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Zootaxa 2018 Mar 08;43922:289-310. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4392.2.4.
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A taxonomic review of the genus Astrodendrum (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Euryalida, Gorgonocephalidae) with description of a new species from Japan.

Okanishi M , Fujita T .

A revision of the genus Astrodendrum Döderlein (Ophiuroidea, Euryalida, Gorgonocephalidae) is based on 14 specimens, including the holotypes of Astrodendrum galapagense A. H. Clark and Astroconus capense Mortensen and a syntype of Gorgonocephalus sagaminus Döderlein. A new species Astrodendrum spinulosum is described from the Pacific coast of Japan. It is distinguished from its congeners in having conical external ossicles on aboral side of the disc; bulges on lateral edges of proximal arms; 1 terminal projection on each arm spine of proximal portion of the arm; 2 or 3 secondary teeth on each hook-shaped arm spine of distal portion of the arm. A taxonomic key to all six species of the genus Astrodendrum is provided.

PubMed ID: 29690406
Article link: Zootaxa

Genes referenced: LOC591902