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Role of the nicotinic acid group in NAADP receptor selectivity., Billington RA, Tron GC, Reichenbach S, Sorba G, Genazzani AA., Cell Calcium. January 1, 2005; 37 (1): 81-6.

Resurrection of Bohadschia bivittata from B. marmorata (Holothuroidea: Holothuriidae) based on behavioral, morphological, and mitochondrial DNA evidence., Clouse R, Janies D, Kerr AM., Zoology (Jena). January 1, 2005; 108 (1): 27-39.

Regenerative response and endocrine disrupters in crinoid echinoderms: an old experimental model, a new ecotoxicological test., Candia Carnevali MD., Prog Mol Subcell Biol. January 1, 2005; 39 167-200.

R11: a cis-regulatory node of the sea urchin embryo gene network that controls early expression of SpDelta in micromeres., Revilla-i-Domingo R, Minokawa T, Davidson EH., Dev Biol. October 15, 2004; 274 (2): 438-51.

Redistribution of the kinesin-II subunit KAP from cilia to nuclei during the mitotic and ciliogenic cycles in sea urchin embryos., Morris RL, English CN, Lou JE, Dufort FJ, Nordberg J, Terasaki M, Hinkle B., Dev Biol. October 1, 2004; 274 (1): 56-69.

RC3/Neurogranin and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II produce opposing effects on the affinity of calmodulin for calcium., Gaertner TR, Putkey JA, Waxham MN., J Biol Chem. September 17, 2004; 279 (38): 39374-82.

RGD-containing peptides inhibit intestinal regeneration in the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima., Cabrera-Serrano A, García-Arrarás JE., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2004; 231 (1): 171-8.

Revisiting the role of H+ in chemotactic signaling of sperm., Solzin J, Helbig A, Van Q, Brown JE, Hildebrand E, Weyand I, Kaupp UB., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 2004; 124 (2): 115-24.              

Regrowth of the stalk of the sea lily, Metacrinus rotundus (Echinodermata: Crinoidea)., Nakano H, Hibino T, Hara Y, Oji T, Amemiya S., J Exp Zool A Comp Exp Biol. June 1, 2004; 301 (6): 464-71.

Regulated proteolysis by cortical granule serine protease 1 at fertilization., Haley SA, Wessel GM., Mol Biol Cell. May 1, 2004; 15 (5): 2084-92.

Role of the ERK-mediated signaling pathway in mesenchyme formation and differentiation in the sea urchin embryo., Fernandez-Serra M, Consales C, Livigni A, Arnone MI., Dev Biol. April 15, 2004; 268 (2): 384-402.

Regulatory contribution of heterotrimeric G-proteins to oocyte maturation in the sea urchin., Voronina E, Wessel GM., Mech Dev. March 1, 2004; 121 (3): 247-59.

Regulation of microtubule destabilizing activity of Op18/stathmin downstream of Rac1., Wittmann T, Bokoch GM, Waterman-Storer CM., J Biol Chem. February 13, 2004; 279 (7): 6196-203.

Regulation of the paternal inheritance of centrosomes in starfish zygotes., Zhang QY, Tamura M, Uetake Y, Washitani-Nemoto S, Nemoto S., Dev Biol. February 1, 2004; 266 (1): 190-200.

Reproduction and development of the conspicuously dimorphic brittle star Ophiodaphne formata (Ophiuroidea)., Tominaga H, Nakamura S, Komatsu M., Biol Bull. February 1, 2004; 206 (1): 25-34.

Reconsidering the evolution of eukaryotic selenoproteins: a novel nonmammalian family with scattered phylogenetic distribution., Castellano S, Novoselov SV, Kryukov GV, Lescure A, Blanco E, Krol A, Gladyshev VN, Guigó R., EMBO Rep. January 1, 2004; 5 (1): 71-7.

Role of amino acid residues on the GS region of Stichopus arginine kinase and Danio creatine kinase., Uda K, Suzuki T., Protein J. January 1, 2004; 23 (1): 53-64.

Rapid microinjection of fertilized eggs., Cheers MS, Ettensohn CA., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2004; 74 287-310.

Re-examination of Peltaster fructicola, a member of the apple sooty blotch complex., Williamson SM, Hodges CS, Sutton TB., Mycologia. January 1, 2004; 96 (4): 885-90.

Reproduction and larval morphology of broadcasting and viviparous species in the Cryptasterina species complex., Byrne M, Hart MW, Cerra A, Cisternas P., Biol Bull. December 1, 2003; 205 (3): 285-94.

Response in nematocyst uptake by the nudibranch Flabellina verrucosa to the presence of various predators in the Southern Gulf of Maine., Frick K., Biol Bull. December 1, 2003; 205 (3): 367-76.

Redescription of four species of Mehdiella from Testudinidae, with a key to the species and discussion on the relationships among the species of this genus., Bouamer S, Morand S, Kara M., Parasite. December 1, 2003; 10 (4): 333-42.

Role of the M-loop and reactive center loop domains in the folding and bridging of nucleosome arrays by MENT., Springhetti EM, Istomina NE, Whisstock JC, Nikitina T, Woodcock CL, Grigoryev SA., J Biol Chem. October 31, 2003; 278 (44): 43384-93.

Ryanodine-sensitive calcium flux regulates motility of Arbacia punctulata sperm., Heck DE, Laskin JD., Biol Bull. October 1, 2003; 205 (2): 185-6.

Reproduction: widespread cloning in echinoderm larvae., Eaves AA, Palmer AR., Nature. September 11, 2003; 425 (6954): 146.

Recent speciation in the Indo-West Pacific: rapid evolution of gamete recognition and sperm morphology in cryptic species of sea urchin., Landry C, Geyer LB, Arakaki Y, Uehara T, Palumbi SR., Proc Biol Sci. September 7, 2003; 270 (1526): 1839-47.

Response delays and the structure of transcription networks., Rosenfeld N, Alon U., J Mol Biol. June 13, 2003; 329 (4): 645-54.

Roles of tyrosine-rich precursor glycoproteins and dityrosine- and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine-mediated protein cross-linking in development of the oocyst wall in the coccidian parasite Eimeria maxima., Belli SI, Wallach MG, Luxford C, Davies MJ, Smith NC., Eukaryot Cell. June 1, 2003; 2 (3): 456-64.

Roscovitine and other purines as kinase inhibitors. From starfish oocytes to clinical trials., Meijer L, Raymond E., Acc Chem Res. June 1, 2003; 36 (6): 417-25.

Regulated secretion: SNARE density, vesicle fusion and calcium dependence., Coorssen JR, Blank PS, Albertorio F, Bezrukov L, Kolosova I, Chen X, Backlund PS, Zimmerberg J., J Cell Sci. May 15, 2003; 116 (Pt 10): 2087-97.

Reproductive character displacement and the genetics of gamete recognition in tropical sea urchins., Geyer LB, Palumbi SR., Evolution. May 1, 2003; 57 (5): 1049-60.

Response of benthic foraminifers to sewage discharge and remediation in Santa Monica Bay, California., McGann M, Alexander CR, Bay SM., Mar Environ Res. January 1, 2003; 56 (1-2): 299-342.

Recovery of fish stocks in the Seto Inland Sea., Nagai T., Mar Pollut Bull. January 1, 2003; 47 (1-6): 126-31.

Runx transcription factors and the developmental balance between cell proliferation and differentiation., Coffman JA., Cell Biol Int. January 1, 2003; 27 (4): 315-24.

Regulatory punctuated equilibrium and convergence in the evolution of developmental pathways in direct-developing sea urchins., Raff EC, Popodi EM, Kauffman JS, Sly BJ, Turner FR, Morris VB, Raff RA., Evol Dev. January 1, 2003; 5 (5): 478-93.

Revised estimates of the effects of turbulence on fertilization in the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Denny MW, Nelson EK, Mead KS., Biol Bull. December 1, 2002; 203 (3): 275-7.

Respiratory and acid-base physiology of the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, during air exposure: presence and function of a facultative lung., Burnett L, Terwilliger N, Carroll A, Jorgensen D, Scholnick D., Biol Bull. August 1, 2002; 203 (1): 42-50.

Recent advances in the TR2 and TR4 orphan receptors of the nuclear receptor superfamily., Lee YF, Lee HJ, Chang C., J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. August 1, 2002; 81 (4-5): 291-308.

Rum1, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase in fission yeast, is negatively regulated by mitogen-activated protein kinase-mediated phosphorylation at Ser and Thr residues., Matsuoka K, Kiyokawa N, Taguchi T, Matsui J, Suzuki T, Mimori K, Nakajima H, Takenouchi H, Weiran T, Katagiri YU, Fujimoto J., Eur J Biochem. July 1, 2002; 269 (14): 3511-21.

Role of specialized microvilli and the fertilization envelope in the spatial positioning of blastomeres in early development of embryos of the starfish Astropecten scoparius., Matsunaga M, Uemura I, Tamura M, Nemoto S., Biol Bull. June 1, 2002; 202 (3): 213-22.

Regularity in irregular echinoids., Torres M, Aragón JL, Domínguez P, Gil D., J Math Biol. April 1, 2002; 44 (4): 330-40.

Regulation of constitutively expressed and induced cutinase genes by different zinc finger transcription factors in Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi (Nectria haematococca)., Li D, Sirakova T, Rogers L, Ettinger WF, Kolattukudy PE., J Biol Chem. March 8, 2002; 277 (10): 7905-12.

Repairing a torn cell surface: make way, lysosomes to the rescue., McNeil PL., J Cell Sci. March 1, 2002; 115 (Pt 5): 873-9.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by amoebocytes of Asterias rubens (Echinodermata)., Coteur G, Warnau M, Jangoux M, Dubois P., Fish Shellfish Immunol. March 1, 2002; 12 (3): 187-200.

Role of cell contact in the specification process of pigment founder cells in the sea urchin embryo., Takata H, Kominami T, Masui M., Zoolog Sci. March 1, 2002; 19 (3): 299-307.

Role of syndecan in the elongation of postoral arms in sea urchin larvae., Tomita K, Yamasu K, Suyemitsu T., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 2002; 44 (1): 45-53.

Remodeling of sperm chromatin after fertilization involves nucleosomes formed by sperm histones H2A and H2B and two CS histone variants., Oliver MI, Concha C, Gutiérrez S, Bustos A, Montecino M, Puchi M, Imschenetzky M., J Cell Biochem. January 1, 2002; 85 (4): 851-9.

Regeneration of spines and pedicellariae in echinoderms: a review., Dubois P, Ameye L., Microsc Res Tech. December 15, 2001; 55 (6): 427-37.

Regeneration in echinoderm larvae., Vickery MC, Vickery MS, Amsler CD, McClintock JB., Microsc Res Tech. December 15, 2001; 55 (6): 464-73.

Response of the cortex to the mitotic apparatus during polar body formation in the starfish oocyte of Asterina pectinifera., Hamaguchi Y, Satoh SK, Numata T, Hamaguchi MS., Cell Struct Funct. December 1, 2001; 26 (6): 627-31.

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