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Marine phosphatidylcholine suppresses 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats by inducing apoptosis., Fukunaga K, Hossain Z, Takahashi K., Nutr Res. September 1, 2008; 28 (9): 635-40.

Manganese effects on haematopoietic cells and circulating coelomocytes of Asterias rubens (Linnaeus)., Oweson C, Sköld H, Pinsino A, Matranga V, Hernroth B., Aquat Toxicol. August 29, 2008; 89 (2): 75-81.

Morphology and gene analysis of hybrids between two congeneric sea stars with different modes of development., Wakabayashi K, Komatsu M, Murakami M, Hori I, Takegami T., Biol Bull. August 1, 2008; 215 (1): 89-97.

Marine reserve benefits unfold., Williams N., Curr Biol. July 22, 2008; 18 (14): R580-1.

Metal concentrations, sperm motility, and RNA/DNA ratio in two echinoderm species from a highly contaminated fjord (the Sørfjord, Norway)., Catarino AI, Cabral HN, Peeters K, Pernet P, Punjabi U, Dubois P., Environ Toxicol Chem. July 1, 2008; 27 (7): 1553-60.

Macrobenthic community at type and age-different artificial reefs located along the Korean coast of the East Sea., Kim WK, Son YS, Lee JH, Hong JP, Kim YS, Lee JW, Jo Q., J Environ Biol. July 1, 2008; 29 (4): 501-5.

Marine invertebrate genome sequences and our evolving understanding of animal immunity., Rast JP, Messier-Solek C., Biol Bull. June 1, 2008; 214 (3): 274-83.

Mountain coniferous forests, refugia and butterflies., Varga Z., Mol Ecol. May 1, 2008; 17 (9): 2101-3.

Mining bridge and brick motifs from complex biological networks for functionally and statistically significant discovery., Cheng CY, Huang CY, Sun CT., IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern B Cybern. February 1, 2008; 38 (1): 17-24.

Maintaining a frozen shipping environment for Phase I clinical trial distribution., Elliott MA, Halbert GW., Int J Pharm. January 4, 2008; 346 (1-2): 89-92.

Muscle formation during embryogenesis of the polychaete Ophryotrocha diadema (Dorvilleidae) - new insights into annelid muscle patterns., Bergter A, Brubacher JL, Paululat A., Front Zool. January 2, 2008; 5 1.                

Mechanisms of sperm chemotaxis., Kaupp UB, Kashikar ND, Weyand I., Annu Rev Physiol. January 1, 2008; 70 93-117.

Mesenchymal cell fusion in the sea urchin embryo., Hodor PG, Ettensohn CA., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 475 315-34.

Maxillary anterior caries as a predictor of posterior caries in the primary dentition in preschool Brazilian children., Ardenghi TM, Sheiham A, Marcenes W, Oliveira LB, Bönecker M., J Dent Child (Chic). January 1, 2008; 75 (3): 215-21.

Mercury in fish: concentration vs. fish size and estimates of mercury intake., Storelli MM, Barone G, Piscitelli G, Marcotrigiano GO., Food Addit Contam. December 1, 2007; 24 (12): 1353-7.

Molecular and biological characterization of a mannan-binding lectin from the holothurian Apostichopus japonicus., Bulgakov AA, Eliseikina MG, Petrova IY, Nazarenko EL, Kovalchuk SN, Kozhemyako VB, Rasskazov VA., Glycobiology. December 1, 2007; 17 (12): 1284-98.

Molecular evolution of Phox-related regulatory subunits for NADPH oxidase enzymes., Kawahara T, Lambeth JD., BMC Evol Biol. September 27, 2007; 7 178.                            

Molecular characterization of a novel intracellular ADP-ribosyl cyclase., Churamani D, Boulware MJ, Geach TJ, Martin AC, Moy GW, Su YH, Vacquier VD, Marchant JS, Dale L, Patel S., PLoS One. August 29, 2007; 2 (8): e797.                  

Mitochondria, redox signaling and axis specification in metazoan embryos., Coffman JA, Denegre JM., Dev Biol. August 15, 2007; 308 (2): 266-80.

Microbiological study of the body wall lesions of the echinoid Tripneustes gratilla., Becker P, Gillan DC, Eeckhaut I., Dis Aquat Organ. August 13, 2007; 77 (1): 73-82.

Metal content and toxicity of produced formation water (PFW): study of the possible effects of the discharge on marine environment., Manfra L, Moltedo G, Lamberti CV, Maggi C, Finoia MG, Giuliani S, Onorati F, Gabellini M, Di Mento R, Cicero AM., Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. August 1, 2007; 53 (2): 183-90.

Molecular evolution of the reactive oxygen-generating NADPH oxidase (Nox/Duox) family of enzymes., Kawahara T, Quinn MT, Lambeth JD., BMC Evol Biol. July 6, 2007; 7 109.                  

Monodictyquinone A: a new antimicrobial anthraquinone from a sea urchin-derived fungus Monodictys sp., El-Beih AA, Kawabata T, Koimaru K, Ohta T, Tsukamoto S., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). July 1, 2007; 55 (7): 1097-8.

Morphological redescription of two endocommensal ciliates, Entorhipidium fukuii Uyemura, 1934 and Madsenia indomita (Madsen, 1931) Kahl, 1934 from digestive tracts of sea urchins of the Yellow Sea, China (Ciliophora; Scuticociliatida)., Long H, Song W, Wang Y, Li J., Eur J Protistol. June 1, 2007; 43 (2): 101-14.

Microdissection: Explant and Transplant Assays in Xenopus laevis., Sive HL, Grainger RM, Harland RM., CSH Protoc. June 1, 2007; 2007 pdb.top10.

Micromere-derived signal regulates larval left-right polarity during sea urchin development., Kitazawa C, Amemiya S., J Exp Zool A Ecol Genet Physiol. May 1, 2007; 307 (5): 249-62.

Microplate assay for quantifying developmental morphologies: effects of exogenous hyalin on sea urchin gastrulation., Razinia Z, Carroll EJ, Oppenheimer SB., Zygote. May 1, 2007; 15 (2): 159-64.

Membrane hemifusion is a stable intermediate of exocytosis., Wong JL, Koppel DE, Cowan AE, Wessel GM., Dev Cell. April 1, 2007; 12 (4): 653-9.

Marixanthomonas ophiurae gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine bacterium of the family Flavobacteriaceae isolated from a deep-sea brittle star., Romanenko LA, Uchino M, Frolova GM, Mikhailov VV., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. March 1, 2007; 57 (Pt 3): 457-462.

Marine natural products., Blunt JW, Copp BR, Hu WP, Munro MH, Northcote PT, Prinsep MR., Nat Prod Rep. February 1, 2007; 24 (1): 31-86.

Molecular paleoecology: using gene regulatory analysis to address the origins of complex life cycles in the late Precambrian., Dunn EF, Moy VN, Angerer LM, Angerer RC, Morris RL, Peterson KJ., Evol Dev. January 1, 2007; 9 (1): 10-24.

Mucoadhesive micropatterns for enhanced grip., Dodou D, del Campo A, Arzt E., Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. January 1, 2007; 2007 1457-62.

Modeling development: spikes of the sea urchin., Kühn C, Kühn A, Poustka AJ, Klipp E., Genome Inform. January 1, 2007; 18 75-84.

Modulation of MAPK activities during egg activation in Drosophila., Sackton KL, Buehner NA, Wolfner MF., Fly (Austin). January 1, 2007; 1 (4): 222-7.

Meisetz and the birth of the KRAB motif., Birtle Z, Ponting CP., Bioinformatics. December 1, 2006; 22 (23): 2841-5.

Maternal provisioning in Ophionereis fasciata and O. schayeri: brittle stars with contrasting modes of development., Falkner I, Byrne M, Sewell MA., Biol Bull. December 1, 2006; 211 (3): 204-7.

Molecular characterizations of oxytetracycline resistant bacteria and their resistance genes from mariculture waters of China., Dang H, Zhang X, Song L, Chang Y, Yang G., Mar Pollut Bull. November 1, 2006; 52 (11): 1494-503.

Maternal exposure to estradiol and endocrine disrupting compounds alters the sensitivity of sea urchin embryos and the expression of an orphan steroid receptor., Roepke TA, Chang ES, Cherr GN., J Exp Zool A Comp Exp Biol. October 1, 2006; 305 (10): 830-41.

Molecular characterization of Ciona sperm outer arm dynein reveals multiple components related to outer arm docking complex protein 2., Hozumi A, Satouh Y, Makino Y, Toda T, Ide H, Ogawa K, King SM, Inaba K., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. October 1, 2006; 63 (10): 591-603.

Mechanism of transport of IFT particles in C. elegans cilia by the concerted action of kinesin-II and OSM-3 motors., Pan X, Ou G, Civelekoglu-Scholey G, Blacque OE, Endres NF, Tao L, Mogilner A, Leroux MR, Vale RD, Scholey JM., J Cell Biol. September 25, 2006; 174 (7): 1035-45.        

Modulation of calcium signalling by the actin-binding protein cofilin., Nusco GA, Chun JT, Ercolano E, Lim D, Gragnaniello G, Kyozuka K, Santella L., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 15, 2006; 348 (1): 109-14.

Mechanisms of recovery and resilience of different components of mosaics of habitats on shallow rocky reefs., Bulleri F, Benedetti-Cecchi L., Oecologia. September 1, 2006; 149 (3): 482-92.

Mode of interaction of ganglioside Langmuir monolayer originated from echinoderms: three binary systems of ganglioside/DPPC, ganglioside/DMPE, and ganglioside/cholesterol., Hoda K, Ikeda Y, Kawasaki H, Yamada K, Higuchi R, Shibata O., Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. September 1, 2006; 52 (1): 57-75.

Molecular architecture of axonemal microtubule doublets revealed by cryo-electron tomography., Sui H, Downing KH., Nature. July 27, 2006; 442 (7101): 475-8.

Mapping of magnesium and of different protein fragments in sea urchin teeth via secondary ion mass spectroscopy., Robach JS, Stock SR, Veis A., J Struct Biol. July 1, 2006; 155 (1): 87-95.

Mechanism of nitric oxide action on inhibitory GABAergic signaling within the nucleus tractus solitarii., Wang S, Teschemacher AG, Paton JF, Kasparov S., FASEB J. July 1, 2006; 20 (9): 1537-9.

Mariniflexile gromovii gen. nov., sp. nov., a gliding bacterium isolated from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius., Nedashkovskaya OI, Kim SB, Kwak J, Mikhailov VV, Bae KS., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. July 1, 2006; 56 (Pt 7): 1635-1638.

Mitigating human disturbance: can protection influence trajectories of recovery in benthic assemblages?, Bevilacqua S, Terlizzi A, Fraschetti S, Russo GF, Boero F., J Anim Ecol. July 1, 2006; 75 (4): 908-20.

Marine reserves reestablish lost predatory interactions and cause community changes in rocky reefs., Guidetti P., Ecol Appl. June 1, 2006; 16 (3): 963-76.

Microinjection of an antibody against the cysteine-protease involved in male chromatin remodeling blocks the development of sea urchin embryos at the initial cell cycle., Puchi M, Quiñones K, Concha C, Iribarren C, Bustos P, Morin V, Genevière AM, Imschenetzky M., J Cell Biochem. May 15, 2006; 98 (2): 335-42.

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