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Coagulation of sea urchin egg cytoplasm by high salt concentrations., Takahashi T, Douglas MS, Williams RJ., Cryobiology. October 1, 1982; l9 (5): 511-9.

Cell-specific regulation of protein synthesis in the sea urchin gastrula: a two-dimensional electrophoretic study., Harkey MA, Whiteley AH., Dev Biol. October 1, 1982; 93 (2): 453-62.

Configurations of microtubules in artificially activated eggs of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus., Bestor TH, Schatten G., Exp Cell Res. September 1, 1982; 141 (1): 71-8.

Comparison of Ca2+ uptake characteristics of microsomal fractions isolated from unfertilized and fertilized sea urchin eggs., Inoue H, Yoshioka T., Exp Cell Res. August 1, 1982; 140 (2): 283-8.

Complete nucleotide sequence of a sea urchin actin gene., Cooper AD, Crain WR., Nucleic Acids Res. July 10, 1982; 10 (13): 4081-92.

Carbohydrate specificity of sea urchin sperm bindin: a cell surface lectin mediating sperm-egg adhesion., Glabe CG, Grabel LB, Vacquier VD, Rosen SD., J Cell Biol. July 1, 1982; 94 (1): 123-8.

Ciliary contractile model applied to sperm flagellar motion., Rikmenspoel R., J Theor Biol. June 21, 1982; 96 (4): 617-45.

Comparative studies of rat liver and sea urchin embryo nuclear matrices: partial fractionation and protein kinase activity distribution., Sevaljević L, Petrović M, Konstantinović M, Krtolica K., J Cell Sci. June 1, 1982; 55 189-98.

Changes in the nature of the cell adhesions of the sea urchin embryo., Watanabe M, Bertolini DR, Kew D, Turner RS., Dev Biol. June 1, 1982; 91 (2): 278-85.

Cell adhesion during gastrulation. A new approach., Spiegel M, Burger MM., Exp Cell Res. June 1, 1982; 139 (2): 377-82.

Carbohydrate specificity of sea urchin blastula adhesion component., Oppenheimer SB, Meyer JT., Exp Cell Res. June 1, 1982; 139 (2): 451-4.

Changes in the pattern of protein phosphorylation during meiosis reinitiation in starfish oocytes., Mazzei G, Guerrier P., Dev Biol. June 1, 1982; 91 (2): 246-56.

Catastrophic decline of a top carnivore in the gulf of california rocky intertidal zone., Dungan ML, Miller TE, Thomson DA., Science. May 28, 1982; 216 (4549): 989-91.

Calmodulin antagonists and hormonal control of meiosis in starfish oocytes., Dorée M, Picard A, Cavadore JC, Le Peuch C, Demaille JG., Exp Cell Res. May 1, 1982; 139 (1): 135-44.

Construction of chimeric plasmids containing histone H5 cDNA from hen erythrocyte. DNA sequence of a fragment derived from the 5' region of H5 mRNA., Ruiz-Vazquez R, Ruiz-Carillo A., Nucleic Acids Res. March 25, 1982; 10 (6): 2093-108.

Characterization of calmodulin and calmodulin isotypes from sea urchin gametes., Burgess WH., J Biol Chem. February 25, 1982; 257 (4): 1800-4.

Cloned embryo mRNAs not detectably expressed in adult sea urchin coelomocytes., Xin JH, Brandhorst BP, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Dev Biol. February 1, 1982; 89 (2): 527-31.

Changes in holding and ion-channel currents during activation of an ascidian egg under voltage clamp., Kozuka M, Takahashi K., J Physiol. February 1, 1982; 323 267-86.

Calmodulin confers calcium sensitivity on secretory exocytosis., Steinhardt RA, Alderton JM., Nature. January 14, 1982; 295 (5845): 154-5.

Changes in the activities of selected enzymes of intermediary metabolism in the pyloric caeca and ovaries of asterias rubens during the annual reproductive cycle., van der Plas AJ, Oudejans RC., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1982; 71 (3): 379-85.

Comparative studies on particulate acid phosphatases in sea urchin eggs., Yokota Y, Nakano E., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1982; 71 (4): 563-7.

Cell-cell interactions and the role of micromeres in the control of the mitotic pattern in sea urchin embryos., Andreuccetti P, Filosa S, Monroy A, Parisi E., Prog Clin Biol Res. January 1, 1982; 85 Pt B 21-9.

Close apposition of muscle cells in the longitudinal bands of the body wall of a holothurian, Isostichopus badionotus., Hill RB, Sanger JW, Chen C., Cell Tissue Res. January 1, 1982; 227 (3): 465-73.

Characterization of five members of the actin gene family in the sea urchin., Overbeek PA, Merlino GT, Peters NK, Cohn VH, Moore GP, Kleinsmith LJ., Biochim Biophys Acta. December 28, 1981; 656 (2): 195-205.

Calmodulin in starfish oocytes. I. Calmodulin antagonists inhibit meiosis reinitiation., Meijer L, Guerrier P., Dev Biol. December 1, 1981; 88 (2): 318-24.

Calcium-mediated transduction of the hormonal message in meiosis reinitiation of starfish oocytes: modulation following injection of cholera toxin and cAMP-dependent protein kinase., Dorée M, Kishimoto T, Le Peuch CJ, Demaille JG, Kanatani H., Exp Cell Res. October 1, 1981; 135 (2): 237-49.

Changes in chromatin structure at the replication fork. II The DNPs containing nascent DNA and a transient chromatin modification detected by DNAase I., Galili G, Levy A, Jakob KM., Nucleic Acids Res. August 25, 1981; 9 (16): 3991-4005.

Cytoplasmic inclusions specific to the sea urchin germ line., Houk MS, Hinegardner RT., Dev Biol. August 1, 1981; 86 (1): 94-9.

Carbon dioxide efflux accompanies release of fertilization acid from sea urchin eggs., Gillies RJ, Rosenberg MP, Deamer DW., J Cell Physiol. August 1, 1981; 108 (2): 115-22.

Change in expression of the actin gene family during early sea urchin development., Merlino GT, Water RD, Moore GP, Kleinsmith LJ., Dev Biol. July 30, 1981; 85 (2): 505-8.

Chromatin proteins of sea urchin embryos: dual origin from an oogenetic reservoir and new synthesis., Kuhn O, Wilt FH., Dev Biol. July 30, 1981; 85 (2): 416-24.

Complete amino acid sequence of beta-tubulin from porcine brain., Krauhs E, Little M, Kempf T, Hofer-Warbinek R, Ade W, Ponstingl H., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 1, 1981; 78 (7): 4156-60.

Ca2+-stimulated production of H2O2 from naphthoquinone oxidation in Arbacia eggs., Perry G, Epel D., Exp Cell Res. July 1, 1981; 134 (1): 65-72.

Comparison of proteolytic cleavage patterns of alpha-tubulins and beta-tubulins from taxonomically distant species., Little M, Ludueña RF, Langford GM, Asnes CF, Farrell K., J Mol Biol. June 15, 1981; 149 (1): 95-107.

Characterization of a cloned histone gene cluster of the newt Notophthalamus viridescens., Stephenson EC, Erba HP, Gall JG., Nucleic Acids Res. May 25, 1981; 9 (10): 2281-95.

Cell behaviour and molecular mechanisms of cell-cell adhesion., Garrod DR, Nicol A., Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. May 1, 1981; 56 (2): 199-242.

Comparison of the disposition of several nitrogen-containing compounds in the sea urchin and other marine invertebrates., Landrum PF, Crosby DG., Xenobiotica. May 1, 1981; 11 (5): 351-61.

Comparison of the early histone H4 gene sequence of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus with maternal, early, and late histone H4 mRNA sequences., Grunstein M, Diamond KE, Knoppel E, Grunstein JE., Biochemistry. March 3, 1981; 20 (5): 1216-23.

Calmodulin activates NAD kinase of sea urchin eggs: an early event of fertilization., Epel D, Patton C, Wallace RW, Cheung WY., Cell. February 1, 1981; 23 (2): 543-9.

Changes in the organization of the sea urchin egg plasma membrane upon fertilization: indications from the lateral diffusion rates of lipid-soluble fluorescent dyes., Wolf DE, Kinsey W, Lennarz W, Edidin M., Dev Biol. January 15, 1981; 81 (1): 133-8.

Characteristics of the soluble and particulate forms of guanylate cyclase., Garbers DL, Radany EW., Adv Cyclic Nucleotide Res. January 1, 1981; 14 241-54.

Cloning and organization of genes for 5S ribosomal RNA in the sea urchin. Lytechinus variegatus., Lu AL, Blin N, Stafford DW., Gene. January 1, 1981; 14 (1-2): 51-62.

Cooperation of kinetochores and pole in the establishment of monopolar mitotic apparatus., Mazia D, Paweletz N, Sluder G, Finze EM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 1, 1981; 78 (1): 377-81.

Crystallization and toxicology of T34: a major toxin from Florida''s red tide organism (Ptychodiscus brevis)., Baden DG, Mende TJ, Lichter W, Wellham L., Toxicon. January 1, 1981; 19 (4): 455-62.

Concanavalin A-Induced Morphological Changes and Its Binding Sites in Starfish Follicle Cells as Revealed by Electron Microscopy., Kawai N, Sano K, Nagahama Y, Kanatani H, Hirano H., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 1981; 23 (2): 111-123.

Change in Hatching Enzyme Activity during Development of the Sea Urchin, Hemicentrotus Pulcherrimus., Nakatsuka M., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 1981; 23 (4): 371-380.

Cytoplasmic Maturity Revealed by the Structural Changes in Incorporated Spermatozoon during the Course of Starfish Oocyte Maturation., Hirai S, Nagahama Y, Kishimoto T, Kanatani H., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 1981; 23 (5): 465-478.

Cortical reorganization following fertilization of sea urchin eggs: sensitivity to cytochalasin B., Banzhaf WC, Warren RH, McClay DR., Dev Biol. December 1, 1980; 80 (2): 506-15.

Coelomocyte cytoskeletons. Interaction with cytochalasin B., Edds KT., Exp Cell Res. December 1, 1980; 130 (2): 371-6.

Cholinergic motor control of sea urchin tube feet: evidence for chemical transmission without synapses., Florey E, Cahill MA., J Exp Biol. October 1, 1980; 88 281-92.

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