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Search Results

The dynamics of secretion during sea urchin embryonic skeleton formation., Wilt FH, Killian CE, Hamilton P, Croker L., Exp Cell Res. May 1, 2008; 314 (8): 1744-52.

Trimeric G protein-dependent signaling by Frizzled receptors in animal development., Egger-Adam D, Katanaev VL., Front Biosci. May 1, 2008; 13 4740-55.

Transfer of a large gene regulatory apparatus to a new developmental address in echinoid evolution., Gao F, Davidson EH., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 22, 2008; 105 (16): 6091-6.

Theodor Boveri and the natural experiment., Maderspacher F., Curr Biol. April 8, 2008; 18 (7): R279-86.

The conformation of fusogenic B18 peptide in surfactant solutions., Rocha S, Lúcio M, Pereira MC, Reis S, Brezesinski G., J Pept Sci. April 1, 2008; 14 (4): 436-41.

Two independent forms of endocytosis maintain embryonic cell surface homeostasis during early development., Covian-Nares JF, Smith RM, Vogel SS., Dev Biol. April 1, 2008; 316 (1): 135-48.

The influence of biomass on the toxicity of hydrophobic organic contaminants., Evans AD, Nipper M., Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. February 1, 2008; 54 (2): 219-25.

Toxicity of urban highway runoff with respect to storm duration., Kayhanian M, Stransky C, Bay S, Lau SL, Stenstrom MK., Sci Total Environ. January 25, 2008; 389 (2-3): 386-406.

The Caenorhabditis elegans protein CTBP-1 defines a new group of THAP domain-containing CtBP corepressors., Nicholas HR, Lowry JA, Wu T, Crossley M., J Mol Biol. January 4, 2008; 375 (1): 1-11.

The impact of personal resources and their goal relevance on satisfaction with food-related life among the elderly., Dean M, Grunert KG, Raats MM, Nielsen NA, Lumbers M, Food in Later Life Team., Appetite. January 1, 2008; 50 (2-3): 308-15.

The lengthening of a giant protein: when, how, and why?, Meiniel O, Meiniel R, Lalloué F, Didier R, Jauberteau MO, Meiniel A, Petit D., J Mol Evol. January 1, 2008; 66 (1): 1-10.

Temporal regulation of embryonic M-phases., Kubiak JZ, Bazile F, Pascal A, Richard-Parpaillon L, Polanski Z, Ciemerych MA, Chesnel F., Folia Histochem Cytobiol. January 1, 2008; 46 (1): 5-9.

The effect of epibionts on the susceptibility of the red seaweed Cryptonemia seminervis to herbivory and fouling., da Gama BA, Santos RP, Pereira RC., Biofouling. January 1, 2008; 24 (3): 209-18.

Two new steroidal compounds from starfish Asterias amurensis Lutken., Liu HW, Li JK, Zhang DW, Zhang JC, Wang NL, Cai GP, Yao XS., J Asian Nat Prod Res. January 1, 2008; 10 (5-6): 521-9.

The PHD domain of the sea urchin RAG2 homolog, SpRAG2L, recognizes dimethylated lysine 4 in histone H3 tails., Wilson DR, Norton DD, Fugmann SD., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 2008; 32 (10): 1221-30.

The structure of sulfated polysaccharides ensures a carbohydrate-based mechanism for species recognition during sea urchin fertilization., Vilela-Silva AC, Hirohashi N, Mourão PA., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (5-6): 551-9.

The role of the actin cytoskeleton in calcium signaling in starfish oocytes., Santella L, Puppo A, Chun JT., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (5-6): 571-84.

The evolution of sea urchin sperm bindin., Zigler KS., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (5-6): 791-6.

Tissue parameters of the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus): the effects of magnesium and transport stress., Arafa S, Sadok S, El Abed A., Nutr Health. January 1, 2008; 19 (3): 203-14.

The use of tritium-labeled triterpene glycosides from the holothurian Cucumaria japonica in pharmacokinetic studies., Aminin DL, Shevchenko VP, Nagaev IY, Gladkikh RV, Kapustina II, Likhatskaya GN, Avilov SA, Stonik VA., Dokl Biol Sci. January 1, 2008; 422 345-7.

The success of the RNase scaffold in the advance of biosciences and in evolution., Pizzo E, D'Alessio G., Gene. December 30, 2007; 406 (1-2): 8-12.

The use of bioluminescent dinoflagellates as an environmental risk assessment tool., Lapota D, Osorio AR, Liao C, Bjorndal B., Mar Pollut Bull. December 1, 2007; 54 (12): 1857-67.

The role of Src family kinases in egg activation., Reut TM, Mattan L, Dafna T, Ruth KK, Ruth S., Dev Biol. December 1, 2007; 312 (1): 77-89.

The effect of restricting opening hours on alcohol-related violence., Duailibi S, Ponicki W, Grube J, Pinsky I, Laranjeira R, Raw M., Am J Public Health. December 1, 2007; 97 (12): 2276-80.

The velocity of microtubule sliding: its stability and load dependency., Ishijima S., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. November 1, 2007; 64 (11): 809-13.

Toxicity assessment of crude and partially purified extracts of marine Synechocystis and Synechococcus cyanobacterial strains in marine invertebrates., Martins R, Fernandez N, Beiras R, Vasconcelos V., Toxicon. November 1, 2007; 50 (6): 791-9.

Thresholds and the resilience of Caribbean coral reefs., Mumby PJ, Hastings A, Edwards HJ., Nature. November 1, 2007; 450 (7166): 98-101.

Trophic structure of coastal Antarctic food webs associated with changes in sea ice and food supply., Norkko A, Thrush SF, Cummings VJ, Gibbs MM, Andrew NL, Norkko J, Schwarz AM., Ecology. November 1, 2007; 88 (11): 2810-20.

Two new triterpene glycosides from the Vietnamese sea cucumber Holothuria scabra., Dang NH, Thanh NV, Kiem PV, Huong le M, Minh CV, Kim YH., Arch Pharm Res. November 1, 2007; 30 (11): 1387-91.

Toxicity of phenanthrene and lindane mixtures to marine invertebrates., Evans AD, Nipper M., Environ Toxicol. October 1, 2007; 22 (5): 495-501.

The toposome, essential for sea urchin cell adhesion and development, is a modified iron-less calcium-binding transferrin., Noll H, Alcedo J, Daube M, Frei E, Schiltz E, Hunt J, Humphries T, Matranga V, Hochstrasser M, Aebersold R, Lee H, Noll M., Dev Biol. October 1, 2007; 310 (1): 54-70.

The sea urchin embryo, an invertebrate model for mammalian developmental neurotoxicity, reveals multiple neurotransmitter mechanisms for effects of chlorpyrifos: therapeutic interventions and a comparison with the monoamine depleter, reserpine., Buznikov GA, Nikitina LA, Rakić LM, Milosević I, Bezuglov VV, Lauder JM, Slotkin TA., Brain Res Bull. September 28, 2007; 74 (4): 221-31.

Temporal trends of metals in benthic invertebrate species from the Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean., Deudero S, Box A, March D, Valencia JM, Grau AM, Tintore J, Benedicto J., Mar Pollut Bull. September 1, 2007; 54 (9): 1545-58.

The roles of noncatalytic ATP binding and ADP binding in the regulation of dynein motile activity in flagella., Inoue Y, Shingyoji C., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. September 1, 2007; 64 (9): 690-704.

The effects of nonylphenol and octylphenol on embryonic development of sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus)., Arslan OC, Parlak H, Oral R, Katalay S., Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. August 1, 2007; 53 (2): 214-9.

The use of Quantitative Agarose Gel Electrophoresis for rapid analysis of the integrity of protein-DNA complexes., Adkins NL, Hall JA, Georgel PT., J Biochem Biophys Methods. August 1, 2007; 70 (5): 721-6.

The risk of polyspermy in three congeneric sea urchins and its implications for gametic incompatibility and reproductive isolation., Levitan DR, Terhorst CP, Fogarty ND., Evolution. August 1, 2007; 61 (8): 2007-14.

The mitochondrial DNA of Xenoturbella bocki: genomic architecture and phylogenetic analysis., Perseke M, Hankeln T, Weich B, Fritzsch G, Stadler PF, Israelsson O, Bernhard D, Schlegel M., Theory Biosci. August 1, 2007; 126 (1): 35-42.

The proteome of the developing tooth of the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus: mortalin is a constituent of the developing cell syncytium., Alvares K, Dixit SN, Lux E, Barss J, Veis A., J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. July 15, 2007; 308 (4): 357-70.

The 10 sea urchin receptor for egg jelly proteins (SpREJ) are members of the polycystic kidney disease-1 (PKD1) family., Gunaratne HJ, Moy GW, Kinukawa M, Miyata S, Mah SA, Vacquier VD., BMC Genomics. July 13, 2007; 8 235.      

The echinoderm collagen fibril: a hero in the connective tissue research of the 1990s., Szulgit G., Bioessays. July 1, 2007; 29 (7): 645-53.

Toxicity of the booster biocide Sea-Nine to the early developmental stages of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus., Bellas J., Aquat Toxicol. June 5, 2007; 83 (1): 52-61.

Two phases of calcium requirement during starfish meiotic maturation., Tosuji H, Seki Y, Kyozuka K., Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. June 1, 2007; 147 (2): 432-7.

Toward pristine biomass: reef fish recovery in coral reef marine protected areas in Kenya., McClanahan TR, Graham NA, Calnan JM, MacNeil MA., Ecol Appl. June 1, 2007; 17 (4): 1055-67.

Transplantation of Xenopus laevis Lens Ectoderm., Sive HL, Grainger RM, Harland RM., CSH Protoc. June 1, 2007; 2007 pdb.prot4751.

The protease domain of procollagen C-proteinase (BMP1) lacks substrate selectivity, which is conferred by non-proteolytic domains., Wermter C, Höwel M, Hintze V, Bombosch B, Aufenvenne K, Yiallouros I, Stöcker W., Biol Chem. May 1, 2007; 388 (5): 513-21.

Trace metal burdens and expression of heat stable low molecular mass proteins in the female asteroid Coscinasterias muricata--Fluctuations throughout the reproductive cycle., Georgiades ET, Gillan DC, Pernet P, Dubois P, Temara A, Holdway DA., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. April 1, 2007; 145 (3): 449-56.

Time and extent of ciliary response to particles in a non-filtering feeding mechanism., Strathmann RR., Biol Bull. April 1, 2007; 212 (2): 93-103.

The Snail repressor is required for PMC ingression in the sea urchin embryo., Wu SY, McClay DR., Development. March 1, 2007; 134 (6): 1061-70.

Toxicity ranking of estuarine sediments on the basis of Sparus aurata biomarkers., Cunha I, Neuparth T, Caeiro S, Costa MH, Guilhermino L., Environ Toxicol Chem. March 1, 2007; 26 (3): 444-53.

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