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J Biosci 2018 Jul 01;433:541-553.
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Fluorescence techniques in developmental biology.

Veerapathiran S , Wohland T .

Advanced fluorescence techniques, commonly known as the F-techniques, measure the kinetics and the interactions of biomolecules with high sensitivity and spatiotemporal resolution. Applications of the F-techniques, which were initially limited to cells, were further extended to study in vivo protein organization and dynamics in whole organisms. The integration of F-techniques with multi-photon microscopy and light-sheet microscopy widened their applications in the field of developmental biology. It became possible to penetrate the thick tissues of living organisms and obtain good signal-to-noise ratio with reduced photo-induced toxicity. In this review, we discuss the principle and the applications of the three most commonly used F-techniques in developmental biology: Fluorescence Recovery After Photo-bleaching (FRAP), Fo¨ rster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), and Fluorescence Correlation and Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS and FCCS).

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Genes referenced: mtor

References [+] :
Axelrod, Lateral motion of fluorescently labeled acetylcholine receptors in membranes of developing muscle fibers. 1976, Pubmed