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Nature 2013 Jan 24;4937433:526-31. doi: 10.1038/nature11696.
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Insights into bilaterian evolution from three spiralian genomes.

Simakov O , Marletaz F , Cho SJ , Edsinger-Gonzales E , Havlak P , Hellsten U , Kuo DH , Larsson T , Lv J , Arendt D , Savage R , Osoegawa K , de Jong P , Grimwood J , Chapman JA , Shapiro H , Aerts A , Otillar RP , Terry AY , Boore JL , Grigoriev IV , Lindberg DR , Seaver EC , Weisblat DA , Putnam NH , Rokhsar DS .

Current genomic perspectives on animal diversity neglect two prominent phyla, the molluscs and annelids, that together account for nearly one-third of known marine species and are important both ecologically and as experimental systems in classical embryology. Here we describe the draft genomes of the owl limpet (Lottia gigantea), a marine polychaete (Capitella teleta) and a freshwater leech (Helobdella robusta), and compare them with other animal genomes to investigate the origin and diversification of bilaterians from a genomic perspective. We find that the genome organization, gene structure and functional content of these species are more similar to those of some invertebrate deuterostome genomes (for example, amphioxus and sea urchin) than those of other protostomes that have been sequenced to date (flies, nematodes and flatworms). The conservation of these genomic features enables us to expand the inventory of genes present in the last common bilaterian ancestor, establish the tripartite diversification of bilaterians using multiple genomic characteristics and identify ancient conserved long- and short-range genetic linkages across metazoans. Superimposed on this broadly conserved pan-bilaterian background we find examples of lineage-specific genome evolution, including varying rates of rearrangement, intron gain and loss, expansions and contractions of gene families, and the evolution of clade-specific genes that produce the unique content of each genome.

PubMed ID: 23254933
PMC ID: PMC4085046
Article link: Nature
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Echinodermata
Genes referenced: exoc7 fhl2 hdc Hoxa2l hoxa3l hoxal hoxb1l LOC100887844 LOC105438433 LOC115918340 LOC575570 LOC579909 LOC580325 LOC583082 LOC591592 LOC594566 LOC762398 mnt psmc6 psmg1 syap1 tmem248 wbp11

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References [+] :
Adoutte, The new animal phylogeny: reliability and implications. 2000, Pubmed