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Mol Gen Genet 1994 Jun 03;2435:506-14. doi: 10.1007/BF00284198.
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A gene from the fungal plant pathogen Nectria haematococca that encodes the phytoalexin-detoxifying enzyme pisatin demethylase defines a new cytochrome P450 family.

Maloney AP , VanEtten HD .

The gene PDAT9 from the fungus Nectria haematococca encodes pisatin demethylase, an enzyme that detoxifies the phytoalexin pisatin, an antimicrobial compound produced by pea in response to infection by this plant pathogen. PDAT9 was found to contain an open reading frame (ORF) encoding 515 amino acids and four introns of 52-58 nucleotides each within its coding region. The amino acid sequence F-G-A-G-S-R-S-C-I-G, indicative of the "fifth ligand binding site" present in all cytochrome P450s, occurs as residues 446 to 455, confirming that PDAT9 is a cytochrome P450. The deduced amino acid sequence is distinct from all other reported cytochrome P-450s, and PDAT9 has been assigned to a new cytochrome P450 family, CYP57. A 1.3 kb SacI fragment of the PDAT9 ORF that lacked the fifth ligand binding site, hybridized to unique DNA fragments in N. haematococca isolates known to possess PDA genes that encode different whole cell phenotypes for pisatin demethylating activity. These genes were also tentatively identified as cytochrome P450s by the hybridization of the same fragments to separate subclones of PDAT9, one of which contained the fifth ligand sequence. That probe also hybridized to DNA other than that attributed to pisatin demethylase genes; these other DNAs are presumed to represent other cytochrome P450s.

PubMed ID: 8208242
Article link: Mol Gen Genet
Grant support: [+]

Genes referenced: etv1 LOC115917891 LOC115919910 LOC577206

References [+] :
Birnboim, A rapid alkaline extraction procedure for screening recombinant plasmid DNA. 1979, Pubmed