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Evodevo 2018 Jan 22;9:10. doi: 10.1186/s13227-018-0098-x.
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The role of retinoic acid signaling in starfish metamorphosis.

Yamakawa S , Morino Y , Honda M , Wada H .

Background: Although retinoic acid (RA) signaling plays a crucial role in the body patterning of chordates, its function in non-chordate invertebrates, other than its mediation of environmental cues triggering metamorphosis in cnidarians, is largely unknown. We investigated the role of RA signaling in the metamorphosis of starfish (Echinodermata). Results: We found that exogenous RA treatment induced metamorphosis in starfish larvae. In contrast, inhibitors of RA synthesis and RA receptors suppressed metamorphosis triggered by attachment to a substrate. Gene expressions of the RA signaling component were detected in competent larvae. Conclusions: This study provides insight into the ancestral function of RA signaling, which is conserved in the metamorphosis of cnidarians and starfish.

PubMed ID: 29721256
PMC ID: PMC5910596
Article link: Evodevo

Genes referenced: gfi1 LOC100893907 rarb

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References [+] :
Albalat, The retinoic acid machinery in invertebrates: ancestral elements and vertebrate innovations. 2009, Pubmed