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Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova 2000 Oct 01;8610:1268-77.
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[Localization, kinetic parameters, and functions of cholinesterase of the starfish ampulla].

Semenova MN .

The starfish amplullae cholinesterase was shown to represent acetylcholinesterase and enhance its activity along with increasing motility of the starfish. Bundles of muscle fibres containing cholinesterase were found in the ampullae. Cholinesterase was shown to be localized in the muscle cells and in collagen layer in vicinity of the muscle cells. The data obtained suggest participation of the starfish ampullae cholinesterase in non-synaptic cholinergic transmission between the radial nerve axons and the muscle fibre extension. Besides, the enzyme could take part in functional relationship between the muscle cells and the outer epithelial cells of the starfish ampullae.

PubMed ID: 11200327

Genes referenced: LOC115919856 LOC762935