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Making the best use of experts' estimates to prioritise monitoring and management actions: A freshwater case study., Nicol S, Ward K, Stratford D, Joehnk KD, Chadès I., J Environ Manage. June 1, 2018; 215 294-304.

Mind the gap! The mitochondrial control region and its power as a phylogenetic marker in echinoids., Bronstein O, Kroh A, Haring E., BMC Evol Biol. May 30, 2018; 18 (1): 80.          

Microtubule Dynamics Scale with Cell Size to Set Spindle Length and Assembly Timing., Lacroix B, Letort G, Pitayu L, Sallé J, Stefanutti M, Maton G, Ladouceur AM, Canman JC, Maddox PS, Maddox AS, Minc N, Nédélec F, Dumont J., Dev Cell. May 21, 2018; 45 (4): 496-511.e6.

Molecular characterization and gene expression patterns of retinoid receptors, in normal and regenerating tissues of the sea cucumber, Holothuria glaberrima., Viera-Vera J, García-Arrarás JE., Gene. May 15, 2018; 654 23-35.

Monitoring and assessing a 2-year outbreak of the corallivorous seastar Acanthaster planci in Ari Atoll, Republic of Maldives., Saponari L, Montalbetti E, Galli P, Strona G, Seveso D, Dehnert I, Montano S., Environ Monit Assess. May 12, 2018; 190 (6): 344.

Molecular phylogeny of Neotropical rock frogs reveals a long history of vicariant diversification in the Atlantic forest., Sabbag AF, Lyra ML, Zamudio KR, Haddad CFB, Feio RN, Leite FSF, Gasparini JL, Brasileiro CA., Mol Phylogenet Evol. May 1, 2018; 122 142-156.

MicroRNP-mediated translational activation of nonadenylated mRNAs in a mammalian cell-free system., Wakiyama M, Ogami K, Iwaoka R, Aoki K, Hoshino SI., Genes Cells. May 1, 2018; 23 (5): 332-344.

MicroRNA-31 is required for astrocyte specification., Meares GP, Rajbhandari R, Gerigk M, Tien CL, Chang C, Fehling SC, Rowse A, Mulhern KC, Nair S, Gray GK, Berbari NF, Bredel M, Benveniste EN, Nozell SE., Glia. May 1, 2018; 66 (5): 987-998.

Metabolic rates are significantly lower in abyssal Holothuroidea than in shallow-water Holothuroidea., Brown A, Hauton C, Stratmann T, Sweetman A, van Oevelen D, Jones DOB., R Soc Open Sci. May 1, 2018; 5 (5): 172162.      

Morphological comparison of Astropecten cingulatus and a new species of Astropecten (Paxillosida, Astropectinidae) from the Gulf of Mexico., Lawrence JM, Cobb JC, Herrera JC, DurÁn-gonzÁlez A, SolÍs-marÍn FA., Zootaxa. April 9, 2018; 4407 (1): 86-100.

Molecular dynamics simulations of polyethers and a quaternary ammonium ionic liquid as CO2 absorbers., Cardoso PF, Fernandez JSLC, Lepre LF, Ando RA, Costa Gomes MF, Siqueira LJA., J Chem Phys. April 7, 2018; 148 (13): 134908.

Macro and trace elements in Paracentrotus lividus gonads from South West Atlantic areas., Camacho C, Rocha AC, Barbosa VL, Anacleto P, Carvalho ML, Rasmussen RR, Sloth JJ, Almeida CM, Marques A, Nunes ML., Environ Res. April 1, 2018; 162 297-307.

Molecular cloning, spatiotemporal and functional expression of GABA receptor subunits RDL1 and RDL2 of the rice stem borer Chilo suppressalis., Sheng CW, Jia ZQ, Ozoe Y, Huang QT, Han ZJ, Zhao CQ., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. March 1, 2018; 94 18-27.

Microbiota derived short chain fatty acids promote histone crotonylation in the colon through histone deacetylases., Fellows R, Denizot J, Stellato C, Cuomo A, Jain P, Stoyanova E, Balázsi S, Hajnády Z, Liebert A, Kazakevych J, Blackburn H, Corrêa RO, Fachi JL, Sato FT, Ribeiro WR, Ferreira CM, Perée H, Spagnuolo M, Mattiuz R, Matolcsi C, Guedes J, Clark J, Veldhoen M, Bonaldi T, Vinolo MAR, Varga-Weisz P., Nat Commun. January 9, 2018; 9 (1): 105.                

MPF-based meiotic cell cycle control: Half a century of lessons from starfish oocytes., Kishimoto T., Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. January 1, 2018; 94 (4): 180-203.                  

Molecular mechanisms of fission in echinoderms: Transcriptome analysis., Dolmatov IY, Afanasyev SV, Boyko AV., PLoS One. January 1, 2018; 13 (4): e0195836.        

Management of psychiatric patients before deinstitutionalization: an inquiry into the years 1907-1913 in Pisa, Muti D, Carpita B, Diadema E, Massimetti G, Conti L, Carmassi C, Dell'Osso L., Riv Psichiatr. January 1, 2018; 53 (2): 80-87.

Multicolor Tracking of Molecular Motors at Nanometer Resolution., Wichner SM, Yildiz A., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1805 139-149.

Metagenomics of Coral Reefs Under Phase Shift and High Hydrodynamics., Meirelles PM, Soares AC, Oliveira L, Leomil L, Appolinario LR, Francini-Filho RB, de Moura RL, de Barros Almeida RT, Salomon PS, Amado-Filho GM, Kruger R, Siegle E, Tschoeke DA, Kudo I, Mino S, Sawabe T, Thompson CC, Thompson FL., Front Microbiol. January 1, 2018; 9 2203.        

Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines., Théry C, Witwer KW, Aikawa E, Alcaraz MJ, Anderson JD, Andriantsitohaina R, Antoniou A, Arab T, Archer F, Atkin-Smith GK, Ayre DC, Bach JM, Bachurski D, Baharvand H, Balaj L, Baldacchino S, Bauer NN, Baxter AA, Bebawy M, Beckham C, Bedina Zavec A, Benmoussa A, Berardi AC, Bergese P, Bielska E, Blenkiron C, Bobis-Wozowicz S, Boilard E, Boireau W, Bongiovanni A, Borràs FE, Bosch S, Boulanger CM, Breakefield X, Breglio AM, Brennan MÁ, Brigstock DR, Brisson A, Broekman ML, Bromberg JF, Bryl-Górecka P, Buch S, Buck AH, Burger D, Busatto S, Buschmann D, Bussolati B, Buzás EI, Byrd JB, Camussi G, Carter DR, Caruso S, Chamley LW, Chang YT, Chen C, Chen S, Cheng L, Chin AR, Clayton A, Clerici SP, Cocks A, Cocucci E, Coffey RJ, Cordeiro-da-Silva A, Couch Y, Coumans FA, Coyle B, Crescitelli R, Criado MF, D'Souza-Schorey C, Das S, Datta Chaudhuri A, de Candia P, De Santana EF, De Wever O, Del Portillo HA, Demaret T, Deville S, Devitt A, Dhondt B, Di Vizio D, Dieterich LC, Dolo V, Dominguez Rubio AP, Dominici M, Dourado MR, Driedonks TA, Duarte FV, Duncan HM, Eichenberger RM, Ekström K, El Andaloussi S, Elie-Caille C, Erdbrügger U, Falcón-Pérez JM, Fatima F, Fish JE, Flores-Bellver M, Försönits A, Frelet-Barrand A, Fricke F, Fuhrmann G, Gabrielsson S, Gámez-Valero A, Gardiner C, Gärtner K, Gaudin R, Gho YS, Giebel B, Gilbert C, Gimona M, Giusti I, Goberdhan DC, Görgens A, Gorski SM, Greening DW, Gross JC, Gualerzi A, Gupta GN, Gustafson D, Handberg A, Haraszti RA, Harrison P, Hegyesi H, Hendrix A, Hill AF, Hochberg FH, Hoffmann KF, Holder B, Holthofer H, Hosseinkhani B, Hu G, Huang Y, Huber V, Hunt S, Ibrahim AG, Ikezu T, Inal JM, Isin M, Ivanova A, Jackson HK, Jacobsen S, Jay SM, Jayachandran M, Jenster G, Jiang L, Johnson SM, Jones JC, Jong A, Jovanovic-Talisman T, Jung S, Kalluri R, Kano SI, Kaur S, Kawamura Y, Keller ET, Khamari D, Khomyakova E, Khvorova A, Kierulf P, Kim KP, Kislinger T, Klingeborn M, Klinke DJ, Kornek M, Kosanović MM, Kovács ÁF, Krämer-Albers EM, Krasemann S, Krause M, Kurochkin IV, Kusuma GD, Kuypers S, Laitinen S, Langevin SM, Languino LR, Lannigan J, Lässer C, Laurent LC, Lavieu G, Lázaro-Ibáñez E, Le Lay S, Lee MS, Lee YXF, Lemos DS, Lenassi M, Leszczynska A, Li IT, Liao K, Libregts SF, Ligeti E, Lim R, Lim SK, Linē A, Linnemannstöns K, Llorente A, Lombard CA, Lorenowicz MJ, Lörincz ÁM, Lötvall J, Lovett J, Lowry MC, Loyer X, Lu Q, Lukomska B, Lunavat TR, Maas SL, Malhi H, Marcilla A, Mariani J, Mariscal J, Martens-Uzunova ES, Martin-Jaular L, Martinez MC, Martins VR, Mathieu M, Mathivanan S, Maugeri M, McGinnis LK, McVey MJ, Meckes DG, Meehan KL, Mertens I, Minciacchi VR, Möller A, Møller Jørgensen M, Morales-Kastresana A, Morhayim J, Mullier F, Muraca M, Musante L, Mussack V, Muth DC, Myburgh KH, Najrana T, Nawaz M, Nazarenko I, Nejsum P, Neri C, Neri T, Nieuwland R, Nimrichter L, Nolan JP, Nolte-'t Hoen EN, Noren Hooten N, O'Driscoll L, O'Grady T, O'Loghlen A, Ochiya T, Olivier M, Ortiz A, Ortiz LA, Osteikoetxea X, Østergaard O, Ostrowski M, Park J, Pegtel DM, Peinado H, Perut F, Pfaffl MW, Phinney DG, Pieters BC, Pink RC, Pisetsky DS, Pogge von Strandmann E, Polakovicova I, Poon IK, Powell BH, Prada I, Pulliam L, Quesenberry P, Radeghieri A, Raffai RL, Raimondo S, Rak J, Ramirez MI, Raposo G, Rayyan MS, Regev-Rudzki N, Ricklefs FL, Robbins PD, Roberts DD, Rodrigues SC, Rohde E, Rome S, Rouschop KM, Rughetti A, Russell AE, Saá P, Sahoo S, Salas-Huenuleo E, Sánchez C, Saugstad JA, Saul MJ, Schiffelers RM, Schneider R, Schøyen TH, Scott A, Shahaj E, Sharma S, Shatnyeva O, Shekari F, Shelke GV, Shetty AK, Shiba K, Siljander PR, Silva AM, Skowronek A, Snyder OL, Soares RP, Sódar BW, Soekmadji C, Sotillo J, Stahl PD, Stoorvogel W, Stott SL, Strasser EF, Swift S, Tahara H, Tewari M, Timms K, Tiwari S, Tixeira R, Tkach M, Toh WS, Tomasini R, Torrecilhas AC, Tosar JP, Toxavidis V, Urbanelli L, Vader P, van Balkom BW, van der Grein SG, Van Deun J, van Herwijnen MJ, Van Keuren-Jensen K, van Niel G, van Royen ME, van Wijnen AJ, Vasconcelos MH, Vechetti IJ, Veit TD, Vella LJ, Velot É, Verweij FJ, Vestad B, Viñas JL, Visnovitz T, Vukman KV, Wahlgren J, Watson DC, Wauben MH, Weaver A, Webber JP, Weber V, Wehman AM, Weiss DJ, Welsh JA, Wendt S, Wheelock AM, Wiener Z, Witte L, Wolfram J, Xagorari A, Xander P, Xu J, Yan X, Yáñez-Mó M, Yin H, Yuana Y, Zappulli V, Zarubova J, Žėkas V, Zhang JY, Zhao Z, Zheng L, Zheutlin AR, Zickler AM, Zimmermann P, Zivkovic AM, Zocco D, Zuba-Surma EK., J Extracell Vesicles. January 1, 2018; 7 (1): 1535750.

Magnesium calcite in Muschelkalk limestones of the Polish part of the Germanic Basin., Stanienda-Pilecki KJ., Carbonates Evaporites. January 1, 2018; 33 (4): 801-821.            

Molecular size is important for the safety and selective inhibition of intrinsic factor Xase for fucosylated chondroitin sulfate., Yan L, Li J, Wang D, Ding T, Hu Y, Ye X, Linhardt RJ, Chen S., Carbohydr Polym. December 15, 2017; 178 180-189.

Morphology and small subunit rDNA-based phylogeny of a new Henneguya species, infecting the ornamental fish Corydoras leucomelas from the Peruvian Amazon., Mathews PD, Naldoni J, Adriano EA., Acta Trop. December 1, 2017; 176 51-57.

Microplastic pollution identified in deep-sea water and ingested by benthic invertebrates in the Rockall Trough, North Atlantic Ocean., Courtene-Jones W, Quinn B, Gary SF, Mogg AOM, Narayanaswamy BE., Environ Pollut. December 1, 2017; 231 (Pt 1): 271-280.

Mechanisms of cancer cell killing by sea cucumber-derived compounds., Wargasetia TL, Widodo., Invest New Drugs. December 1, 2017; 35 (6): 820-826.

Molecular and expression analysis of the Allograft inflammatory factor 1 (AIF-1) in the coelomocytes of the common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus., Barca A, Vacca F, Vizioli J, Drago F, Vetrugno C, Verri T, Pagliara P., Fish Shellfish Immunol. December 1, 2017; 71 136-143.

Modeling the radiative effects of biomass burning aerosols on carbon fluxes in the Amazon region., Moreira DS, Longo KM, Freitas SR, Yamasoe MA, Mercado LM, Rosário NE, Gloor E, Viana RSM, Miller JB, Gatti LV, Wiedemann KT, Domingues LKG, Correia CCS., Atmos Chem Phys. December 1, 2017; 17 (23): 14785-14810.

Molecular phylogeny and toxicity of harmful benthic dinoflagellates Coolia (Ostreopsidaceae, Dinophyceae) in a sub-tropical marine ecosystem: The first record from Hong Kong., Leung PTY, Yan M, Yiu SKF, Lam VTT, Ip JCH, Au MWY, Chen CY, Wai TC, Lam PKS., Mar Pollut Bull. November 30, 2017; 124 (2): 878-889.

Mesocrystalline calcium silicate hydrate: A bioinspired route toward elastic concrete materials., Picker A, Nicoleau L, Burghard Z, Bill J, Zlotnikov I, Labbez C, Nonat A, Cölfen H., Sci Adv. November 29, 2017; 3 (11): e1701216.        

Methods to Describe Referral Patterns in a Canadian Primary Care Electronic Medical Record Database: Modelling Multilevel Count Data., Ryan BL, Shadd J, Maddocks H, Stewart M, Thind A, Terry AL., J Innov Health Inform. November 17, 2017; 24 (4): 888.

Mutant cycle analysis identifies a ligand interaction site in an odorant receptor of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae., Rahman S, Luetje CW., J Biol Chem. November 17, 2017; 292 (46): 18916-18923.

Multi-species consumer jams and the fall of guarded corals to crown-of-thorns seastar outbreaks., Kayal M, Ballard J, Adjeroud M., F1000Res. November 13, 2017; 6 1991.    

Methodological quality and transparency of clinical practice guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of non-communicable diseases using the AGREE II instrument: a systematic review protocol., Molino CGRC, Ribeiro E, Romano-Lieber NS, Stein AT, Melo DO., Syst Rev. November 2, 2017; 6 (1): 220.    

Microsomal glutathione transferase 2 modulates LTC4 synthesis and ROS production in Apostichopus japonicus., Zhang Z, Lv Z, Wei Z, Li C, Shao Y, Zhang W, Zhao X, Xiong J., Mol Immunol. November 1, 2017; 91 114-122.

Molecular cloning and functional characterization of cathepsin D from sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus., Yu C, Cha Y, Wu F, Xu X, Qin L, Du M., Fish Shellfish Immunol. November 1, 2017; 70 553-559.

Metabolite Profiling of Triterpene Glycosides of the Far Eastern Sea Cucumber Eupentacta fraudatrix and Their Distribution in Various Body Components Using LC-ESI QTOF-MS., Popov RS, Ivanchina NV, Silchenko AS, Avilov SA, Kalinin VI, Dolmatov IY, Stonik VA, Dmitrenok PS., Mar Drugs. October 2, 2017; 15 (10):           

Macromolecular properties and hypolipidemic effects of four sulfated polysaccharides from sea cucumbers., Li S, Li J, Zhi Z, Wei C, Wang W, Ding T, Ye X, Hu Y, Linhardt RJ, Chen S., Carbohydr Polym. October 1, 2017; 173 330-337.

miR-92a regulates coelomocytes apoptosis in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus via targeting Aj14-3-3ζ in vivo., Lv M, Chen H, Shao Y, Li C, Zhang W, Zhao X, Jin C, Xiong J., Fish Shellfish Immunol. October 1, 2017; 69 211-217.

Moderate ocean warming mitigates, but more extreme warming exacerbates the impacts of zinc from engineered nanoparticles on a marine larva., Mos B, Kaposi KL, Rose AL, Kelaher B, Dworjanyn SA., Environ Pollut. September 1, 2017; 228 190-200.

Monocrotophos, an organophosphorus insecticide, disrupts the expression of HpNetrin and its receptor neogenin during early development in the sea urchin (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus)., Zhang X, Xu L, Tian H, Wang C, Wang W, Ru S., Neurotoxicology. September 1, 2017; 62 130-137.

Microbiota in the coelomic fluid of two common coastal starfish species and characterization of an abundant Helicobacter-related taxon., Nakagawa S, Saito H, Tame A, Hirai M, Yamaguchi H, Sunata T, Aida M, Muto H, Sawayama S, Takaki Y., Sci Rep. August 18, 2017; 7 (1): 8764.          

Microsomal glutathione transferase 1 attenuated ROS-induced lipid peroxidation in Apostichopus japonicus., Zhang Z, Lv Z, Shao Y, Qiu Q, Zhang W, Duan X, Li Y, Li C., Dev Comp Immunol. August 1, 2017; 73 79-87.

Multiomics analysis of the giant triton snail salivary gland, a crown-of-thorns starfish predator., Bose U, Wang T, Zhao M, Motti CA, Hall MR, Cummins SF., Sci Rep. July 20, 2017; 7 (1): 6000.            

Man With Femtosecond Laser Starfish Bubbles., Gupta PC, Ram J., JAMA Ophthalmol. July 13, 2017; 135 (7): e171423.

Molecular ecological network analysis reveals the effects of probiotics and florfenicol on intestinal microbiota homeostasis: An example of sea cucumber., Yang G, Peng M, Tian X, Dong S., Sci Rep. July 6, 2017; 7 (1): 4778.          

Marine-derived collagen biomaterials from echinoderm connective tissues., Ferrario C, Leggio L, Leone R, Di Benedetto C, Guidetti L, Coccè V, Ascagni M, Bonasoro F, La Porta CAM, Candia Carnevali MD, Sugni M., Mar Environ Res. July 1, 2017; 128 46-57.

Megadenus atrae n. sp., an endoparasitic eulimid gastropod (Mollusca) from the black sea cucumber Holothuria atra Jaeger (Aspidochirotida: Holothuriidae) in the Indo-West Pacific., Takano T, Warén A, Kano Y., Syst Parasitol. July 1, 2017; 94 (6): 699-709.

Maternal feed restriction during pregnancy in Wistar rats: Evaluation of offspring using classical and immunoteratology protocols., Gotardo AT, Dipe VV, Hueza IM, Górniak SL., Hum Exp Toxicol. June 1, 2017; 36 (6): 603-615.

Metabolic responses to intestine regeneration in sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus., Sun L, Sun J, Xu Q, Li X, Zhang L, Yang H., Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics. June 1, 2017; 22 32-38.

Molecular phylogeny of extant Holothuroidea (Echinodermata)., Miller AK, Kerr AM, Paulay G, Reich M, Wilson NG, Carvajal JI, Rouse GW., Mol Phylogenet Evol. June 1, 2017; 111 110-131.

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