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Friction manipulation for intestinal locomotion., Dodou D, Breedveld P, Wieringa PA., Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. January 1, 2005; 14 (3): 188-97.

Formulated glyphosate activates the DNA-response checkpoint of the cell cycle leading to the prevention of G2/M transition., Marc J, Bellé R, Morales J, Cormier P, Mulner-Lorillon O., Toxicol Sci. December 1, 2004; 82 (2): 436-42.

Formation of polar-body-like structures induced in polyspermic starfish oocytes that had been inseminated at the germinal vesicle stage., Tei J, Kani S, Hanai K, Miyaguchi T, Yamamoto K., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 2004; 46 (5): 439-47.

Functional role of a high mol mass protein complex in the sea urchin yolk granule., Perera A, Davis P, Robinson JJ., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 2004; 46 (2): 201-11.

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) expression and phosphorylation in sea urchin embryos., García MG, Toney SJ, Hille MB., Gene Expr Patterns. March 1, 2004; 4 (2): 223-34.

Field contamination of the starfish Asterias rubens by metals. Part 1: Short- and long-term accumulation along a pollution gradient., Coteur G, Pernet P, Gillan D, Joly G, Maage A, Dubois P., Environ Toxicol Chem. September 1, 2003; 22 (9): 2136-44.

Field contamination of the starfish Asterias rubens by metals. Part 2: Effects on cellular immunity., Coteur G, Gillan D, Joly G, Pernet P, Dubois P., Environ Toxicol Chem. September 1, 2003; 22 (9): 2145-51.

Functional and biochemical properties of the hemoglobins of the burrowing brittle star Hemipholis elongata say (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea)., Christensen AB, Colacino JM, Bonaventura C., Biol Bull. August 1, 2003; 205 (1): 54-65.

Fraser syndrome and mouse blebbed phenotype caused by mutations in FRAS1/Fras1 encoding a putative extracellular matrix protein., McGregor L, Makela V, Darling SM, Vrontou S, Chalepakis G, Roberts C, Smart N, Rutland P, Prescott N, Hopkins J, Bentley E, Shaw A, Roberts E, Mueller R, Jadeja S, Philip N, Nelson J, Francannet C, Perez-Aytes A, Megarbane A, Kerr B, Wainwright B, Woolf AS, Winter RM, Scambler PJ., Nat Genet. June 1, 2003; 34 (2): 203-8.

Function of a sea urchin egg Src family kinase in initiating Ca2+ release at fertilization., Giusti AF, O'Neill FJ, Yamasu K, Foltz KR, Jaffe LA., Dev Biol. April 15, 2003; 256 (2): 367-78.

Four new saponins from the starfish Certonardoa semiregularis., Wang W, Li F, Hong J, Lee CO, Cho HY, Im KS, Jung JH., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). April 1, 2003; 51 (4): 435-9.

First immunocytochemical study of echinoderm smooth muscle: the Antarctic cushionstar Odontaster validus Koehler (Echinodermata, Asteroidea)., Meyer-Rochow VB, Fraile B, Paniagua R, Royuela M., Protoplasma. March 1, 2003; 220 (3-4): 227-32.

Fatty acid composition of six freshwater wild cyanobacterial species., Rezanka T, Dor I, Prell A, Dembitsky VM., Folia Microbiol (Praha). January 1, 2003; 48 (1): 71-5.

Fungi are the predominant micro-organisms responsible for degradation of soil-buried polyester polyurethane over a range of soil water holding capacities., Barratt SR, Ennos AR, Greenhalgh M, Robson GD, Handley PS., J Appl Microbiol. January 1, 2003; 95 (1): 78-85.

From functional genomics to systems biology: concepts and practices., Auffray C, Imbeaud S, Roux-Rouquié M, Hood L., C R Biol. January 1, 2003; 326 (10-11): 879-92.

Fishing for bioactive substances from scorpionfish and some sea urchins., Satoh F, Nakagawa H, Yamada H, Nagasaka K, Nagasaka T, Araki Y, Tomihara Y, Nozaki M, Sakuraba H, Ohshima T, Hatakeyama T, Aoyagi H., J Nat Toxins. December 1, 2002; 11 (4): 297-304.

Fossil echinoderms as monitor of the Mg/Ca ratio of Phanerozoic oceans., Dickson JA., Science. November 8, 2002; 298 (5596): 1222-4.

Functional interaction between TATA and upstream CACGTG elements regulates the temporally specific expression of Otx mRNAs during early embryogenesis of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus., Kobayashi A, Akasaka K, Kawaichi M, Kokubo T., Nucleic Acids Res. July 15, 2002; 30 (14): 3034-44.

From Cdc2 to Cdk1: when did the cell cycle kinase join its cyclin partner?, Dorée M, Hunt T., J Cell Sci. June 15, 2002; 115 (Pt 12): 2461-4.

Fertilization ecology of egg coats: physical versus chemical contributions to fertilization success of free-spawned eggs., Podolsky RD., J Exp Biol. June 1, 2002; 205 (Pt 11): 1657-68.

Functional characterization of Ets-binding sites in the sea urchin embryo: three base pair conversions redirect expression from mesoderm to ectoderm and endoderm., Consales C, Arnone MI., Gene. April 3, 2002; 287 (1-2): 75-81.

First Report of Nectria haematococca Causing Wilt of Olive Plants in Argentina., Babbitt S, Gally M, Pérez BA, Barreto D., Plant Dis. March 1, 2002; 86 (3): 326.

Fertilization success in marine invertebrates: the influence of gamete age., Williams ME, Bentley MG., Biol Bull. February 1, 2002; 202 (1): 34-42.

Foreign body synovitis induced by a crown-of-thorns starfish., Adler M, Kaul A, Jawad AS., Rheumatology (Oxford). February 1, 2002; 41 (2): 230-1.

Fossil record of echinoderm regeneration with special regard to crinoids., Oji T., Microsc Res Tech. December 15, 2001; 55 (6): 397-402.

Fertilization selection on egg and jelly-coat size in the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus., Levitan DR, Irvine SD., Evolution. December 1, 2001; 55 (12): 2479-83.

Fertilization of sea urchin eggs and sperm motility are negatively impacted under low hypergravitational forces significant to space flight., Tash JS, Kim S, Schuber M, Seibt D, Kinsey WH., Biol Reprod. October 1, 2001; 65 (4): 1224-31.

First Report of Fusarium Wilt of Exacum affine Caused by Fusarium oxysporum., Elmer W, O'Dowd E., Plant Dis. October 1, 2001; 85 (10): 1120.

Fertilization blocks apoptosis of starfish eggs by inactivation of the MAP kinase pathway., Sasaki K, Chiba K., Dev Biol. September 1, 2001; 237 (1): 18-28.

Filopodia., Jacinto A, Wolpert L., Curr Biol. August 21, 2001; 11 (16): R634.

Fertilization and the first cleavage mitosis in insects., Kawamura N., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2001; 43 (4): 343-9.

First Report of Beech Bark Disease in Michigan., O'Brien JG, Ostry ME, Mielke ME, Mech R, Heyd RL, McCullough DG., Plant Dis. August 1, 2001; 85 (8): 921.

Factors affecting R6 fungicide toxicity on sea urchin fertilization and early development: roles of exposure routes and mixture components., Pagano G, Iaccarino M, De Biase A, Meriç SG, Warnau M, Oral R, Trieff NM., Hum Exp Toxicol. August 1, 2001; 20 (8): 404-11.

Functional expression and subcellular localization of the Nectria haematococca Mak1 phytoalexin detoxification enzyme in transgenic tobacco., Mundodi SR, Watson BS, Lopez-Meyer M, Paiva NL., Plant Mol Biol. July 1, 2001; 46 (4): 421-32.

Fish retroposons related to the Penelope element of Drosophila virilis define a new group of retrotransposable elements., Volff JN, Hornung U, Schartl M., Mol Genet Genomics. June 1, 2001; 265 (4): 711-20.

First Report of Nectria haematococca Stem Girdling of Greenhouse Peppers in Florida., Lamb E, Rosskopf E, Sonoda RM., Plant Dis. April 1, 2001; 85 (4): 446.

Free sterols from the holothurians Synapta maculata, Cladolabes bifurcatus and Cucumaria sp., Ponomarenko LP, Kalinovsky AI, Moiseenko OP, Stonik VA., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. January 1, 2001; 128 (1): 53-62.

Functional evolution of the Myb oncogene family., Lipsick JS, Manak J, Mitiku N, Chen CK, Fogarty P, Guthrie E., Blood Cells Mol Dis. January 1, 2001; 27 (2): 456-8.

Fatty acids as markers of starfish food sources., Latyshev NA, Khardin AS, Kiyashko SI., Dokl Biol Sci. January 1, 2001; 380 489-91.

Fatty acid compositions of gonadal material and diets of the sea urchin, Psammechinus miliaris: trophic and nutritional implications., Cook EJ, Bell MV, Black KD, Kelly MS., J Exp Mar Biol Ecol. December 20, 2000; 255 (2): 261-274.

Functional characterization of the enhancer blocking element of the sea urchin early histone gene cluster reveals insulator properties and three essential cis-acting sequences., Melfi R, Palla F, Di Simone P, Alessandro C, Calì L, Anello L, Spinelli G., J Mol Biol. December 15, 2000; 304 (5): 753-63.

Functional visualization of the separate but interacting calcium stores sensitive to NAADP and cyclic ADP-ribose., Lee HC, Aarhus R., J Cell Sci. December 1, 2000; 113 Pt 24 4413-20.

Fertilization triggers activation of Fyn kinase in the zebrafish egg., Wu W, Kinsey WH., Int J Dev Biol. December 1, 2000; 44 (8): 837-41.

Fertilization-induced changes in the fine structure of stratified Arbacia eggs. I. Observations on live cells with the centrifuge polarizing microscope., Goda M, Burgos MH, Inoué S., Biol Bull. October 1, 2000; 199 (2): 212-3.

Fertilization-induced changes in the fine structure of stratified Arbacia eggs. II. Observations with electron microscopy., Burgos MH, Goda M, Inoué S., Biol Bull. October 1, 2000; 199 (2): 213-4.

Follicular dendritic cells in TSE pathogenesis., Bruce ME, Brown KL, Mabbott NA, Farquhar CF, Jeffrey M., Immunol Today. September 1, 2000; 21 (9): 442-6.

Frog lim-1-like protein is expressed predominantly in the nervous tissue, gonads, and early embryos of the bivalve mollusc Mytilus galloprovincialis., Torrado M, Mikhailov AT., Biol Bull. August 1, 2000; 199 (1): 29-40.

False fertilization in sea urchin eggs induced by diabolin, a 120K kelp protein., Nomura K, Nakamura H, Suzuki N., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 16, 2000; 272 (3): 691-3.

Formation of the sea urchin male pronucleus in cell-free extracts., Collas P., Mol Reprod Dev. June 1, 2000; 56 (2 Suppl): 265-70.

From fertilization to cancer: the role of centrosomes in the union and separation of genomic material., Schatten H, Hueser CN, Chakrabarti A., Microsc Res Tech. June 1, 2000; 49 (5): 420-7.

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