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Dev Biol 2003 Sep 15;2612:353-70. doi: 10.1016/s0012-1606(03)00301-4.
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Selective transport and packaging of the major yolk protein in the sea urchin.

Brooks JM , Wessel GM .

The major yolk protein of sea urchins is an iron-binding, transferrin-like molecule that is made in the adult gut. Its final destination though is the developing oocytes that are embedded in somatic accessory cells and encompassed by two epithelial layers of the ovary. In this study, we address the dynamics of yolk transport, endocytosis, and packaging during the vitellogenic phase of oogenesis in the sea urchin by use of fluorescently labeled major yolk protein (MYP). Incorporation of MYP into the accessory cells of the ovary and its packaging into yolk platelets of developing oocytes is visualized in isolated oocytes, ovary explants, and in whole animals. When MYP is introduced into the coelom of adult females, it is first accumulated by the somatic cells of the ovarian capsule and is then transported to the oocytes and packaged into yolk platelets. This phenomenon is specific for MYP and accurately reflects the endogenous MYP packaging. We find that oocytes cultured in isolation are endocytically active and capable of selectively packaging MYP into yolk platelets. Furthermore, oocytes that packaged exogenous MYP are capable of in vitro maturation, fertilization, and early development, enabling an in vivo documentation of MYP utilization and yolk platelet dynamics. These results demonstrate that the endocytic uptake of yolk proteins in sea urchins does not require a signal from their surrounding epithelial cells and can occur autonomous of the ovary. In addition, these results demonstrate that the entire population of yolk platelets is competent to receive new yolk protein input, suggesting that they are all made simultaneously during oogenesis.

PubMed ID: 14499646
Article link: Dev Biol

Genes referenced: LOC100887844 LOC100893812 myp
Antibodies: myp Ab2