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Development 2015 Jun 01;14211:1960-70. doi: 10.1242/dev.118448.
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Essential elements for translation: the germline factor Vasa functions broadly in somatic cells.

Vasa is a conserved RNA-helicase found in the germ lines of all metazoans tested. Whereas Vasa presence is often indicated as a metric for germline determination in animals, it is also expressed in stem cells of diverse origin. Recent research suggests, however, that Vasa has a much broader function, including a significant role in cell cycle regulation. Results herein indicate that Vasa is utilized widely, and often induced transiently, during development in diverse somatic cells and adult precursor tissues. We identified that Vasa in the sea urchin is essential for: (1) general mRNA translation during embryogenesis, (2) developmental re-programming upon manipulations to the embryo and (3) larval wound healing. We also learned that Vasa interacted with mRNAs in the perinuclear area and at the spindle in an Importin-dependent manner during cell cycle progression. These results suggest that, when present, Vasa functions are essential to contributing to developmental regulation.

PubMed ID: 25977366
PMC ID: PMC4460737
Article link: Development
Grant support: [+]

Genes referenced: ddx4 LOC100887844 LOC100893907 LOC115919910 LOC587482
Antibodies: kpna2 Ab1 LOC373239 Ab1
Morpholinos: ddx4 MO1

References [+] :
Aboobaker, Planarian stem cells: a simple paradigm for regeneration. 2011, Pubmed