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Cloning, expression analysis and functional characterization of an interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 from Apostichopus japonicus., Cui Y, Jiang L, Xing R, Wang Z, Wang Z, Shao Y, Zhang W, Zhao X, Li C., Mol Immunol. September 1, 2018; 101 479-487.

Cytotoxic Desulfated Saponin from Holothuria atra Predicted to Have High Binding Affinity to the Oncogenic Kinase PAK1: A Combined In Vitro and In Silico Study., Shahinozzaman M, Ishii T, Takano R, Halim MA, Hossain MA, Tawata S., Sci Pharm. August 31, 2018; 86 (3):

Characteristics of Neovascularization in Early Stages of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy by Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography., Pan J, Chen D, Yang X, Zou R, Zhao K, Cheng D, Huang S, Zhou T, Yang Y, Chen F., Am J Ophthalmol. August 1, 2018; 192 146-156.

Copper oxide nanoparticles induce the transcriptional modulation of oxidative stress-related genes in Arbacia lixula embryos., Giannetto A, Cappello T, Oliva S, Parrino V, De Marco G, Fasulo S, Mauceri A, Maisano M., Aquat Toxicol. August 1, 2018; 201 187-197.

Cloning and Functional Characterisation of the Duplicated RDL Subunits from the Pea Aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum., Del Villar SG, Jones AK., Int J Mol Sci. July 31, 2018; 19 (8):   

Corrigendum to "Phosphorylated-tyrosine based pseudobioaffinity adsorbent for the purification of immunoglobulin G" [J. Chromatogr. B, 1052 (2017) 10-18]., Pavan GL, Bresolin ITL, Grespan A, Bueno SMA., J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. July 15, 2018; 1090 122.

Compositional analysis of sulfated polysaccharides from sea cucumber (Stichopus japonicus) released by autolysis reaction., Song S, Wu S, Ai C, Xu X, Zhu Z, Cao C, Yang J, Wen C., Int J Biol Macromol. July 15, 2018; 114 420-425.

Cherchez la femme - impact of ocean acidification on the egg jelly coat and attractants for sperm., Foo SA, Deaker D, Byrne M., J Exp Biol. July 2, 2018; 221 (Pt 13):

Cidaroids spines facing ocean acidification., Dery A, Tran PD, Compère P, Dubois P., Mar Environ Res. July 1, 2018; 138 9-18.

Colorimetric method for determining viability of sea urchin sperm applied in toxicity tests., Resgalla C, Máximo MV, Brasil MDN, Pessatti ML., Ecotoxicology. July 1, 2018; 27 (5): 499-504.

Crown-of-Thorns Sea Star Acanthaster cf. solaris Has Tissue-Characteristic Microbiomes with Potential Roles in Health and Reproduction., Høj L, Levy N, Baillie BK, Clode PL, Strohmaier RC, Siboni N, Webster NS, Uthicke S, Bourne DG., Appl Environ Microbiol. June 18, 2018; 84 (13):   

Consequences of cytochrome c oxidase assembly defects for the yeast stationary phase., Dubinski AF, Camasta R, Soule TGB, Reed BH, Glerum DM., Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg. June 1, 2018; 1859 (6): 445-458.

Consequences of parental burnout: Its specific effect on child neglect and violence., Mikolajczak M, Brianda ME, Avalosse H, Roskam I., Child Abuse Negl. June 1, 2018; 80 134-145.

CASA in invertebrates., van der Horst G, Bennett M, Bishop JDD., Reprod Fertil Dev. June 1, 2018; 30 (6): 907-918.

Characteristics of the iron uptake-related process of a pathogenic Vibrio splendidus strain associated with massive mortalities of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus., Song T, Liu H, Lv T, Zhao X, Shao Y, Han Q, Li C, Zhang W., J Invertebr Pathol. June 1, 2018; 155 25-31.

Chitosan active films containing agro-industrial residue extracts for shelf life extension of chicken restructured product., Serrano-León JS, Bergamaschi KB, Yoshida CMP, Saldaña E, Selani MM, Rios-Mera JD, Alencar SM, Contreras-Castillo CJ., Food Res Int. June 1, 2018; 108 93-100.

Chemiexcitation and Its Implications for Disease., Brash DE, Goncalves LCP, Bechara EJH, Excited-State Medicine Working Group., Trends Mol Med. June 1, 2018; 24 (6): 527-541.

Conserved RNA binding activity of a Yin-Yang 1 homologue in the ova of the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Belak ZR, Ovsenek N, Eskiw CH., Sci Rep. May 23, 2018; 8 (1): 8061.   

Characteristics of the Copper,Zinc Superoxide Dismutase of a Hadal Sea Cucumber (Paelopatides sp.) from the Mariana Trench., Li Y, Kong X, Chen J, Liu H, Zhang H., Mar Drugs. May 18, 2018; 16 (5):   

Cdc42 controls primary mesenchyme cell morphogenesis in the sea urchin embryo., Sepúlveda-Ramírez SP, Toledo-Jacobo L, Henson JH, Shuster CB., Dev Biol. May 15, 2018; 437 (2): 140-151.   

Complex signatures of genomic variation of two non-model marine species in a homogeneous environment., Nielsen ES, Henriques R, Toonen RJ, Knapp ISS, Guo B, von der Heyden S., BMC Genomics. May 9, 2018; 19 (1): 347.   

Considerations and recommendations for selection and utilization of upper extremity clinical outcome assessments in human spinal cord injury trials., Jones LAT, Bryden A, Wheeler TL, Tansey KE, Anderson KD, Beattie MS, Blight A, Curt A, Field-Fote E, Guest JD, Hseih J, Jakeman LB, Kalsi-Ryan S, Krisa L, Lammertse DP, Leiby B, Marino R, Schwab JM, Scivoletto G, Tulsky DS, Wirth E, Zariffa J, Kleitman N, Mulcahey MJ, Steeves JD., Spinal Cord. May 1, 2018; 56 (5): 414-425.

Cyclopiamines C and D: Epoxide Spiroindolinone Alkaloids from Penicillium sp. CML 3020., Kildgaard S, de Medeiros LS, Phillips E, Gotfredsen CH, Frisvad JC, Nielsen KF, Abreu LM, Larsen TO., J Nat Prod. April 27, 2018; 81 (4): 785-790.

Continuous flow chemical vapour deposition of carbon nanotube sea urchins., de La Verpilliere J, Jessl S, Saeed K, Ducati C, De Volder M, Boies A., Nanoscale. April 26, 2018; 10 (16): 7780-7791.

Circadian variation and in vitro cytotoxic activity evaluation of volatile compounds from leaves of Piper regnellii (Miq) C. DC. var. regnellii (C. DC.) Yunck (Piperaceae)., Anderson RR, Girola N, Figueiredo CR, Londero VS, Lago JHG., Nat Prod Res. April 1, 2018; 32 (7): 859-862.

Chemical Profile of the Sulphated Saponins from the Starfish Luidia senegalensis Collected as by-Catch Fauna in Brazilian Coast., Tangerina MMP, Cesário JP, Pereira GRR, Costa TM, Valenti WC, Vilegas W., Nat Prod Bioprospect. April 1, 2018; 8 (2): 83-89.   

Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Growth-Related Genes in Juvenile Chinese Sea Cucumber, Russian Sea Cucumber, and Their Hybrids., Wang Z, Cui J, Song J, Wang H, Gao K, Qiu X, Gou M, Li X, Hu Z, Wang X, Chang Y., Mar Biotechnol (NY). April 1, 2018; 20 (2): 193-205.

Child and youth advocacy centres: A change in practice that can change a lifetime., Shaffer CL, Smith TD, Ornstein AE., Paediatr Child Health. April 1, 2018; 23 (2): 116-118.

Combining In Vivo and In Vitro Approaches To Identify Human Odorant Receptors Responsive to Food Odorants., Armelin-Correa LM, Malnic B., J Agric Food Chem. March 14, 2018; 66 (10): 2214-2218.

Cordulegaster virginiae sp. nov. from Mexico, including a comparison with C. diadema Selys, 1868, and a redescription of its larva (Odonata: Cordulegastridae)., Novelo-gutiÉrrez R., Zootaxa. March 14, 2018; 4394 (3): 371-382.

Cytotoxic Polyhydroxysteroidal Glycosides from Starfish Culcita novaeguineae., Lu Y, Li H, Wang M, Liu Y, Feng Y, Liu K, Tang H., Mar Drugs. March 13, 2018; 16 (3):   

Carbon Nanotubes and Algal Polysaccharides To Enhance the Enzymatic Properties of Urease in Lipid Langmuir-Blodgett Films., Rodrigues RT, Morais PV, Nordi CSF, Schöning MJ, Siqueira JR, Caseli L., Langmuir. March 6, 2018; 34 (9): 3082-3093.

Convergent shifts in host-associated microbial communities across environmentally elicited phenotypes., Carrier TJ, Reitzel AM., Nat Commun. March 5, 2018; 9 (1): 952.   

Crizotinib-associated toxic epidermal necrolysis in an ALK-positive advanced NSCLC patient., Yang S, Wu L, Li X, Huang J, Zhong J, Chen X., Mol Clin Oncol. March 1, 2018; 8 (3): 457-459.

Characterization of lipids in three species of sea urchin., Zhou X, Zhou DY, Lu T, Liu ZY, Zhao Q, Liu YX, Hu XP, Zhang JH, Shahidi F., Food Chem. February 15, 2018; 241 97-103.

Correction to Highly Efficient Retention of Polysulfides in "Sea-Urchin"-Like Carbon Nanotube/Nanopolyhedra Superstructures as Cathode Material for Ultralong-Life Lithium-Sulfur Batteries., Chen T, Cheng B, Zhu G, Chen R, Hu Y, Ma L, Lv H, Wang Y, Liang J, Tie Z, Jin Z, Liu J., Nano Lett. February 14, 2018; 18 (2): 1553.

Cryopreservation: Extending the viability of biological material from sea urchin (Echinometra lucunter) in ecotoxicity tests., Ribeiro RC, da Silva Veronez AC, Tovar TT, Adams S, Bartolomeu DA, Peronico C, Furley TH., Cryobiology. February 1, 2018; 80 139-143.

Cell loss by apoptosis is involved in the intestinal degeneration that occurs during aestivation in the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus., Xu K, Yu Q, Zhang J, Lv Z, Fu W, Wang T., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. February 1, 2018; 216 25-31.

Chemical Ecology of Chemosensation in Asteroidea: Insights Towards Management Strategies of Pest Species., Motti CA, Bose U, Roberts RE, McDougall C, Smith MK, Hall MR, Cummins SF., J Chem Ecol. February 1, 2018; 44 (2): 147-177.

Colwellia echini sp. nov., an agar- and carrageenan-solubilizing bacterium isolated from sea urchin., Christiansen L, Bech PK, Schultz-Johansen M, Martens HJ, Stougaard P., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. February 1, 2018; 68 (2): 687-691.

Correction to: Sea urchin growth dynamics at microstructural length scale revealed by Mn-labeling and cathodoluminescence imaging., Gorzelak P, Dery A, Dubois P, Stolarski J., Front Zool. February 1, 2018; 15 12.

Chemicals released by male sea cucumber mediate aggregation and spawning behaviours., Marquet N, Hubbard PC, da Silva JP, Afonso J, Canário AVM., Sci Rep. January 10, 2018; 8 (1): 239.   

Combined SEP and anti-PD-L1 antibody produces a synergistic antitumor effect in B16-F10 melanoma-bearing mice., Hu Z, Ye L, Xing Y, Hu J, Xi T., Sci Rep. January 9, 2018; 8 (1): 217.   

Comparative proteomic analysis of Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri periplasmic proteins reveals changes in cellular envelope metabolism during in vitro pathogenicity induction., Artier J, da Silva Zandonadi F, de Souza Carvalho FM, Pauletti BA, Leme AFP, Carnielli CM, Selistre-de-Araujo HS, Bertolini MC, Ferro JA, Belasque Júnior J, de Oliveira JCF, Novo-Mansur MTM., Mol Plant Pathol. January 1, 2018; 19 (1): 143-157.

Comparison of phagocytosis in three Caribbean Sea urchins., DeFilippo J, Ebersole J, Beck G., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 2018; 78 14-25.

Comparative expression analysis of immune-related factors in the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus., Jiang J, Zhou Z, Dong Y, Zhao Z, Sun H, Wang B, Jiang B, Chen Z, Gao S., Fish Shellfish Immunol. January 1, 2018; 72 342-347.

Cytotoxic activity of Holothuria tubulosa (Echinodermata) coelomocytes., Vazzana M, Celi M, Chiaramonte M, Inguglia L, Russo D, Ferrantelli V, Battaglia D, Arizza V., Fish Shellfish Immunol. January 1, 2018; 72 334-341.

Case report: skin injury after contact with a red spine starfish, Protoreaster lincki., Tammaro A, Palumbo A, Bommarito C, Pepe G, Romano I, Parisella FR, Persechino S, Bartolazzi A., Contact Dermatitis. January 1, 2018; 78 (1): 95-96.

Comparative metabolic ecology of tropical herbivorous echinoids on a coral reef., Lewis LS, Smith JE, Eynaud Y., PLoS One. January 1, 2018; 13 (1): e0190470.   

Cytotoxicity and Physiological Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Marine Invertebrates., Magesky A, Pelletier É., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2018; 1048 285-309.

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