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Regulation of intracellular calcium in the mouse egg: evidence for inositol trisphosphate-induced calcium release, but not calcium-induced calcium release., Kline JT, Kline D., Biol Reprod. January 1, 1994; 50 (1): 193-203.

Relative growth of the limbs and trunk in sifakas: heterochronic, ecological, and functional considerations., Ravosa MJ, Meyers DM, Glander KE., Am J Phys Anthropol. December 1, 1993; 92 (4): 499-520.

Receptor-mediated signal transduction and egg activation., Foltz KR, Shilling FM., Zygote. November 1, 1993; 1 (4): 276-9.

Roles of kinesin and kinesin-like proteins in sea urchin embryonic cell division: evaluation using antibody microinjection., Wright BD, Terasaki M, Scholey JM., J Cell Biol. November 1, 1993; 123 (3): 681-9.

Redundant mechanisms of calcium-induced calcium release underlying calcium waves during fertilization of sea urchin eggs., Galione A, McDougall A, Busa WB, Willmott N, Gillot I, Whitaker M., Science. July 16, 1993; 261 (5119): 348-52.

Release from the metaphase I block in invertebrate oocytes: possible involvement of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase III., Abdelmajid H, Leclerc-David C, Moreau M, Guerrier P, Ryazanov A., Int J Dev Biol. June 1, 1993; 37 (2): 279-90.

Rate variation of protein and mitochondrial DNA evolution as revealed by sea urchins separated by the isthmus of Panama., Bermingham E, Lessios HA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 1, 1993; 90 (7): 2734-8.

Recombinant kinesin motor domain binds to beta-tubulin and decorates microtubules with a B surface lattice., Song YH, Mandelkow E., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 1, 1993; 90 (5): 1671-5.

Reconstruction of Starfish Eggs by Electric Cell Fusion: A New Method of Detect the Cytoplasmic Determinant for Archenteron Formation: (starfish/cell fusion/archenteron differentiation/determinant/egg polarity)., Kiyomoto M, Shirai H., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 1993; 35 (1): 107-114.

Relationship between direction of rolling and yawing of golden hamster and sea urchin spermatozoa., Ishijima S, Hamaguchi Y., Cell Struct Funct. October 1, 1992; 17 (5): 319-23.

Role of the histone "tails" in the folding of oligonucleosomes depleted of histone H1., Garcia-Ramirez M, Dong F, Ausio J., J Biol Chem. September 25, 1992; 267 (27): 19587-95.

Rhodamine-labelled phalloidin stains components in the chromosomal spindle fibres of crane-fly spermatocytes and Haemanthus endosperm cells., Czaban BB, Forer A., Biochem Cell Biol. August 1, 1992; 70 (8): 664-76.

Regional variation in fish predation intensity: a historical perspective in the Gulf of Maine., Witman JD, Sebens KP., Oecologia. June 1, 1992; 90 (3): 305-315.

Relocation and distinct subcellular localization of p34cdc2-cyclin B complex at meiosis reinitiation in starfish oocytes., Ookata K, Hisanaga S, Okano T, Tachibana K, Kishimoto T., EMBO J. May 1, 1992; 11 (5): 1763-72.

Replication origins and pause sites in sea urchin mitochondrial DNA., Mayhook AG, Rinaldi AM, Jacobs HT., Proc Biol Sci. April 22, 1992; 248 (1321): 85-94.

Recent evidence for evolution of the genetic code., Osawa S, Jukes TH, Watanabe K, Muto A., Microbiol Rev. March 1, 1992; 56 (1): 229-64.

Rotational movement of a spermatozoon around its long axis., Ishijima S, Hamaguchi MS, Naruse M, Ishijima SA, Hamaguchi Y., J Exp Biol. February 1, 1992; 163 15-31.

Ryanodine Activates Sea Urchin Eggs: (sea urchin egg/activation/ryanodine/inositol phosphate/heparin)., Sardet C, Gillot I, Ruscher A, Payan P, Girard JP, de Renzis G., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 1992; 34 (1): 37-42.

Regeneration of the aquapharyngeal complex in the holothurian Eupentacta fraudatrix (Holothuroidea, Dendrochirota)., Dolmatov IYu., Monogr Dev Biol. January 1, 1992; 23 40-50.

Regeneration of digestive tube in holothurians Stichopus japonicus and Eupentacta fraudatrix., Leibson NL., Monogr Dev Biol. January 1, 1992; 23 51-61.

Regulation of p105wee1 and p34cdc2 during meiosis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe., Daya-Makin M, Szankasi P, Tang L, MacRae D, Pelech SL., Biochem Cell Biol. January 1, 1992; 70 (10-11): 1088-96.


Retroviral-like element in a marine invertebrate., Springer MS, Davidson EH, Britten RJ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 1, 1991; 88 (19): 8401-4.

Reinvestigation of DNA ligase I in axolotl and Pleurodeles development., Aoufouchi S, Hardy S, Prigent C, Philippe M, Thiebaud P., Nucleic Acids Res. August 25, 1991; 19 (16): 4395-8.

Reduction of the fertilizing capacity of sea urchin sperm by cannabinoids derived from marihuana. III. Activation of phospholipase A2 in sperm homogenate by delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol., Chang MC, Berkery D, Laychock SG, Schuel H., Biochem Pharmacol. July 25, 1991; 42 (4): 899-904.

Role of the extracellular matrix in tissue-specific gene expression in the sea urchin embryo., Benson S, Rawson R, Killian C, Wilt F., Mol Reprod Dev. July 1, 1991; 29 (3): 220-6.

Response of photosynthesis and cellular antioxidants to ozone in populus leaves., Gupta AS, Alscher RG, McCune D., Plant Physiol. June 1, 1991; 96 (2): 650-5.

Reduction of the fertilizing capacity of sea urchin sperm by cannabinoids derived from marihuana. I. Inhibition of the acrosome reaction induced by egg jelly., Schuel H, Berkery D, Schuel R, Chang MC, Zimmerman AM, Zimmerman S., Mol Reprod Dev. May 1, 1991; 29 (1): 51-9.

Reduction of the fertilizing capacity of sea urchin sperm by cannabinoids derived from marihuana. II. Ultrastructural changes associated with inhibition of the acrosome reaction., Chang MC, Schuel H., Mol Reprod Dev. May 1, 1991; 29 (1): 60-71.

Role of protein phosphorylation in the maturation-induced activation of a myelin basic protein kinase from sea star oocytes., Sanghera JS, Paddon HB, Pelech SL., J Biol Chem. April 15, 1991; 266 (11): 6700-7.

Restricted expression of the Lytechinus pictus Spec1 gene homologue in reciprocal hybrid embryos with Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Brandhorst BP, Filion M, Nisson PE, Crain WR., Dev Biol. April 1, 1991; 144 (2): 405-11.

Regulation of nuclear histone acetyltransferase by nucleic acids, histone.DNA complex, and chromatin., Wong LJ, Sharpe DJ., Biochem Genet. February 1, 1991; 29 (1-2): 13-28.

Rotating the plane of imposed vibration can rotate the plane of flagellar beating in sea-urchin sperm without twisting the axoneme., Shingyoji C, Katada J, Takahashi K, Gibbons IR., J Cell Sci. February 1, 1991; 98 ( Pt 2) 175-81.

Receptors for Sperm-activating Peptides, SAP-I and SAP-IIB, on Spermatozoa of Sea Urchins, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Glyptocidaris crenularis: (Sea urchin spermatozoa/Sperm-activating peptides/Receptor/Cross-link)., Harumi T, Yamaguchi M, Suzuki N., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 1991; 33 (1): 67-73.

Reactivation of isolated mitotic apparatus: metaphase versus anaphase spindles., Palazzo RE, Lutz DA, Rebhun LI., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. January 1, 1991; 18 (4): 304-18.

Regulatory elements from the related spec genes of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus yield different spatial patterns with a lacZ reporter gene., Gan L, Wessel GM, Klein WH., Dev Biol. December 1, 1990; 142 (2): 346-59.

Roles of the Polar Cytoplasmic Region in Meiotic Divisions in Oocytes of the Sea Cucumber, Holothuria leucospilota., Maruyama YK., Biol Bull. December 1, 1990; 179 (3): 264-271.

Rare maternal mRNAs code for regulatory proteins that control lineage-specific gene expression in the sea urchin embryo., Cutting AE, Höög C, Calzone FJ, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 1, 1990; 87 (20): 7953-7.

Respiration and Motility in Starfish Spermatozoa at Various Times in the Breeding Season: (starfish/sperm, motility/respiration)., Mohri H, Fujiwara A, Daumae M, Yasumasu I., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 1990; 32 (4): 375-381.

Repetitive DNA sequences linked to the sea urchin spec genes contain transcriptional enhancer-like elements., Gan L, Zhang W, Klein WH., Dev Biol. May 1, 1990; 139 (1): 186-96.

Reassociation of cortical secretory vesicles with sea urchin egg plasma membrane: assessment of binding specificity., Jackson RC, Modern PA., J Membr Biol. April 1, 1990; 115 (1): 83-93.

Range and stability of cell fate determination in isolated sea urchin blastomeres., Livingston BT, Wilt FH., Development. March 1, 1990; 108 (3): 403-10.

Radial density distribution of chromatin: evidence that chromatin fibers have solid centers., Smith MF, Athey BD, Williams SP, Langmore JP., J Cell Biol. February 1, 1990; 110 (2): 245-54.

Role of microtubules in stimulating cytokinesis in animal cells., Salmon ED, Wolniak SM., Ann N Y Acad Sci. January 1, 1990; 582 88-98.

Recruitment-limitation in open populations of Diadema antillarum: an evaluation., Karlson RH, Levitan DR., Oecologia. January 1, 1990; 82 (1): 40-44.


Role of microtubule assembly in phenytoin teratogenic action in the sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata) embryo., Estus S, Blumer JL., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 1989; 36 (5): 708-15.

Resource partitioning of sonar frequency bands in rhinolophoid bats., Heller KG, Helversen OV., Oecologia. August 1, 1989; 80 (2): 178-186.

Regional Response to Cytochalasin B of the Equatorial Cell Cortex in Sea-Urchin Eggs during the First Mitosis: (surface architecture/cortical microfilaments/cytochalasin B/sea-urchin egg/first mitosis)., Usui N, Yoneda M., Dev Growth Differ. June 1, 1989; 31 (3): 257-267.

RNA synthesis in starfish embryos: developmental consequences of its inhibition by formycin., Isomura H, Itoh N, Ikegami S., Biochim Biophys Acta. April 12, 1989; 1007 (3): 343-9.

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