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Comparison of elicitation methods for moral and affective beliefs in the theory of planned behaviour., Dean M, Arvola A, Vassallo M, Lähteenmäki L, Raats MM, Saba A, Shepherd R., Appetite. September 1, 2006; 47 (2): 244-52.

Cytoskeleton alterations induced by Geodia corticostylifera depsipeptides in breast cancer cells., Rangel M, Prado MP, Konno K, Naoki H, Freitas JC, Machado-Santelli GM., Peptides. September 1, 2006; 27 (9): 2047-57.

Constituents of Holothuroidea, 18. Isolation and structure of biologically active disialo- and trisialo-gangliosides from the sea cucumber Cucumaria echinata., Kisa F, Yamada K, Miyamoto T, Inagaki M, Higuchi R., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). September 1, 2006; 54 (9): 1293-8.

Comparative toxicity of alternative antifouling biocides on embryos and larvae of marine invertebrates., Bellas J., Sci Total Environ. August 31, 2006; 367 (2-3): 573-85.

Coplanar and non-coplanar congener-specificity of PCB bioaccumulation and immunotoxicity in sea stars., Danis B, Cattini C, Teyssié JL, Villeneuve JP, Fowler SW, Warnau M., Aquat Toxicol. August 23, 2006; 79 (2): 105-13.

Cyclin B dissociation from CDK1 precedes its degradation upon MPF inactivation in mitotic extracts of Xenopus laevis embryos., Chesnel F, Bazile F, Pascal A, Kubiak JZ., Cell Cycle. August 1, 2006; 5 (15): 1687-98.

Contribution of mesenterial muscle dedifferentiation to intestine regeneration in the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima., Candelaria AG, Murray G, File SK, García-Arrarás JE., Cell Tissue Res. July 1, 2006; 325 (1): 55-65.

Constituents of Holothuroidea, 17. Isolation and structure of biologically active monosialo-gangliosides from the sea cucumber Cucumaria echinata., Kisa F, Yamada K, Miyamoto T, Inagaki M, Higuchi R., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). July 1, 2006; 54 (7): 982-7.

Cytotoxic sulfated triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Pseudocolochirus violaceus., Zhang SY, Yi YH, Tang HF., Chem Biodivers. July 1, 2006; 3 (7): 807-17.

Chronic toxicity of silver to the sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata)., Ward TJ, Kramer JR, Boeri RL, Gorsuch JW., Environ Toxicol Chem. June 1, 2006; 25 (6): 1568-73.

Cell-permeant small-molecule modulators of NAADP-mediated Ca2+ release., Dowden J, Berridge G, Moreau C, Yamasaki M, Churchill GC, Potter BV, Galione A., Chem Biol. June 1, 2006; 13 (6): 659-65.

cis-Regulatory control of cyclophilin, a member of the ETS-DRI skeletogenic gene battery in the sea urchin embryo., Amore G, Davidson EH., Dev Biol. May 15, 2006; 293 (2): 555-64.

Cellular coexistence of two high molecular subsets of eEF1B complex., Le Sourd F, Cormier P, Bach S, Boulben S, Bellé R, Mulner-Lorillon O., FEBS Lett. May 15, 2006; 580 (11): 2755-60.

Cytotoxicity in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum mexicanum from Brazil., Naves JL, Prado MP, Rangel M, De Sanctis B, Machado-Santelli G, Freitas JC., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. May 1, 2006; 143 (1): 73-7.

Ca2+ release triggered by NAADP in hepatocyte microsomes., Mándi M, Tóth B, Timár G, Bak J., Biochem J. April 15, 2006; 395 (2): 233-8.

Calcium-responsive contractility during fertilization in sea urchin eggs., Stack C, Lucero AJ, Shuster CB., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2006; 235 (4): 1042-52.

Combined off-pump coronary surgery and left lung resection through midline sternotomy with a Medtronic Starfish 2 Heart Positioner., Tan ME, Van Boven WJ, Van Swieten EA., Minerva Chir. April 1, 2006; 61 (2): 159-61.

Coral diversity and disease in Mexico., Ward JR, Rypien KL, Bruno JF, Harvell CD, Jordán-Dahlgren E, Mullen KM, Rodríguez-Martínez RE, Sánchez J, Smith G., Dis Aquat Organ. March 23, 2006; 69 (1): 23-31.

Characterization of a recombinant C-type lectin, rCEL-IV, expressed in Escherichia coli cells using a synthetic gene., Hatakeyama T, Hozawa T, Hirotani I, Tsuda N, Kusunoki M, Shiba K., Biochim Biophys Acta. March 1, 2006; 1760 (3): 318-25.

Chemopreventive effect of protein extract of Asterina pectinifera in HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells., Shon YH, Nam KS., Arch Pharm Res. March 1, 2006; 29 (3): 209-12.

CBFbeta is a facultative Runx partner in the sea urchin embryo., Robertson AJ, Dickey-Sims C, Ransick A, Rupp DE, McCarthy JJ, Coffman JA., BMC Biol. February 9, 2006; 4 4.   

Complete mitochondrial genome sequences for Crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci and Acanthaster brevispinus., Yasuda N, Hamaguchi M, Sasaki M, Nagai S, Saba M, Nadaoka K., BMC Genomics. January 27, 2006; 7 17.   

Cloning of a sea urchin sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase., Gunaratne HJ, Vacquier VD., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. January 6, 2006; 339 (1): 443-9.

Cyclic GMP-specific phosphodiesterase-5 regulates motility of sea urchin spermatozoa., Su YH, Vacquier VD., Mol Biol Cell. January 1, 2006; 17 (1): 114-21.

Centrosome destined to decay in starfish oocytes., Shirato Y, Tamura M, Yoneda M, Nemoto S., Development. January 1, 2006; 133 (2): 343-50.

cis-Regulatory inputs of the wnt8 gene in the sea urchin endomesoderm network., Minokawa T, Wikramanayake AH, Davidson EH., Dev Biol. December 15, 2005; 288 (2): 545-58.

Cadmium accumulation and Cd-binding proteins in marine invertebrates--a radiotracer study., Erk M, Ruus A, Ingebrigtsen K, Hylland K., Chemosphere. December 1, 2005; 61 (11): 1651-64.

Characterization of hydroxyapatite by electron microscopy., Rodríguez-Lugo V, Hernández JS, Arellano-Jimenez MJ, Hernández-Tejeda PH, Recillas-Gispert S., Microsc Microanal. December 1, 2005; 11 (6): 516-23.

Canonical Notch signaling is dispensable for early cell fate specifications in mammals., Shi S, Stahl M, Lu L, Stanley P., Mol Cell Biol. November 1, 2005; 25 (21): 9503-8.

Chromosome dynamics: actin's gone fishing., Rizk RS, Walczak CE., Curr Biol. October 25, 2005; 15 (20): R841-2.

Cholesterol facilitates the native mechanism of Ca2+-triggered membrane fusion., Churchward MA, Rogasevskaia T, Höfgen J, Bau J, Coorssen JR., J Cell Sci. October 15, 2005; 118 (Pt 20): 4833-48.

Constituents of holothuroidea, 16. Determination of Absolute configuration of the branched methyl group in ante-iso type side chain moiety on long chain base of glucocerebroside from the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota., Yamada K, Onaka H, Tanaka M, Inagaki M, Higuchi R., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). October 1, 2005; 53 (10): 1333-4.

Common evolutionary origin and birth-and-death process in the replication-independent histone H1 isoforms from vertebrate and invertebrate genomes., Eirín-López JM, Ruiz MF, González-Tizón AM, Martínez A, Ausió J, Sánchez L, Méndez J., J Mol Evol. September 1, 2005; 61 (3): 398-407.

Ca2+ spikes in the flagellum control chemotactic behavior of sperm., Böhmer M, Van Q, Weyand I, Hagen V, Beyermann M, Matsumoto M, Hoshi M, Hildebrand E, Kaupp UB., EMBO J. August 3, 2005; 24 (15): 2741-52.

Characterization and expression of two matrix metalloproteinase genes during sea urchin development., Ingersoll EP, Pendharkar NC., Gene Expr Patterns. August 1, 2005; 5 (6): 727-32.

Cloning of ABCA17, a novel rodent sperm-specific ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporter that regulates intracellular lipid metabolism., Ban N, Sasaki M, Sakai H, Ueda K, Inagaki N., Biochem J. July 15, 2005; 389 (Pt 2): 577-85.

Contrahelicase activity of the mitochondrial transcription termination factor mtDBP., Polosa PL, Deceglie S, Roberti M, Gadaleta MN, Cantatore P., Nucleic Acids Res. July 8, 2005; 33 (12): 3812-20.   

Cleavage of ultralarge multimers of von Willebrand factor by C-terminal-truncated mutants of ADAMTS-13 under flow., Tao Z, Wang Y, Choi H, Bernardo A, Nishio K, Sadler JE, López JA, Dong JF., Blood. July 1, 2005; 106 (1): 141-3.

Constituents of Holothuroidea, 15. Isolation of ante-iso type regio-isomer on long chain base moiety of glucocerebroside from the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota., Yamada K, Wada N, Onaka H, Matsubara R, Isobe R, Inagaki M, Higuchi R., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). July 1, 2005; 53 (7): 788-91.

Cyclic ADP-ribose analogues containing the methylenebisphosphonate linkage: effect of pyrophosphate modifications on Ca2+ release activity., Xu L, Walseth TF, Slama JT., J Med Chem. June 16, 2005; 48 (12): 4177-81.

Cloning and characterization of a phospholipase C-beta isoform from the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus., Kulisz A, Dowal L, Scarlata S, Shen SS., Dev Growth Differ. June 1, 2005; 47 (5): 307-21.

Cerebroside Langmuir monolayers originated from the echinoderms I. Binary systems of cerebrosides and phospholipids., Nakahara H, Nakamura S, Nakamura K, Inagaki M, Aso M, Higuchi R, Shibata O., Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. May 10, 2005; 42 (2): 157-74.

Cerebroside Langmuir monolayers originated from the echinoderms: II. Binary systems of cerebrosides and steroids., Nakahara H, Nakamura S, Nakamura K, Inagaki M, Aso M, Higuchi R, Shibata O., Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. May 10, 2005; 42 (2): 175-85.

Constituents of holothuroidea, 14. Isolation and structure of new glucocerebroside molecular species from the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus., Kisa F, Yamada K, Kaneko M, Inagaki M, Higuchi R., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). April 1, 2005; 53 (4): 382-6.

Copper toxicity to larval stages of three marine invertebrates and copper complexation capacity in San Diego Bay, California., Rivera-Duarte I, Rosen G, Lapota D, Chadwick DB, Kear-Padilla L, Zirino A., Environ Sci Technol. March 15, 2005; 39 (6): 1542-6.

Comparative histological and immunohistochemical study of sea star tube feet (Echinodermata, Asteroidea)., Santos R, Haesaerts D, Jangoux M, Flammang P., J Morphol. March 1, 2005; 263 (3): 259-69.

Ca release induced by cyclic adenosine diphosphoribose (cADPr) in sea urchin egg homogenates: mechanisms of release and heterogeneity of the Ca compartments., Becker P, Brose T, Abercrombie R., Cell Calcium. March 1, 2005; 37 (3): 193-201.

Colonization, dispersal, and hybridization influence phylogeography of North Atlantic sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)., Addison JA, Hart MW., Evolution. March 1, 2005; 59 (3): 532-43.

Characterization of nucleosomes consisting of the human testis/sperm-specific histone H2B variant (hTSH2B)., Li A, Maffey AH, Abbott WD, Conde e Silva N, Prunell A, Siino J, Churikov D, Zalensky AO, Ausió J., Biochemistry. February 22, 2005; 44 (7): 2529-35.

Cysteine-protease involved in male chromatin remodeling after fertilization co-localizes with alpha-tubulin at mitosis., Concha C, Morin V, Bustos P, Genevière AM, Heck MM, Puchi M, Imschenetzky M., J Cell Physiol. February 1, 2005; 202 (2): 602-7.

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