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Sequence-dependent nucleosome structure and stability variations detected by Förster resonance energy transfer., Kelbauskas L, Chan N, Bash R, Yodh J, Woodbury N, Lohr D., Biochemistry. February 27, 2007; 46 (8): 2239-48.

Sp-Smad2/3 mediates patterning of neurogenic ectoderm by nodal in the sea urchin embryo., Yaguchi S, Yaguchi J, Burke RD., Dev Biol. February 15, 2007; 302 (2): 494-503.

Serotonin stimulates [Ca2+]i elevation in ciliary ectodermal cells of echinoplutei through a serotonin receptor cell network in the blastocoel., Katow H, Yaguchi S, Kyozuka K., J Exp Biol. February 1, 2007; 210 (Pt 3): 403-12.

Sex steroid receptor evolution and signalling in aquatic invertebrates., Köhler HR, Kloas W, Schirling M, Lutz I, Reye AL, Langen JS, Triebskorn R, Nagel R, Schönfelder G., Ecotoxicology. February 1, 2007; 16 (1): 131-43.

Slow conformational changes of the voltage sensor during the mode shift in hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels., Bruening-Wright A, Larsson HP., J Neurosci. January 10, 2007; 27 (2): 270-8.

Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis oocytes maintain a microtubule organizing center throughout oogenesis: implications for the establishment of egg polarity in sea urchins., Egaña AL, Boyle JA, Ernst SG., Mol Reprod Dev. January 1, 2007; 74 (1): 76-87.

Surface microtopographies of tropical sea stars: lack of an efficient physical defence mechanism against fouling., Guenther J, De Nys R., Biofouling. January 1, 2007; 23 (5-6): 419-29.

Surprising complexity of the ancestral apoptosis network., Zmasek CM, Zhang Q, Ye Y, Godzik A., Genome Biol. January 1, 2007; 8 (10): R226.      

Species composition and seasonal succession of saprophagous calliphorids in a rural area of Córdoba: Argentina., Battan Horenstein M, Linhares AX, Rosso B, García MD., Biol Res. January 1, 2007; 40 (2): 163-71.

Starfish™ heart positioner maintains right ventricular function during lateral wall displacement., Ishikawa N, Watanabe G, Ohtake H, Terada T., Innovations (Phila). January 1, 2007; 2 (1): 20-4.

Serase-1B, a new splice variant of polyserase-1/TMPRSS9, activates urokinase-type plasminogen activator and the proteolytic activation is negatively regulated by glycosaminoglycans., Okumura Y, Hayama M, Takahashi E, Fujiuchi M, Shimabukuro A, Yano M, Kido H., Biochem J. December 15, 2006; 400 (3): 551-61.

Sea urchin metalloproteases: a genomic survey of the BMP-1/tolloid-like, MMP and ADAM families., Angerer L, Hussain S, Wei Z, Livingston BT., Dev Biol. December 1, 2006; 300 (1): 267-81.

Spherulocytes in the echinoderm Holothuria glaberrima and their involvement in intestinal regeneration., García-Arrarás JE, Schenk C, Rodrígues-Ramírez R, Torres II, Valentín G, Candelaria AG., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2006; 235 (12): 3259-67.

Sea urchin Forkhead gene family: phylogeny and embryonic expression., Tu Q, Brown CT, Davidson EH, Oliveri P., Dev Biol. December 1, 2006; 300 (1): 49-62.

Shedding genomic light on Aristotle's lantern., Sodergren E, Shen Y, Song X, Zhang L, Gibbs RA, Weinstock GM., Dev Biol. December 1, 2006; 300 (1): 2-8.

Structural basis for dual functionality of isoflavonoid O-methyltransferases in the evolution of plant defense responses., Liu CJ, Deavours BE, Richard SB, Ferrer JL, Blount JW, Huhman D, Dixon RA, Noel JP., Plant Cell. December 1, 2006; 18 (12): 3656-69.

Sulfated alkenes from the echinus Temnopleurus hardwickii., Chen L, Fang Y, Luo X, He H, Zhu T, Liu H, Gu Q, Zhu W., J Nat Prod. December 1, 2006; 69 (12): 1787-9.

Saprophytic Activity and Sporulation of Cryphonectria parasitica on Dead Chestnut Wood in Forests with Naturally Established Hypovirulence., Prospero S, Conedera M, Heiniger U, Rigling D., Phytopathology. December 1, 2006; 96 (12): 1337-44.

Standardizing the methodology of sperm cell test with Paracentrotus lividus., Lera S, Macchia S, Pellegrini D., Environ Monit Assess. November 1, 2006; 122 (1-3): 101-9.

Structure and cytotoxicity of a new lanostane-type triterpene glycoside from the sea cucumber Holothuria hilla., Wu J, Yi YH, Tang HF, Zou ZR, Wu HM., Chem Biodivers. November 1, 2006; 3 (11): 1249-54.

SANTA domain: a novel conserved protein module in Eukaryota with potential involvement in chromatin regulation., Zhang D, Martyniuk CJ, Trudeau VL., Bioinformatics. October 15, 2006; 22 (20): 2459-62.

Sediment-bound inorganic Hg extraction mechanisms in the gut fluids of marine deposit feeders., Zhong H, Wang WX., Environ Sci Technol. October 1, 2006; 40 (19): 6181-6.

Study of larval and adult skeletogenic cells in developing sea urchin larvae., Yajima M, Kiyomoto M., Biol Bull. October 1, 2006; 211 (2): 183-92.

Synthesis of novel 5-substituted indirubins as protein kinases inhibitors., Beauchard A, Ferandin Y, Frère S, Lozach O, Blairvacq M, Meijer L, Thiéry V, Besson T., Bioorg Med Chem. September 15, 2006; 14 (18): 6434-43.

Surveillance of respiratory virus infections in adult hospital admissions using rapid methods., Kaye M, Skidmore S, Osman H, Weinbren M, Warren R., Epidemiol Infect. August 1, 2006; 134 (4): 792-8.

Synthesis of echinamines A and B, the first aminated hydroxynaphthazarins produced by the sea urchin Scaphechinus mirabilis and its analogues., Pokhilo ND, Shuvalova MI, Lebedko MV, Sopelnyak GI, Yakubovskaya AY, Mischenko NP, Fedoreyev SA, Anufriev VP., J Nat Prod. August 1, 2006; 69 (8): 1125-9.

Sponge systematics by starfish: predators distinguish cryptic sympatric species of Caribbean fire sponges, Tedania ignis and Tedania klausi n. sp. (Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida)., Wulff JL., Biol Bull. August 1, 2006; 211 (1): 83-94.

Structure-activity relationships of novel neuritogenic steroid glycosides from the Okinawan starfish Linckia laevigata., Han C, Qi J, Ojika M., Bioorg Med Chem. July 1, 2006; 14 (13): 4458-65.

Synaptotagmin I is involved in the regulation of cortical granule exocytosis in the sea urchin., Leguia M, Conner S, Berg L, Wessel GM., Mol Reprod Dev. July 1, 2006; 73 (7): 895-905.

Sphingomyelin-enriched microdomains define the efficiency of native Ca(2+)-triggered membrane fusion., Rogasevskaia T, Coorssen JR., J Cell Sci. July 1, 2006; 119 (Pt 13): 2688-94.

Stroke management in women., Kapral MK., Womens Health (Lond). July 1, 2006; 2 (4): 597-603.

Stable isotope analysis of production and trophic relationships in a tropical marine hard-bottom community., Behringer DC, Butler MJ., Oecologia. June 1, 2006; 148 (2): 334-41.

Steroid levels in crinoid echinoderms are altered by exposure to model endocrine disruptors., Lavado R, Barbaglio A, Carnevali MD, Porte C., Steroids. June 1, 2006; 71 (6): 489-97.

Specification of ectoderm restricts the size of the animal plate and patterns neurogenesis in sea urchin embryos., Yaguchi S, Yaguchi J, Burke RD., Development. June 1, 2006; 133 (12): 2337-46.

Sperm channel diversity and functional multiplicity., Darszon A, Acevedo JJ, Galindo BE, Hernández-González EO, Nishigaki T, Treviño CL, Wood C, Beltrán C., Reproduction. June 1, 2006; 131 (6): 977-88.

Sea urchin embryo as a model organism for the rapid functional screening of tubulin modulators., Semenova MN, Kiselyov A, Semenov VV., Biotechniques. June 1, 2006; 40 (6): 765-74.

Sclerites in different tissues of Mediterranean Echinodermata., Ocaña Martín A, Tierno de Figueroa JM, Palomino-Morales RJ., Zoolog Sci. June 1, 2006; 23 (6): 557-64.

Selection on gamete recognition proteins depends on sex, density, and genotype frequency., Levitan DR, Ferrell DL., Science. April 14, 2006; 312 (5771): 267-9.

Saving starfish. Arkansas programs provide service to those without access to health care., Penn CL., J Ark Med Soc. April 1, 2006; 102 (10): 268-70.

Structural determination of saponins extracted from starfish by fast atom bombardment collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry., Gil JH, Jung JH, Kim KJ, Kim MS, Hong J., Anal Sci. April 1, 2006; 22 (4): 641-4.

Signal transduction at fertilization: the Ca2+ release pathway in echinoderms and other invertebrate deuterostomes., Townley IK, Roux MM, Foltz KR., Semin Cell Dev Biol. April 1, 2006; 17 (2): 293-302.

Self-synthesizing DNA transposons in eukaryotes., Kapitonov VV, Jurka J., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 21, 2006; 103 (12): 4540-5.

Sea urchin arylsulfatase insulator exerts its anti-silencing effect without interacting with the nuclear matrix., Hino S, Akasaka K, Matsuoka M., J Mol Biol. March 17, 2006; 357 (1): 18-27.

Sea urchins as crystallographers., Towe KM., Science. March 17, 2006; 311 (5767): 1554-5; author reply 1554-5.

Seascape-dependent subtidal-intertidal trophic linkages., Rilov G, Schiel DR., Ecology. March 1, 2006; 87 (3): 731-44.

Subequatorial cytoplasm plays an important role in ectoderm patterning in the sea urchin embryo., Kominami T, Akagawa M, Takata H., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 2006; 48 (2): 101-15.

Synthesis and growth mechanism of titanate and titania one-dimensional nanostructures self-assembled into hollow micrometer-scale spherical aggregates., Mao Y, Kanungo M, Hemraj-Benny T, Wong SS., J Phys Chem B. January 19, 2006; 110 (2): 702-10.

Synthesis of cyclic ADP-carbocylcic-xylose and its 3"-O-methyl analogue as stable and potent Ca2+ -mobilizing agents., Kudoh T, Matsuda A, Shuto S, Murayama T, Ogawa Y., Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids. January 1, 2006; 25 (4-6): 583-99.

Sea urchin granuloma., Rossetto AL, de Macedo Mora J, Haddad Junior V., Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. January 1, 2006; 48 (5): 303-6.

Studies on the cytotoxicity of cucurbitacins isolated from Cayaponia racemosa (Cucurbitaceae)., Dantas IN, Gadelha GC, Chaves DC, Monte FJ, Pessoa C, de Moraes MO, Costa-Lotufo LV., Z Naturforsch C J Biosci. January 1, 2006; 61 (9-10): 643-6.

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