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Nat Prod Commun 2013 Oct 01;810:1377-80.
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Inhibition of tumor cells multidrug resistance by cucumarioside A2-2, frondoside A and their complexes with cholesterol.

Menchinskaya ES , Aminin DL , Avilov SA , Silchenko AS , Andryjashchenko PV , Kalinin VI , Stonik VA .

In non-cytotoxic concentrations, frondoside A (1) from the sea cucumber Cucumaria okhotensis and cucumarioside A2-2 (2) from C. japonica, as well as their complexes with cholesterol block the activity of membrane transport P-glycoprotein in cells of the ascite form of mouse Ehrlich carcinoma. They prevent in this way an efflux of fluorescent probe Calcein from the cells. Since the blocking of P-glycoprotein activity results in decrease of multidrug resistance, these glycosides and their complexes with cholesterol may be considered as potential inhibitors of multidrug resistance of tumor cells.

PubMed ID: 24354179

Genes referenced: LOC100887844 LOC582726