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Naphthoquinone pigments related to fusarubin from the fungus Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc., Parisot D, Devys M, Barbier M., Microbios. January 1, 1990; 64 (258): 31-47.

Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA for phi, a histone to protamine transition protein from sea cucumber spermatozoa., Prats E, Cornudella L, Ruiz-Carrillo A., Nucleic Acids Res. December 11, 1989; 17 (23): 10097.

Nuclear envelope disassembly and nuclear lamina depolymerization during germinal vesicle breakdown in starfish., Stricker SA, Schatten G., Dev Biol. September 1, 1989; 135 (1): 87-98.

Nucleotide sequence of a full length cDNA clone encoding for beta-tubulin of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus., Di Bernardo MG, Gianguzza F, Ciaccio M, Palla F, Colombo P, Di Blasi F, Fais M, Spinelli G., Nucleic Acids Res. July 25, 1989; 17 (14): 5851.

Na+-H+ antiport during fertilization of the sea urchin egg is blocked by W-7 but is insensitive to K252a and H-7., Shen SS., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 30, 1989; 161 (3): 1100-8.

Nuclear envelope breakdown and mitosis in sand dollar embryos is inhibited by microinjection of calcium buffers in a calcium-reversible fashion, and by antagonists of intracellular Ca2+ channels., Silver RB., Dev Biol. January 1, 1989; 131 (1): 11-26.

Nucleotide sequence and gene organization of sea urchin mitochondrial DNA., Jacobs HT, Elliott DJ, Math VB, Farquharson A., J Mol Biol. July 20, 1988; 202 (2): 185-217.

Nucleotide sequence of two 3'-termini of rRNA in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus., Ho KC, Stafford DW., Biochim Biophys Acta. July 14, 1987; 909 (2): 156-9.

New evidence for a "biased baseline" mechanism for calcium-regulated asymmetry of flagellar bending., Eshel D, Brokaw CJ., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. January 1, 1987; 7 (2): 160-8.

Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA comparisons reveal extreme rate variation in the molecular clock., Vawter L, Brown WM., Science. October 10, 1986; 234 (4773): 194-6.

Naegleria actin elicits species-specific antibodies., Fulton C, Lai EY, Lamoyi E, Sussman DJ., J Protozool. August 1, 1986; 33 (3): 322-7.

Nuclear AP4A-binding activity of sea urchin embryos changes in relation to the initiation of S phase., Morioka M, Shimada H., Exp Cell Res. August 1, 1986; 165 (2): 429-40.

Nucleosome positioning in vivo and in vitro., Simpson RT., Bioessays. April 1, 1986; 4 (4): 172-6.

Nuclei and chromosomal proteins., Poccia DL, Green GR., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 1986; 27 153-74.

New tetracarboxylate chelators for fluorescence measurement and photochemical manipulation of cytosolic free calcium concentrations., Tsien RY., Soc Gen Physiol Ser. January 1, 1986; 40 327-45.

Network structure in the blastocoel of developing sea urchin embryos., Amemiya S., Prog Clin Biol Res. January 1, 1986; 217B 187-90.

Nucleoprotein hybridization: a method for isolating specific genes as high molecular weight chromatin., Workman JL, Langmore JP., Biochemistry. December 3, 1985; 24 (25): 7486-97.

Nuclear lamins and peripheral nuclear antigens during fertilization and embryogenesis in mice and sea urchins., Schatten G, Maul GG, Schatten H, Chaly N, Simerly C, Balczon R, Brown DL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 1, 1985; 82 (14): 4727-31.

Nerves in the spine of a sea urchin: a neglected division of the echinoderm nervous system., Smith DS, Brink D, del Castillo J., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 1, 1985; 82 (5): 1555-7.

Nonmammalian sources of eicosanoids., Bundy GL., Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukot Res. January 1, 1985; 14 229-62.

NAD+ kinase--a review., McGuinness ET, Butler JR., Int J Biochem. January 1, 1985; 17 (1): 1-11.

Nucleotide sequence of the transcription initiation region for rRNA in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus., Ho KC, Stafford DW., Gene. January 1, 1985; 39 (1): 49-54.


NAD+ kinase: molecular weight determination by low-angle laser-light scattering., Gabriel MK, McGuinness ET., FEBS Lett. October 1, 1984; 175 (2): 419-21.

Novel proteins belonging to the troponin C superfamily are encoded by a set of mRNAs in sea urchin embryos., Carpenter CD, Bruskin AM, Hardin PE, Keast MJ, Anstrom J, Tyner AL, Brandhorst BP, Klein WH., Cell. March 1, 1984; 36 (3): 663-71.

Nucleotide sequence of the 18S-26S rRNA intergene region of the sea urchin., Hindenach BR, Stafford DW., Nucleic Acids Res. February 10, 1984; 12 (3): 1737-47.

Novel form of DNA polymerase alpha associated with DNA primase activity of vertebrates. Detection with mouse stimulating factor., Yagura T, Kozu T, Seno T, Saneyoshi M, Hiraga S, Nagano H., J Biol Chem. November 10, 1983; 258 (21): 13070-5.

Neural correlates of flight loss in a Mexican grasshopper, Barytettix psolus. I. Motor and sensory cells., Arbas EA., J Comp Neurol. June 1, 1983; 216 (4): 369-80.

Neural correlates of flight loss in a Mexican grasshopper, Barytettix psolus. II. DCMD and TCG interneurons., Arbas EA., J Comp Neurol. June 1, 1983; 216 (4): 381-9.

Nature and action of the mediators inducing maturation of the starfish oocyte., Kanatani H., Ciba Found Symp. January 1, 1983; 98 159-70.

Nucleotide sequences of 5S rRNAs from four jellyfishes., Hori H, Ohama T, Kumazaki T, Osawa S., Nucleic Acids Res. November 25, 1982; 10 (22): 7405-8.

Nonrandom distribution of histone mRNAs into polysomes and nonpolysomal ribonucleoprotein particles in sea urchin embryos., Baker EJ, Infante AA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 1, 1982; 79 (8): 2455-9.

New methods for analysing DNA make genetics simpler., Southern EM., Biochem Soc Trans. February 1, 1982; 10 (1): 1-4.

Nucleic acid and histone synthesis by ethanol-treated cleavage-arrested sea urchin embryos., Brookbank JW., Differentiation. January 1, 1982; 23 (1): 25-8.

Nature of the 1-Methyladenine-Requiring Phase in Maturation of Starfish Oocytes: (1-methyladenine/oocyte maturation/oocyte stiffness/caffeine/starfish)., Nemoto SI., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 1982; 24 (5): 429-442.

Na+ movements and their oscillations during fertilization and the cell cycle in sea urchin eggs., Payan P, Girard JP, Christen R, Sardet C., Exp Cell Res. August 1, 1981; 134 (2): 339-44.

N2-fixing vibrios isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of sea urchins., Guerinot ML, Patriquin DG., Can J Microbiol. March 1, 1981; 27 (3): 311-7.

Nucleosomal structure of sea urchin and starfish sperm chromatin. Histone H2B is possibly involved in determining the length of linker DNA., Zalenskaya IA, Pospelov VA, Zalensky AO, Vorob'ev VI., Nucleic Acids Res. February 11, 1981; 9 (3): 473-87.

Number and evolutionary conservation of alpha- and beta-tubulin and cytoplasmic beta- and gamma-actin genes using specific cloned cDNA probes., Cleveland DW, Lopata MA, MacDonald RJ, Cowan NJ, Rutter WJ, Kirschner MW., Cell. May 1, 1980; 20 (1): 95-105.

Nucleotide sequence of a 5S ribosomal RNA gene in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus., Lu AL, Steege DA, Stafford DW., Nucleic Acids Res. April 25, 1980; 8 (8): 1839-53.

NAD+ kinase from sea urchin eggs., Blomquist CH., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1980; 66 101-4.

Non-propagated cortical reactions induced by the divalent ionophore A23187 in eggs of the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus., Chambers EL, Hinkley RE., Exp Cell Res. December 1, 1979; 124 (2): 441-6.

Nonallelic histone gene clusters of individual sea urchins (Lytechinus pictus): polarity and gene organization., Cohn RH, Kedes LH., Cell. November 1, 1979; 18 (3): 843-53.

Nonallelic histone gene clusters of individual sea urchins (Lytechinus pictus): mapping of homologies in coding and spacer DNA., Cohn RH, Kedes LH., Cell. November 1, 1979; 18 (3): 855-64.

Nucleosome organization during germ cell development in the sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa., Cornudella L, Rocha E., Biochemistry. August 21, 1979; 18 (17): 3724-32.

Nucleotide sequence of starfish initiator tRNA., Kuchino Y, Kato M, Sugisaki H, Nishimura S., Nucleic Acids Res. August 10, 1979; 6 (11): 3459-69.

Nucleic acid separation by isopycnic centrifugation., Lalague ED, Cousineau GH., Rev Can Biol. June 1, 1979; 38 (2): 119-23.

Naturally occurring hemolysins in the coelomic fluid of Holothuria polii delle chiaie (Echinodermata)., Parrinello N, Rindone D, Canicattì C., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1979; 3 (1): 45-54.

Nucleotide sequences related to the transforming gene of avian sarcoma virus are present in DNA of uninfected vertebrates., Spector DH, Varmus HE, Bishop JM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 1, 1978; 75 (9): 4102-6.

NH4Cl and other weak bases in the activation of sea urchin eggs., Boron WF, Roos A, De Weer P., Nature. July 13, 1978; 274 (5667): 190.

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