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Sensitivity of sea urchin embryos to cytotoxic neuropharmacological drugs, the correlations between activity and lipophility of indole and benzole derivatives., Landau MA, Buzniklov GA, Kabankin AS, Teplitz NA, Chernilovskaya PE., Comp Biochem Physiol C Comp Pharmacol. January 1, 1981; 69 (2): 359-66.

Specializations for excitation-contraction coupling in the podial retractor cells of the starfish Stylasterias forreri., Cavey MJ, Wood RL., Cell Tissue Res. January 1, 1981; 218 (3): 475-85.

Structural features associated with movement and 'catch' of sea-urchin spines., Smith DS, Wainwright SA, Baker J, Cayer ML., Tissue Cell. January 1, 1981; 13 (2): 299-320.

Sex-specific agglutination of fish red blood cells by sea urchin coelomic fluid., Smith AC., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1981; 5 (2): 357-60.

Sperm-egg binding: identification of a species-specific sperm receptor from eggs of Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus., Rossignol DP, Roschelle AJ, Lennarz WJ., J Supramol Struct Cell Biochem. January 1, 1981; 15 (4): 347-58.

Selective compounds derived from marine organisms: effects on cell division in fertilized sea urchin eggs., Jacobs RS, White S, Wilson L., Fed Proc. January 1, 1981; 40 (1): 26-9.

Spacer DNA sequences upstream of the T-A-T-A-A-A-T-A sequence are essential for promotion of H2A histone gene transcription in vivo., Grosschedl R, Birnstiel ML., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 1, 1980; 77 (12): 7102-6.

Sperm-specific surface antigenicity common to seven animal phyla., Lopo AC, Vacquier VD., Nature. November 27, 1980; 288 (5789): 397-9.

Structure of sea urchin sperm chromatin core particle., Simpson RT, Bergman LW., J Biol Chem. November 25, 1980; 255 (22): 10702-9.

Sea urchin sperm chromatin structure as probed by pancreatic DNase I: evidence for a noval cutting periodicity., Arceci RJ, Gross PR., Dev Biol. November 1, 1980; 80 (1): 210-24.

Spermatogenic columns, somatic cells, and the microenvironment of germinal cells in the testes of asteroids., Walker CW., J Morphol. October 1, 1980; 166 (1): 81-107.

Simultaneous synthesis, translation, and storage of mRNA including histone mRNA in sea urchin eggs., Brandhorst BP., Dev Biol. September 1, 1980; 79 (1): 139-48.

Scanning electron microscopical study of the inside of sea urchin embryos (Pseudocentotus depressus). Effects of Aryl beta-xyloside, tunicamycin and deprivation of sulfate tions., Akasaka K, Amemiya S, Terayama H., Exp Cell Res. September 1, 1980; 129 (1): 1-13.

Specific sequences within single-stranded regions in the sea urchin embryo genome., Wortzman MS, Baker RF., Biochim Biophys Acta. August 26, 1980; 609 (1): 84-96.

Sliding velocity between outer doublet microtubules of sea-urchin sperm axonemes., Yano Y, Miki-Noumura T., J Cell Sci. August 1, 1980; 44 169-86.

Surface activity at the egg plasma membrane during sperm incorporation and its cytochalasin B sensitivity. Scanning electron microscopy and time-lapse video microscopy during fertilization of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus., Schatten H, Schatten G., Dev Biol. August 1, 1980; 78 (2): 435-49.

Surface markers of lymphocytes in the snake, Spalerosophis diadema. I. Investigation of lymphocyte surface markers., Mansour MH, El Ridi R, Badir N., Immunology. August 1, 1980; 40 (4): 605-11.

Suppression of polar body formation by cytochalasin B and fusion of the resulting plural female pronuclei in eggs of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera., Tsukahara J, Ishikawa M., Eur J Cell Biol. August 1, 1980; 21 (3): 288-95.

Sea urchin histone mRNA termini are located in gene regions downstream from putative regulatory sequences., Hentschel C, Irminger JC, Bucher P, Birnstiel ML., Nature. May 15, 1980; 285 (5761): 147-51.

Sperm head decondensation by a high molecular weight fraction of sea urchin egg homogenate., Eng LA, Metz CB., J Exp Zool. May 1, 1980; 212 (2): 159-67.

Singlet-singlet energy transfer studies of the internal organization of nucleosomes., Eshaghpour H, Dieterich AE, Cantor CR, Crothers DM., Biochemistry. April 29, 1980; 19 (9): 1797-805.

Structural basis of ciliary movement., Satir P., Environ Health Perspect. April 1, 1980; 35 77-82.    

Sea urchin egg hyaline layer: evidence for the localization of hyalin on the unfertilized egg surface., McBlaine PJ, Carroll EJ., Dev Biol. March 1, 1980; 75 (1): 137-47.

Supranucleosomal organization of sea urchin sperm chromatin in regularly arranged 40 to 50 nm large granular subunits., Zentgraf H, Müller U, Franke WW., Eur J Cell Biol. February 1, 1980; 20 (3): 254-64.

Subcloning of the histone DNA sequences of phage lambda Sam 7 h 22 in plasmid pBR 322., Aulehla-Scholz C, Jacob E., Z Naturforsch C Biosci. January 1, 1980; 35 (9-10): 733-40.

Some observations on concanavalin A receptors on free cells of marine invertebrates., Gebbinck J., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1980; 4 (1): 33-42.

Studies on the specificity of sperm binding in echinoderm fertilization., Kinsey WH, Rubin JA, Lennarz WJ., Dev Biol. January 1, 1980; 74 (1): 245-50.

Synthesis of "heat shock" proteins in sea urchin embryos., Giudice G, Roccheri MC, di Bernardo G., Cell Biol Int Rep. January 1, 1980; 4 (1): 69-74.

Species specificity and individual variability of sea urchin sperm H2B histones., de Petrocellis B, de Petrocellis L, Lancieri M, Geraci G., Cell Differ. January 1, 1980; 9 (4): 195-202.


Species-specific sperm adhesion in sea urchins. A quantitative investigation of bindin-mediated egg agglutination., Glabe CG, Lennarz WJ., J Cell Biol. December 1, 1979; 83 (3): 595-604.

Sperm binding to an egg model composed of agarose beads., Aketa K, Yoshida M, Miyazaki S, Ohta T., Exp Cell Res. October 15, 1979; 123 (2): 281-4.

Similarity of proteins synthesized by isolated blastomeres of early sea urchin embryos., Tufaro F, Brandhorst BP., Dev Biol. October 1, 1979; 72 (2): 390-7.

Sea urchin embryos do not synthesize diadenosinetetraphosphate., Pirrone AM, Gambino R, Oddo F, Faraci MT, Luparello G, Giudice G., Exp Cell Res. September 1, 1979; 122 (2): 419-22.

Studies on the glycosphingolipids of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera. III. Isolation and structural studies of two novel gangliosides containing internal sialic acid residues., Sugita M., J Biochem. September 1, 1979; 86 (3): 765-72.

Studies on the glycosphingolipids of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera. II. Isolation and characterization of a novel ganglioside with an internal sialic acid residue., Sugita M., J Biochem. August 1, 1979; 86 (2): 289-300.

Separation of ectoderm and endoderm from sea urchin pluteus larvae and demonstration of germ layer-specific antigens., McClay DR, Marchase RB., Dev Biol. August 1, 1979; 71 (2): 289-96.

Single-strand breaks in ribosomal DNA of sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus) sperm., Mishra NK., Indian J Biochem Biophys. August 1, 1979; 16 (4): 251-3.

Sulfonoglycolipid from the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina A. Agassiz., Kitagawa I, Hamamoto Y, Kobayashi M., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). August 1, 1979; 27 (8): 1394-7.

Some properties of Physarum actinin. A regulatory protein of actin polymerization., Hatano S, Owaribe K., Biochim Biophys Acta. July 25, 1979; 579 (1): 200-15.

Study of the mechanism of vanadate inhibition of the dynein cross-bridge cycle in sea urchin sperm flagella., Sale WS, Gibbons IR., J Cell Biol. July 1, 1979; 82 (1): 291-8.

Starfish and horseshoe crab egg factors cause elevations of cyclic nucleotide concentrations in spermatozoa from starfish and horseshoe crabs., Tubb DJ, Kopf GS, Garbers DL., J Reprod Fertil. July 1, 1979; 56 (2): 539-42.

Stomatal response of populus clones to light intensity and vapor pressure deficit., Pallardy SG, Kozlowski TT., Plant Physiol. July 1, 1979; 64 (1): 112-4.

Sequence of the 5''-end of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus H2b histone mRNA and its location within histone DNA., Levy S, Sures I, Kedes LH., Nature. June 21, 1979; 279 (5715): 737-9.

Specific changes in the biosynthesis and acetylation of nucleosomal histones in the early stages of embryogenesis of sea urchin., Treigyte G, Gineitis A., Exp Cell Res. June 1, 1979; 121 (1): 127-34.

Surface area change at fertilization: resorption of the mosaic membrane., Schroeder TE., Dev Biol. June 1, 1979; 70 (2): 306-26.

Spectral studies of fragmented ribosomal DNA of sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus)., Mishra NK., Indian J Biochem Biophys. June 1, 1979; 16 (3): 181-2.

Size classes of replication units in DNA from sea urchin embryos., Kurek MP, Billig D, Stambrook P., J Cell Biol. June 1, 1979; 81 (3): 698-703.

Structure of actin filament bundles from microvilli of sea urchin eggs., Spudich JA, Amos LA., J Mol Biol. April 5, 1979; 129 (2): 319-31.

Sperm binding and fertilization envelope formation in a cell surface complex isolated from sea urchin eggs., Decker GL, Lennarz WJ., J Cell Biol. April 1, 1979; 81 (1): 92-103.

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