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Analysis of sea urchin embryo gene expression by immunocytochemistry., Venuti JM, Pepicelli C, Flowers VL., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2004; 74 333-69.

Acetylcholine synthesis and possible functions during sea urchin development., Angelini C, Baccetti B, Piomboni P, Trombino S, Aluigi MG, Stringara S, Gallus L, Falugi C., Eur J Histochem. January 1, 2004; 48 (3): 235-43.

Amyloid plaques in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (prion diseases)., Liberski PP., Folia Neuropathol. January 1, 2004; 42 Suppl B 109-19.

An IQGAP-like protein is involved in actin assembly together with Cdc42 in the sea urchin egg., Nishimura Y, Mabuchi I., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. December 1, 2003; 56 (4): 207-18.

Actin-based centripetal flow: phosphatase inhibition by calyculin-A alters flow pattern, actin organization, and actomyosin distribution., Henson JH, Kolnik SE, Fried CA, Nazarian R, McGreevy J, Schulberg KL, Detweiler M, Trabosh VA., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. December 1, 2003; 56 (4): 252-66.

A standardisation of Ciona intestinalis (Chordata, Ascidiacea) embryo-larval bioassay for ecotoxicological studies., Bellas J, Beiras R, Vázquez E., Water Res. November 1, 2003; 37 (19): 4613-22.

Atypical vortex pattern of corneal deposits in granular corneal dystrophy., Aldave AJ, Yellore VS, Hwang DG., Cornea. November 1, 2003; 22 (8): 754-9.

A Rho GTPase controls the rate of protein synthesis in the sea urchin egg., Manzo S, Martínez-Cadena G, López-Godínez J, Pedraza-Reyes M, García-Soto J., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 24, 2003; 310 (3): 685-90.

Assessment of coastal marine pollution in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula); metal concentrations in seawater, sediments and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) versus embryo-larval bioassays using Paracentrotus lividus and Ciona intestinalis., Beiras R, Bellas J, Fernández N, Lorenzo JI, Cobelo-García A., Mar Environ Res. October 1, 2003; 56 (4): 531-53.

A marine diatom-derived aldehyde induces apoptosis in copepod and sea urchin embryos., Romano G, Russo GL, Buttino I, Ianora A, Miralto A., J Exp Biol. October 1, 2003; 206 (Pt 19): 3487-94.

Adaptive evolution of bindin in the genus Heliocidaris is correlated with the shift to direct development., Zigler KS, Raff EC, Popodi E, Raff RA, Lessios HA., Evolution. October 1, 2003; 57 (10): 2293-302.

A new antifouling bioassay monitoring brown algal spore swimming behaviour in the presence of echinoderm extracts., Iken K, Greer SP, Amsler CD, McClintock JB., Biofouling. October 1, 2003; 19 (5): 327-34.

Activity of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii N.E.B. (Euphorbiaceae) latex against Lymnaea columella (Say, 1817) (Pulmonata: Lymnaeidae), intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica, Linnaeus, 1758 (Trematoda: Fasciolidae). 2: limited field-testing., de Vasconcellos MC, de Amorim A., Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. October 1, 2003; 98 (7): 981-5.

A "sea urchin" family of boranes and carboranes: the 6m + 2n electron rule., Wang ZX, Schleyer Pv., J Am Chem Soc. September 3, 2003; 125 (35): 10484-5.

A single amphioxus and sea urchin runt-gene suggests that runt-gene duplications occurred in early chordate evolution., Stricker S, Poustka AJ, Wiecha U, Stiege A, Hecht J, Panopoulou G, Vilcinskas A, Mundlos S, Seitz V., Dev Comp Immunol. September 1, 2003; 27 (8): 673-84.

A sperm-activating peptide controls a cGMP-signaling pathway in starfish sperm., Matsumoto M, Solzin J, Helbig A, Hagen V, Ueno S, Kawase O, Maruyama Y, Ogiso M, Godde M, Minakata H, Kaupp UB, Hoshi M, Weyand I., Dev Biol. August 15, 2003; 260 (2): 314-24.

Asymmetric formation and possible function of the primary pore canal in plutei of Temnopleurus hardwicki., Hara Y, Kuraishi R, Uemura I, Katow H., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2003; 45 (4): 295-308.

Alx1, a member of the Cart1/Alx3/Alx4 subfamily of Paired-class homeodomain proteins, is an essential component of the gene network controlling skeletogenic fate specification in the sea urchin embryo., Ettensohn CA, Illies MR, Oliveri P, De Jong DL., Development. July 1, 2003; 130 (13): 2917-28.              

An increase in surface area is not required for cell division in early sea urchin development., Frejtag W, Burnette J, Kang B, Smith RM, Vogel SS., Dev Biol. July 1, 2003; 259 (1): 62-70.

A binuclear zinc transcription factor binds the host isoflavonoid-responsive element in a fungal cytochrome p450 gene responsible for detoxification., Khan R, Tan R, Mariscal AG, Straney D., Mol Microbiol. July 1, 2003; 49 (1): 117-30.

Activation of pmar1 controls specification of micromeres in the sea urchin embryo., Oliveri P, Davidson EH, McClay DR., Dev Biol. June 1, 2003; 258 (1): 32-43.

Anti-mitotic activity towards sea urchin embryos in extracts from the marine haptophycean Phaeocystis pouchetii (Hariot) Lagerheim collected along the coast of northern Norway., Hansen E, Eilertsen HC, Ernstsen A, Genevière AM., Toxicon. June 1, 2003; 41 (7): 803-12.

Ainigmaptilones, sesquiterpenes from the Antarctic gorgonian coral Ainigmaptilon antarcticus., Iken KB, Baker BJ., J Nat Prod. June 1, 2003; 66 (6): 888-90.

A new alpha,beta,gamma,delta-unsaturated carboxylic acid and three new cyclic peroxides from the marine sponge, Monotria japonica, which selectively lyse starfish oocytes without affecting nuclear morphology., Yanai M, Ohta S, Ohta E, Hirata T, Ikegami S., Bioorg Med Chem. April 17, 2003; 11 (8): 1715-21.

Assessment of metal toxicity in sediment pore water from Lake Macquarie, Australia., Doyle CJ, Pablo F, Lim RP, Hyne RV., Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. April 1, 2003; 44 (3): 343-50.

Amassin, an olfactomedin protein, mediates the massive intercellular adhesion of sea urchin coelomocytes., Hillier BJ, Vacquier VD., J Cell Biol. February 17, 2003; 160 (4): 597-604.                  

Assessment in mice of the therapeutic potential of tailored, multivalent Shiga toxin carbohydrate ligands., Mulvey GL, Marcato P, Kitov PI, Sadowska J, Bundle DR, Armstrong GD., J Infect Dis. February 15, 2003; 187 (4): 640-9.

A novel light source for SICM-SNOM of living cells., Rothery AM, Gorelik J, Bruckbauer A, Yu W, Korchev YE, Klenerman D., J Microsc. February 1, 2003; 209 (Pt 2): 94-101.

Activated M-phase-promoting factor (MPF) is exported from the nucleus of starfish oocytes to increase the sensitivity of the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptors., Santella L, Ercolano E, Lim D, Nusco GA, Moccia F., Biochem Soc Trans. February 1, 2003; 31 (Pt 1): 79-82.

A new histochemical approach for studying sperm cell surfaces., Ngo L, Barajas M, Weerasinghe G, Zem G, Oppenheimer SB., Acta Histochem. January 1, 2003; 105 (1): 21-8.

Anasterocerebroside A, a new glucosylceramide from the Patagonian starfish Anasterias minuta., Chludil HD, Seldes AM, Maier MS., Z Naturforsch C J Biosci. January 1, 2003; 58 (5-6): 433-40.

A new paradigm for biomineral formation: mineralization via an amorphous liquid-phase precursor., Olszta MJ, Odom DJ, Douglas EP, Gower LB., Connect Tissue Res. January 1, 2003; 44 Suppl 1 326-34.

Antiproliferative effects of several compounds isolated from Amburana cearensis A. C. Smith., Costa-Lotufo LV, Jimenez PC, Wilke DV, Leal LK, Cunha GM, Silveira ER, Canuto KM, Viana GS, Moraes ME, de Moraes MO, Pessoa C., Z Naturforsch C J Biosci. January 1, 2003; 58 (9-10): 675-80.

Application of a sea urchin micronucleus assay to monitoring aquatic pollution: influence of sample osmolality., Saotome K, Hayashi M., Mutagenesis. January 1, 2003; 18 (1): 73-6.

A receptor linked to a Gi-family G-protein functions in initiating oocyte maturation in starfish but not frogs., Kalinowski RR, Jaffe LA, Foltz KR, Giusti AF., Dev Biol. January 1, 2003; 253 (1): 139-49.

A toxicity identification evaluation of silty marine harbor sediments to characterize persistent and non-persistent constituents., Stronkhorst J, Schot ME, Dubbeldam MC, Ho KT., Mar Pollut Bull. January 1, 2003; 46 (1): 56-64.

A method of analyzing procoagulant activity in monocytes at single cell level., Recalde H, Miranda GR., Haematologica. January 1, 2003; 88 (1): 44-53.

A novel potent cell cycle inhibitor dehydrophenylahistin--enzymatic synthesis and inhibitory activity toward sea urchin embryo., Kanzaki H, Yanagisawa S, Kanoh K, Nitoda T., J Antibiot (Tokyo). December 1, 2002; 55 (12): 1042-7.

A fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from echinoderm modulates in vitro fibroblast growth factor 2-dependent angiogenesis., Tapon-Bretaudière J, Chabut D, Zierer M, Matou S, Helley D, Bros A, Mourão PA, Fischer AM., Mol Cancer Res. December 1, 2002; 1 (2): 96-102.

A 2-sulfated, 3-linked alpha-L-galactan is an anticoagulant polysaccharide., Pereira MS, Vilela-Silva AC, Valente AP, Mourão PA., Carbohydr Res. November 19, 2002; 337 (21-23): 2231-8.

An ATP-binding cassette transporter is a major glycoprotein of sea urchin sperm membranes., Mengerink KJ, Vacquier VD., J Biol Chem. October 25, 2002; 277 (43): 40729-34.

A metronome-like control of the calcium signal leading to nuclear envelope breakdown and mitosis in sand dollar (Echinaracnius parma) cells., Silver RB, Bartman M., Biol Bull. October 1, 2002; 203 (2): 213-5.

Antibacterial activity in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Echinoidea), Cucumaria frondosa (Holothuroidea), and Asterias rubens (Asteroidea)., Haug T, Kjuul AK, Styrvold OB, Sandsdalen E, Olsen ØM, Stensvåg K., J Invertebr Pathol. October 1, 2002; 81 (2): 94-102.

A comparison between two brine shrimp assays to detect in vitro cytotoxicity in marine natural products., Carballo JL, Hernández-Inda ZL, Pérez P, García-Grávalos MD., BMC Biotechnol. September 23, 2002; 2 17.

A bipartite Ca2+-regulated nucleoside-diphosphate kinase system within the Chlamydomonas flagellum. The regulatory subunit p72., Patel-King RS, Benashski SE, King SM., J Biol Chem. September 13, 2002; 277 (37): 34271-9.

A novel repeat in the melanoma-associated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan defines a new protein family., Staub E, Hinzmann B, Rosenthal A., FEBS Lett. September 11, 2002; 527 (1-3): 114-8.

A caged sperm-activating peptide that has a photocleavable protecting group on the backbone amide., Tatsu Y, Nishigaki T, Darszon A, Yumoto N., FEBS Lett. August 14, 2002; 525 (1-3): 20-4.

An open reading frame in intron seven of the sea urchin DNA-methyltransferase gene codes for a functional AP1 endonuclease., Cioffi AV, Ferrara D, Cubellis MV, Aniello F, Corrado M, Liguori F, Amoroso A, Fucci L, Branno M., Biochem J. August 1, 2002; 365 (Pt 3): 833-40.

A study on the ethics of microallocation of scarce resources in health care., Fortes PA, Zoboli EL., J Med Ethics. August 1, 2002; 28 (4): 266-9.

Allene oxide synthases and allene oxides., Tijet N, Brash AR., Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. August 1, 2002; 68-69 423-31.

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