LA, Miranda EM, McClay DR., Evodevo. January 1, 2019; 10 2.   

Sea stars of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) from Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan., Chichvarkhin A, Chichvarkhina O, Wakita D., PeerJ. January 1, 2019; 7 e6585.   

Spatially mapping gene expression in sea urchin primary mesenchyme cells., Zuch DT, Bradham CA., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2019; 151 433-442.

Starfish Gonadotropic Hormone: From Gamete-Shedding Substance to Relaxin-Like Gonad-Stimulating Peptide., Mita M., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 1, 2019; 10 182.   

Stilbocrea walteri sp. nov., an unusual species of Bionectriaceae., Voglmayr H, Jaklitsch WM., Mycol Prog. January 1, 2019; 18 (1): 91-105.   

Site specificity and attachment mode of Symcallio and Calliobothrium species (Cestoda: "Tetraphyllidea") in smoothhound sharks of the genus Mustelus (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae)., Bernot JP, Caira JN., PeerJ. January 1, 2019; 7 e7264.   

Saint Rita of Cascia: Patron Saint for Women with Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia?, Trüeb RM, Dias MFRG., Int J Trichology. January 1, 2019; 11 (3): 97-100.   

Sargassum blooms in the Caribbean alter the trophic structure of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum., Cabanillas-Terán N, Hernández-Arana HA, Ruiz-Zárate MÁ, Vega-Zepeda A, Sanchez-Gonzalez A., PeerJ. January 1, 2019; 7 e7589.   

Skeletal development in the sea urchin relies upon protein families that contain intrinsic disorder, aggregation-prone, and conserved globular interactive domains., Pendola M, Jain G, Evans JS., PLoS One. January 1, 2019; 14 (10): e0222068.   

Sea Urchin Extracellular Proteins Design a Complex Protein Corona on Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Surface Influencing Immune Cell Behavior., Alijagic A, Benada O, Kofroňová O, Cigna D, Pinsino A., Front Immunol. January 1, 2019; 10 2261.   

Salix alba (white willow) medicinal plant presents genotoxic effects in human cultured leukocytes., Maistro EL, Terrazzas PM, Perazzo FF, Gaivão IOM, Sawaya ACHF, Rosa PCP., J Toxicol Environ Health A. January 1, 2019; 82 (23-24): 1223-1234.

Spinochrome D Attenuates Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyocyte Death via Improving Glutathione Metabolism and Attenuating Oxidative Stress., Yoon CS, Kim HK, Mishchenko NP, Vasileva EA, Fedoreyev SA, Stonik VA, Han J., Mar Drugs. December 20, 2018; 17 (1):   

Strength, elasticity and the limits of energy dissipation in two related sea urchin spines with biomimetic potential., Lauer C, Sillmann K, Haußmann S, Nickel KG., Bioinspir Biomim. December 19, 2018; 14 (1): 016018.

Sea Urchin Embryo Model As a Reliable in Vivo Phenotypic Screen to Characterize Selective Antimitotic Molecules. Comparative evaluation of Combretapyrazoles, -isoxazoles, -1,2,3-triazoles, and -pyrroles as Tubulin-Binding Agents., Semenova MN, Demchuk DV, Tsyganov DV, Chernysheva NB, Samet AV, Silyanova EA, Kislyi VP, Maksimenko AS, Varakutin AE, Konyushkin LD, Raihstat MM, Kiselyov AS, Semenov VV., ACS Comb Sci. December 10, 2018; 20 (12): 700-721.

Structure of an H1-Bound 6-Nucleosome Array Reveals an Untwisted Two-Start Chromatin Fiber Conformation., Garcia-Saez I, Menoni H, Boopathi R, Shukla MS, Soueidan L, Noirclerc-Savoye M, Le Roy A, Skoufias DA, Bednar J, Hamiche A, Angelov D, Petosa C, Dimitrov S., Mol Cell. December 6, 2018; 72 (5): 902-915.e7.

Speciation Analysis of Trace Mercury in Sea Cucumber Species of Apostichopus japonicus Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Conjunction With Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry., Liu H, Luo J, Ding T, Gu S, Yang S, Yang M., Biol Trace Elem Res. December 1, 2018; 186 (2): 554-561.

Sulfated polysaccharide from sea cucumber modulates the gut microbiota and its metabolites in normal mice., Zhu Z, Zhu B, Sun Y, Ai C, Wu S, Wang L, Song S, Liu X., Int J Biol Macromol. December 1, 2018; 120 (Pt A): 502-512.

Sulfated Polysaccharide from Sea Cucumber and its Depolymerized Derivative Prevent Obesity in Association with Modification of Gut Microbiota in High-Fat Diet-Fed Mice., Zhu Z, Zhu B, Sun Y, Ai C, Wang L, Wen C, Yang J, Song S, Liu X., Mol Nutr Food Res. December 1, 2018; 62 (23): e1800446.

Sand Dollar Larvae Show Within-Population Variation in Their Settlement Induction by Turbulence., Hodin J, Ferner MC, Ng G, Gaylord B., Biol Bull. December 1, 2018; 235 (3): 152-166.

Scrambling of natural and fluorescently tagged phosphatidylinositol by reconstituted G protein-coupled receptor and TMEM16 scramblases., Wang L, Iwasaki Y, Andra KK, Pandey K, Menon AK, Bütikofer P., J Biol Chem. November 23, 2018; 293 (47): 18318-18327.

Structure-Based Engineering of Phanerochaete chrysosporium Alcohol Oxidase for Enhanced Oxidative Power toward Glycerol., Nguyen QT, Romero E, Dijkman WP, de Vasconcellos SP, Binda C, Mattevi A, Fraaije MW., Biochemistry. October 30, 2018; 57 (43): 6209-6218.   

Supracellular contraction at the rear of neural crest cell groups drives collective chemotaxis., Shellard A, Szabó A, Trepat X, Mayor R., Science. October 19, 2018; 362 (6412): 339-343.

Structure and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of a New Unusual Fucosylated Chondroitin Sulfate from Cucumaria djakonovi., Ustyuzhanina NE, Bilan MI, Panina EG, Sanamyan NP, Dmitrenok AS, Tsvetkova EA, Ushakova NA, Shashkov AS, Nifantiev NE, Usov AI., Mar Drugs. October 17, 2018; 16 (10):   

Single-molecule analysis of endogenous β-actin mRNA trafficking reveals a mechanism for compartmentalized mRNA localization in axons., Turner-Bridger B, Jakobs M, Muresan L, Wong HH, Franze K, Harris WA, Holt CE., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 9, 2018; 115 (41): E9697-E9706.   

Systematic variation of the benzoylhydrazine moiety of the GluN2A selective NMDA receptor antagonist TCN-201., Schreiber JA, Müller SL, Westphälinger SE, Schepmann D, Strutz-Seebohm N, Seebohm G, Wünsch B., Eur J Med Chem. October 5, 2018; 158 259-269.

Sea cucumber mimicking bacterial cellulose composite hydrogel with ionic strength-sensitive mechanical adaptivity., Qian C, Asoh TA, Uyama H., Chem Commun (Camb). October 4, 2018; 54 (80): 11320-11323.

Short-term variation of abundance of the purple sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816), subject to harvesting in northern Portugal., Bertocci I, Blanco A, Franco JN, Fernández-Boo S, Arenas F., Mar Environ Res. October 1, 2018; 141 247-254.

Saponins enriched in the epidermal layer of Holothuria leucospilota body wall., Sroyraya M, Kaewphalug W, Anantachoke N, Poomtong T, Sobhon P, Srimongkol A, Suphamungmee W., Microsc Res Tech. October 1, 2018; 81 (10): 1182-1190.

Secrets of the Sea Urchin Spicule Revealed: Protein Cooperativity Is Responsible for ACC Transformation, Intracrystalline Incorporation, and Guided Mineral Particle Assembly in Biocomposite Material Formation., Pendola M, Jain G, Huang YC, Gebauer D, Evans JS., ACS Omega. September 30, 2018; 3 (9): 11823-11830.   

Secreted aspartyl proteinase (PbSap) contributes to the virulence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection., Castilho DG, Chaves AFA, Navarro MV, Conceição PM, Ferreira KS, da Silva LS, Xander P, Batista WL., PLoS Negl Trop Dis. September 27, 2018; 12 (9): e0006806.   

Structural design of the echinoid's trabecular system., Grun TB, Nebelsick JH., PLoS One. September 27, 2018; 13 (9): e0204432.   

Singlet oxygen modification abolishes voltage-dependent inactivation of the sea urchin spHCN channel., Idikuda V, Gao W, Grant K, Su Z, Liu Q, Zhou L., J Gen Physiol. September 3, 2018; 150 (9): 1273-1286.   

Structural analysis and anticoagulant activities of three highly regular fucan sulfates as novel intrinsic factor Xase inhibitors., Shang F, Mou R, Zhang Z, Gao N, Lin L, Li Z, Wu M, Zhao J., Carbohydr Polym. September 1, 2018; 195 257-266.

Study of THP-1 Macrophage Viability after Sonodynamic Therapy Using Methyl Ester of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Gold Nanoparticles., Gonçalvez KO, Vieira DP, Courrol LC., Ultrasound Med Biol. September 1, 2018; 44 (9): 2009-2017.

Strength-size relationships in two porous biological materials., Lauer C, Schmier S, Speck T, Nickel KG., Acta Biomater. September 1, 2018; 77 322-332.

Steroid phosphate esters and phosphonosteroids and their biological activities., Dembitsky VM, Gloriozova TA, Savidov N., Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. September 1, 2018; 102 (18): 7679-7692.

Synthesis, leishmanicidal activity, structural descriptors and structure-activity relationship of quinoline derivatives., Silva EJ, Bezerra-Souza A, Passero LF, Laurenti MD, Ferreira GM, Fujii DG, Trossini GH, Raminelli C., Future Med Chem. September 1, 2018; 10 (17): 2069-2085.

Synthesis and anticoagulation studies of "short-armed" fucosylated chondroitin sulfate glycoclusters., Liu H, Zhang X, Wu M, Li Z., Carbohydr Res. September 1, 2018; 467 45-51.

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