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Zhong Yao Cai 2000 Oct 01;2310:627-30.
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[The effects of starfish sterol on platelet aggregation].

Xu D , Xu S .

Through the internal and external experiments of platelet aggregation on rats and rabbits, we study the effects of starfish sterol (No. A1998) on the formation of experimental thrombus in vitro and the effects of platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid (AA), ADP, CaCl2. Starfish sterol A 1998 can inhibit the formation of experimental thrombus in vitro of rats on the rates of 10.0%, 20.1%, 25.9% (P < 0.01), p.o. starfish sterol 4.5, 13.5, 40.5 mg/kg. A 1998 can inhibit platelet aggregation induced by AA, ADP, CaCl2 in the same time. It can be concluded that starfish sterol has inhibitory effects on platelet aggregation.

PubMed ID: 12575041

Genes referenced: LOC100893812