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Dokl Biol Sci 2013 Sep 01;452:310-2. doi: 10.1134/S0012496613050050.
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A new reference gene, Ef1A, for quantitative real-time PCR assay of the starfish Asterias rubens pyloric ceca.

Sadritdinova AF , Snezhkina AV , Dmitriev AA , Krasnov GS , Astakhova LN , Kudryavtsev AA , Mel'nikova NV , Speranskaya AS , Darii MV , Lakunina VA , Uroshlev LA , Smurov AO , Stepanov OA , Kudryavtseva AV .


PubMed ID: 24150654
Article link: Dokl Biol Sci

Genes referenced: LOC548620

References [+] :
Dondero, Biochemical characterization and quantitative gene expression analysis of the multi-stress inducible metallothionein from Tetrahymena thermophila. 2004, Pubmed