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Cardiovascular effects of Acanthaster planci venom in the rat: possible involvement of PAF in its hypotensive effect., Yara A, Noguchi K, Nakasone J, Kinjo N, Hirayama K, Sakanashi M., Toxicon. October 1, 1992; 30 (10): 1281-9.

Cell Movements during Gastrulation of Starfish Larvae., Kuraishi R, Osanai K., Biol Bull. October 1, 1992; 183 (2): 258-268.

Cyclin A potentiates maturation-promoting factor activation in the early Xenopus embryo via inhibition of the tyrosine kinase that phosphorylates cdc2., Devault A, Fesquet D, Cavadore JC, Garrigues AM, Labbé JC, Lorca T, Picard A, Philippe M, Dorée M., J Cell Biol. September 1, 1992; 118 (5): 1109-20.

Chromosomes attain a metaphase position on half-spindles in the absence of an opposing spindle pole., Leslie RJ., J Cell Sci. September 1, 1992; 103 ( Pt 1) 125-30.

Changes in rates of protein synthesis and eukaryotic initiation factor-4 inhibitory activity in cell-free translation systems of sea urchin eggs and early cleavage stage embryos., Jagus R, Huang WI, Hansen LJ, Wilson MA., J Biol Chem. August 5, 1992; 267 (22): 15530-6.

Cloning and expression of the murine gene and chromosomal location of the human gene encoding N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I., Kumar R, Yang J, Eddy RL, Byers MG, Shows TB, Stanley P., Glycobiology. August 1, 1992; 2 (4): 383-93.

Change in the Activity of Na1 , K+ -ATPase in Embryos of the Sea Urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, during Early Development: (sea urchin embryo/Na+ , K+ -ATPase/RNA synthesis/ectodermal cell/actinomycin D)., Mitsunaga-Nakatsubo K, Fujiwara A, Yasumasu I., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 1992; 34 (4): 379-385.

Complexity of sea urchin embryo nuclear proteins that contain basic domains., Harrington MG, Coffman JA, Calzone FJ, Hood LE, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 15, 1992; 89 (14): 6252-6.

Conditions for assembly of tubulin-based structures in unfertilized sea urchin eggs. Spirals, monasters and cytasters., Harris PJ, Clason EL., J Cell Sci. July 1, 1992; 102 ( Pt 3) 557-67.

Cutinase is not required for fungal pathogenicity on pea., Stahl DJ, Schäfer W., Plant Cell. June 1, 1992; 4 (6): 621-9.

Characterization of bep1 and bep4 antigens involved in cell interactions during Paracentrotus lividus development., Romancino DP, Ghersi G, Montana G, Bonura A, Perriera S, Di Carlo M., Differentiation. June 1, 1992; 50 (2): 67-74.

Causes and Consequences of Fluctuating Coelomic Pressure in Sea Urchins., Ellers O, Telford M., Biol Bull. June 1, 1992; 182 (3): 424-434.

Centrifugal elutriation of large fragile cells: isolation of RNA from fixed embryonic blastomeres., Nasir A, Reynolds SD, Keng PC, Angerer LM, Angerer RC., Anal Biochem. May 15, 1992; 203 (1): 22-6.

Cyclin A-cdc2 kinase does not trigger but delays cyclin degradation in interphase extracts of amphibian eggs., Lorca T, Labbé JC, Devault A, Fesquet D, Strausfeld U, Nilsson J, Nygren PA, Uhlen M, Cavadore JC, Dorée M., J Cell Sci. May 1, 1992; 102 ( Pt 1) 55-62.

Chromatin reconstitution on small DNA rings. IV. DNA supercoiling and nucleosome sequence preference., Duband-Goulet I, Carot V, Ulyanov AV, Douc-Rasy S, Prunell A., J Mol Biol. April 20, 1992; 224 (4): 981-1001.

Characterization of post-translational modifications common to three primary mesenchyme cell-specific glycoproteins involved in sea urchin embryonic skeleton formation., Kabakoff B, Hwang SP, Lennarz WJ., Dev Biol. April 1, 1992; 150 (2): 294-305.

Comparative sensitivity of gametes and early developmental stages of a sea urchin species (Echinometra mathaei) and a bivalve species (Isognomon californicum) during metal exposures., Ringwood AH., Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. April 1, 1992; 22 (3): 288-95.

Characterization of Two Novel Neuropeptides From the Sea Cucumber Holothuria glaberrima., Diaz-Miranda L, Price DA, Greenberg MJ, Lee TD, Doble KE, Garcia-Arraras JE., Biol Bull. April 1, 1992; 182 (2): 241-247.

Chymotrypsin-like and trypsin-like protease activities in the sea urchin (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus) egg., Taniguchi Y., Experientia. March 15, 1992; 48 (3): 287-90.

Cortical localization of a calcium release channel in sea urchin eggs., McPherson SM, McPherson PS, Mathews L, Campbell KP, Longo FJ., J Cell Biol. March 1, 1992; 116 (5): 1111-21.

Chromatin condensation: does histone H1 dephosphorylation play a role?, Roth SY, Allis CD., Trends Biochem Sci. March 1, 1992; 17 (3): 93-8.

Character analysis and the integration of molecular and morphological data in an understanding of sand dollar phylogeny., Marshall CR., Mol Biol Evol. March 1, 1992; 9 (2): 309-22.

Characterization and localization of large sulfated glycoproteins in the extracellular matrix of the developing asteroid Pisaster ochraceus., Crawford TJ, Crawford BJ., Biochem Cell Biol. February 1, 1992; 70 (2): 91-8.

Confocal microscopy of fertilization-induced calcium dynamics in sea urchin eggs., Stricker SA, Centonze VE, Paddock SW, Schatten G., Dev Biol. February 1, 1992; 149 (2): 370-80.

Characterization of two developmentally regulated sea urchin U2 small nuclear RNA promoters: a common required TATA sequence and independent proximal and distal elements., Stefanovic B, Marzluff WF., Mol Cell Biol. February 1, 1992; 12 (2): 650-60.

Cell interactions and mesodermal cell fates in the sea urchin embryo., Ettensohn CA., Dev Suppl. January 1, 1992; 43-51.

Chemosensory transduction in eukaryotic microorganisms., Van Houten J., Annu Rev Physiol. January 1, 1992; 54 639-63.

Cortical granule matrix disassembly during exocytosis in sea urchin eggs., Merkle CJ, Chandler DE., Dev Biol. December 1, 1991; 148 (2): 429-41.

Characterization of a cDNA encoding a protein involved in formation of the skeleton during development of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus., Livingston BT, Shaw R, Bailey A, Wilt F., Dev Biol. December 1, 1991; 148 (2): 473-80.

Characterization of actin filament severing by actophorin from Acanthamoeba castellanii., Maciver SK, Zot HG, Pollard TD., J Cell Biol. December 1, 1991; 115 (6): 1611-20.

Change in Intracellular Calcium Ions upon Maturation in Starfish Oocytes: (aequorin/calcium/oocyte maturation/1-methyladenine/starfish)., Kikuyama M, Hiramoto Y., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 1991; 33 (6): 633-638.

Comparison of the bindin proteins of Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, S. purpuratus, and Lytechinus variegatus: sequences involved in the species specificity of fertilization., Minor JE, Fromson DR, Britten RJ, Davidson EH., Mol Biol Evol. November 1, 1991; 8 (6): 781-95.

Cannabinoids inhibit fertilization in sea urchins by reducing the fertilizing capacity of sperm., Schuel H, Chang MC, Berkery D, Schuel R, Zimmerman AM, Zimmerman S., Pharmacol Biochem Behav. November 1, 1991; 40 (3): 609-15.

Cell death in normal and rough eye mutants of Drosophila., Wolff T, Ready DF., Development. November 1, 1991; 113 (3): 825-39.

Characterization of sea urchin egg endoplasmic reticulum in cortical preparations., Terasaki M, Henson J, Begg D, Kaminer B, Sardet C., Dev Biol. November 1, 1991; 148 (1): 398-401.

Characterization and expression of a gene encoding a 30.6-kDa Strongylocentrotus purpuratus spicule matrix protein., George NC, Killian CE, Wilt FH., Dev Biol. October 1, 1991; 147 (2): 334-42.

Cytology and function of the madreporite systems of the starfish Henricia Sanguinolenta and Asterias Vulgaris., Ferguson JC, Walker CW., J Morphol. October 1, 1991; 210 (1): 1-11.

Change in Membrane Fluidity of Sand Dollar Egg Cortices Caused by Ca2+ -Induced Exocytosis: Microscopic Analysis with Fluorescence Anisotropy: (cortical vesicles/exocytosis/fluorescence anisotropy/membrane fluidity/plasma membrane)., Hirano KI., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 1991; 33 (5): 451-458.

Cell adhesive activity of two animal lectins through different recognition mechanisms., Ozeki Y, Matsui T, Titani K., FEBS Lett. September 9, 1991; 289 (2): 145-7.

Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release in sea urchin egg homogenates: modulation by cyclic ADP-ribose., Galione A, Lee HC, Busa WB., Science. September 6, 1991; 253 (5024): 1143-6.

CCAAT displacement protein as a repressor of the myelomonocytic-specific gp91-phox gene promoter., Skalnik DG, Strauss EC, Orkin SH., J Biol Chem. September 5, 1991; 266 (25): 16736-44.

Cell movements during the initial phase of gastrulation in the sea urchin embryo., Burke RD, Myers RL, Sexton TL, Jackson C., Dev Biol. August 1, 1991; 146 (2): 542-57.

Cells in the intestinal system of holothurians (Echinodermata) express cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity., García-Arrarás JE, Torres-Avillán I, Ortíz-Miranda S., Gen Comp Endocrinol. August 1, 1991; 83 (2): 233-42.

Characterisation of two different subpopulations of axial organ cells of Asterias rubens by the use of lectins., Leclerc M, Bajelan M, Fasseu M., Thymus. August 1, 1991; 18 (1): 63-5.

Chromatosome positioning on assembled long chromatin. Linker histones affect nucleosome placement on 5 S rDNA., Meersseman G, Pennings S, Bradbury EM., J Mol Biol. July 5, 1991; 220 (1): 89-100.

Cyclic appearance of cytoplasmic NOR-silver-stained particles in sea urchin embryos., Amikura RM, Ihnuma M, Aikawa E, Yamada H, Nagano H., Mol Reprod Dev. July 1, 1991; 29 (3): 245-52.

Cell type specification during sea urchin development., Cameron RA, Davidson EH., Trends Genet. July 1, 1991; 7 (7): 212-8.

Cyclin B targets p34cdc2 for tyrosine phosphorylation., Meijer L, Azzi L, Wang JY., EMBO J. June 1, 1991; 10 (6): 1545-54.

Comparative eicosanoid physiology in invertebrate animals., Stanley-Samuelson DW., Am J Physiol. May 1, 1991; 260 (5 Pt 2): R849-53.

Confocal fluorescence microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction., Wright SJ, Schatten G., J Electron Microsc Tech. May 1, 1991; 18 (1): 2-10.

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