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Capillary DNA-protein mobility shift assay., Xian J., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2001; 163 355-67.

Characterization of matrix metalloprotease activities induced in the sea urchin extraembryonic matrix, the hyaline layer., Sharpe C, Robinson JJ., Biochem Cell Biol. January 1, 2001; 79 (4): 461-8.

cDNA isolation, characterization, and protein intracellular localization of a katanin-like p60 subunit from Arabidopsis thaliana., McClinton RS, Chandler JS, Callis J., Protoplasma. January 1, 2001; 216 (3-4): 181-90.

Cytoplasm of sea urchin unfertilized eggs contains a nucleosome remodeling activity., Medina R, Gutiérrez J, Puchi M, Imschenetzky M, Montecino M., J Cell Biochem. January 1, 2001; 83 (4): 554-62.

Cryopreservation of primary cell cultures of marine invertebrates., Odintsova N, Kiselev K, Sanina N, Kostetsky E., Cryo Letters. January 1, 2001; 22 (5): 299-310.

Conserved cellular and molecular mechanisms in development., Giudice G., Cell Biol Int. January 1, 2001; 25 (11): 1081-90.

c-Mos forces the mitotic cell cycle to undergo meiosis II to produce haploid gametes., Tachibana K, Tanaka D, Isobe T, Kishimoto T., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 19, 2000; 97 (26): 14301-6.

Catalytic activity and heat production by the Ca(2+)-ATPase from sea cucumber (Ludwigothurea grisea) longitudinal smooth muscle: modulation by monovalent cations., Landeira-Fernandez AM, Galina A, de Meis L., J Exp Biol. December 1, 2000; 203 (Pt 23): 3613-9.

Complications of indwelling catheters in cystic fibrosis: a 10-year review., Aitken ML, Tonelli MR., Chest. December 1, 2000; 118 (6): 1598-602.

Cellular basis of gastrulation in the sand dollar Scaphechinus mirabilis., Kominami T, Takata H., Biol Bull. December 1, 2000; 199 (3): 287-97.

CAAT sites are required for the activation of the H. pulcherrimus Ars gene by Otx., Kiyama T, Sasai K, Takata K, Mitsunaga-Nakatsubo K, Shimada H, Akasaka K., Dev Genes Evol. December 1, 2000; 210 (12): 583-90.

Comparison of embryonic development and metal contamination in several populations of the sea urchin Sphaerechinus granularis (Lamarck) exposed to anthropogenic pollution., Guillou M, Quiniou F, Huart B, Pagano G., Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. October 1, 2000; 39 (3): 337-44.

Characterization of sea urchin unconventional myosins and analysis of their patterns of expression during early embryogenesis., Sirotkin V, Seipel S, Krendel M, Bonder EM., Mol Reprod Dev. October 1, 2000; 57 (2): 111-26.

Cloning and characterization of cDNA for syndecan core protein in sea urchin embryos., Tomita K, Yamasu K, Suyemitsu T., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 2000; 42 (5): 449-58.

Characterization of laboratory mutants of Venturia inaequalis resistant to the strobilurin-related fungicide kresoxim-methyl., Zheng D, Olaya G, Köller W., Curr Genet. October 1, 2000; 38 (3): 148-55.

Characterization of NAADP(+) binding in sea urchin eggs., Billington RA, Genazzani AA., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 16, 2000; 276 (1): 112-6.

Chemical ecology of the Antarctic nudibranch Bathydoris hodgsoni Eliot, 1907: defensive role and origin of its natural products., Avila C, Iken K, Fontana A, Cimino G., J Exp Mar Biol Ecol. September 5, 2000; 252 (1): 27-44.

Characterization of a cDNA encoding RP43, a CUB-domain-containing protein from the tube of Riftia pachyptila (Vestimentifera), and distribution of its transcript., Chamoy L, Nicolaï M, Quennedey B, Gaill F, Delachambre J., Biochem J. September 1, 2000; 350 Pt 2 421-7.

Cloning of canine cDNA encoding tektin., Zhiyong MA, Khatlani TS, Sasaki K, Inokuma H, Onishi T., J Vet Med Sci. September 1, 2000; 62 (9): 1013-6.

CpKLP1: A CALMODULIN-BINDING KINESIN-LIKE PROTEIN FROM CYANOPHORA PARADOXA (GLAUCOPHYTA)., Abdel-Ghany SE, Kugrens P, Reddy ASN., J Phycol. August 26, 2000; 36 (4): 686-692.

Changes in the activities of protein phosphatase type 1 and type 2A in sea urchin embryos during early development., Kawamoto M, Fujiwara A, Yasumasu I., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2000; 42 (4): 395-405.

cDNA cloning and sequencing of phospholipase A2 from the pyloric ceca of the starfish Asterina pectinifera., Kishimura H, Ojima T, Hayashi K, Nishita K., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. August 1, 2000; 126 (4): 579-86.

Chemotaxis and chemical defenses in seaweed susceptibility to herbivory., Pereira RC, Donato R, Teixeira VL, Cavalcanti DN., Rev Bras Biol. August 1, 2000; 60 (3): 405-14.

Calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum of higher plants elicited by the NADP metabolite nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate., Navazio L, Bewell MA, Siddiqua A, Dickinson GD, Galione A, Sanders D., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 18, 2000; 97 (15): 8693-8.

Calcium influx mediates the voltage-dependence of sperm entry into sea urchin eggs., McCulloh DH, Ivonnet PI, Landowne D, Chambers EL., Dev Biol. July 15, 2000; 223 (2): 449-62.

Characterization of an IL-1 receptor from Asterias forbesi coelomocytes., Beck G, Ellis TW, Truong N., Cell Immunol. July 10, 2000; 203 (1): 66-73.

Cloning and characterization of alphaP integrin in embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Susan JM, Just ML, Lennarz WJ., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 16, 2000; 272 (3): 929-35.

Cloning and regulation of the rat activin betaE subunit., O'Bryan MK, Sebire KL, Gerdprasert O, Hedger MP, Hearn MT, de Kretser DM., J Mol Endocrinol. June 1, 2000; 24 (3): 409-18.

Conformational changes of dynein: mapping and sequence analysis of ATP/Vanadate-dependent trypsin-sensitive sites on the outer arm dynein b heavy chain from sea urchin sperm flagella., Inaba K., J Biochem. June 1, 2000; 127 (6): 1115-20.

Cell-substrate interactions during sea urchin gastrulation: migrating primary mesenchyme cells interact with and align extracellular matrix fibers that contain ECM3, a molecule with NG2-like and multiple calcium-binding domains., Hodor PG, Illies MR, Broadley S, Ettensohn CA., Dev Biol. June 1, 2000; 222 (1): 181-94.

Chemical structure of nuclear proteins which are phosphorylated during meiotic maturation of starfish oocytes., Matoba K, Matsumoto Y, Hongo T, Nagamatsu Y, Sugino H, Shimizu T, Takao T, Shimonishi Y, Ikegami S., Biochemistry. May 30, 2000; 39 (21): 6390-400.

C. elegans KLP-11/OSM-3/KAP-1: orthologs of the sea urchin kinesin-II, and mouse KIF3A/KIFB/KAP3 kinesin complexes., Khan ML, Ali MY, Siddiqui ZK, Shakir MA, Ohnishi H, Nishikawa K, Siddiqui SS., DNA Res. April 28, 2000; 7 (2): 121-5.

Cellular and biochemical responses to environmental and experimentally induced stress in sea urchin coelomocytes., Matranga V, Toia G, Bonaventura R, Müller WE., Cell Stress Chaperones. April 1, 2000; 5 (2): 113-20.

Calcium regulation of microtubule sliding in reactivated sea urchin sperm flagella., Bannai H, Yoshimura M, Takahashi K, Shingyoji C., J Cell Sci. March 1, 2000; 113 ( Pt 5) 831-9.

Conservation of sequence in the internal transcribed spacers and 5.8S ribosomal RNA among geographically separated isolates of parasitic scuticociliates (Ciliophora, Orchitophryidae)., Goggin CL, Murphy NE., Dis Aquat Organ. February 24, 2000; 40 (1): 79-83.

Coding sequence, chromosomal localization, and expression pattern of Nrf1: the mouse homolog of Drosophila erect wing., Schaefer L, Engman H, Miller JB., Mamm Genome. February 1, 2000; 11 (2): 104-10.

Cirri of the stalked crinoid Metacrinus rotundus: neural elements and the effect of cholinergic agonists on mechanical properties., Birenheide R, Yokoyama K, Motokawa T., Proc Biol Sci. January 7, 2000; 267 (1438): 7-16.

Conservation of the WD-repeat, microtubule-binding protein, EMAP, in sea urchins, humans, and the nematode C. elegans., Suprenant KA, Tuxhorn JA, Daggett MA, Ahrens DP, Hostetler A, Palange JM, VanWinkle CE, Livingston BT., Dev Genes Evol. January 1, 2000; 210 (1): 2-10.

Characterization of a hemichordate fork head/HNF-3 gene expression., Taguchi S, Tagawa K, Humphreys T, Nishino A, Satoh N, Harada Y., Dev Genes Evol. January 1, 2000; 210 (1): 11-7.

Characterization of a microtubule assembly inhibitor from Xenopus oocytes., Govindan B, Vale RD., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. January 1, 2000; 45 (1): 51-7.

Cytological changes during bioluminescence production in dissociated photocytes from the ophiuroid Amphipholis squamata (Echinodermata)., Deheyn D, Mallefet J, Jangoux M., Cell Tissue Res. January 1, 2000; 299 (1): 115-28.

Cloning of the gene encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase from terpenoid antibiotic-producing Streptomyces strains., Dairi T, Motohira Y, Kuzuyama T, Takahashi S, Itoh N, Seto H., Mol Gen Genet. January 1, 2000; 262 (6): 957-64.

Constituents of holothuroidea.9. Isolation and structure of a new ganglioside molecular species from the sea cucumber Holothuria pervicax., Yamada K, Harada Y, Miyamoto T, Isobe R, Higuchi R., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). January 1, 2000; 48 (1): 157-9.

Cyclic ADP-ribose., Guse AH., J Mol Med (Berl). January 1, 2000; 78 (1): 26-35.

Cholinoreceptors of early (preneural) sea urchin embryos., Buznikov GA, Rakich L., Neurosci Behav Physiol. January 1, 2000; 30 (1): 53-62.

Comparative Analysis of Two Populations of the Brittle Star Amphiura filiformis (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) with Different Life History Strategies Using RAPD Markers., McCormack GP, Powell R, Keegan BF., Mar Biotechnol (NY). January 1, 2000; 2 (1): 100-106.

Cyanobacteria as a biosorbent of heavy metals in sewage water., El-Enany AE, Issa AA., Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. January 1, 2000; 8 (2): 95-101.

Centrosome alterations induced by formamide cause abnormal spindle pole formations., Schatten H, Hueser CN, Chakrabarti A., Cell Biol Int. January 1, 2000; 24 (9): 611-20.

Centrosome inheritance in starfish zygotes: behaviour and duplicating capacity of the meiotic centrosomes in maturation division., Tamura M, Nemoto S., Zygote. January 1, 2000; 8 Suppl 1 S12-3.

Characterisation of a 41 kDa collagenase/gelatinase activity expressed in the sea urchin embryo., Robinson JJ, Mayne J., Zygote. January 1, 2000; 8 Suppl 1 S37-8.

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