Figure 1. Schematic drawing of major vascular system of Scorpiones (modified from [6] with permission from Wiley and Son).âAbbreviations: Ao, anterior aorta; Ch, cheliceral arteries; H, heart; I-IV, leg arteries; Po, posterior aorta; Pp, pedipalpal artery; Vv, ventral vessel.
Figure 2. Gross morphology of the prosomal ganglion in B. granulatus. A: Surface renderings of the neurilemma (Nl; transparent) and the neuropil of the prosomal ganglion showing the general organization of the ganglion; note that space between neurilemma and neuropils is filled with somata (not shown); in lateral view. B: Surface renderings of the neurilemma (Nl) and the neuropil of the prosomal ganglion showing pedipalpal (Pnp) and leg neuropils (NpI-IV); in ventral view. C: Surface renderings of the neurilemma and the neuropil of the prosomal ganglion showing neuropils of the proto- (Ptc), deuto- (Dtc), and tritocerebrum (i.e. pedipalpal neuromere; Ppn); in anterior view. D: Surface renderings of the neurilemma, neuropils and cerebral vasculature of the prosomal ganglion giving an overview of the ganglionic vessels; in lateral view. Abbreviations: Ac, arcuate body; Cn, cheliceral nerve; Ca, coxal arteries; Dtc, deutocerebral neuropil; Nl, neurilemma; NpI-IV, leg neuropil I-IV; Pa, protocerebral artery; Pc, pedipalpocoxal arteries; Pnp, posterior neuropil; Ppn, pedipalpal neuropil; Ptc, protocerebral neuropil; Tga, transganglionic arteries.
Figure 3. Afferent hemolymph supply to the prosomal ganglion in B. granulatus.âThe PDF version of this article contains interactive 3D content. Please click in the file on figure A - Dâto activate the content and then use the mouse to rotate the objects. Use the menu in the activated figure to use further functions. A: Surface renderings of the anterior aorta system and the prosomal ganglion (Pg; yellow) showing general branching pattern of anterior aorta system; in anterolateral view. B: Surface renderings of the anterior aorta (Ao), branching arteries (e.g. cheliceral arteries, Ch), and the cerebral vasculature (Cv); in dorsal view. C: Surface renderings of the anterior aorta system and the prosomal ganglion (Pg; yellow) showing general branching pattern of prosomal arteries; in lateral view. D: Volume rendering of the ganglionic midline arteries in lateral view; asterisks indicating the eight transganglionic arteries (Tga); in lateral view. E: Schematic drawing of the prosomal vascular system (red) and the main afferent arteries (orange) of the prosomal ganglion; numbers denote transganglionic arteries 1-8. Abbreviations: Ao, anterior aorta; Cca, central collection artery; Ch, cheliceral arteries; Cn, cheliceral nerve; Cv, cerebral vasculature; Ea, esophageal artery; I-IV, leg arteries; Nl, neurilemma; Oa, optic arteries; Pa, protocerebral artery; Pc, pedipalpocoxal arteries; Pg, prosomal ganglion; Pp, pedipalpal arteries; Sc, supracerebral artery; Tga, transganglionic arteries; Vv, ventral vessel.
Figure 4. Hemolymph supply to the protocerebrum (Ptc) and deutocerebrum (i.e. cheliceral neuromere; Dtc) in B. granulatus. A: Surface renderings of the protocerebral neuropil (Ptc) and protocerebral vessels (Pcv) showing general pattern of arteries in the protocerebrum; in anterior view; dashed green line indicates the position where the esophagus pierces the prosomal ganglion. B: Virtual horizontal section through the protocerebrum with a transparent surface rendering of the protocerebral neuropil (Ptc); in dorsal view; inset shows the position of the section, arrow heads indicate vessel loops that protrude into the neuropil. C: Surface renderings of the neurilemma, deutocerebral neuropil (Dtc) and deutocerebral vasculature (Dcv); in lateral view. D:âVolume rendering of the protocerebral vasculature showing supply to the arcuate body; in posterior view; dashed yellow line indicates the position of the arcuate body, asterisks indicate arteries supplying the arcuate body, arrowheads indicate two arteries that emanate from the supracerebral artery (Sc). E:â3D image (use 3D glasses) of a volume rendering of the protocerebral artery (Pa) showing a vessel loop (Vl) protruding into the neuropil; in lateral view; dashed yellow line indicates the position of the arcuate body. F:âVolume rendering of the cerebral vasculature showing the origin of the esophageal arteries (Ea); in dorsal view; dashed green lines indicate the position where the esophagus passes the prosomal ganglion. Abbreviations: Ac, arcuate body; Ch, cheliceral arteries; Cn, cheliceral nerves; Dcv, deutocerebral vasculature; Dtc, deutocerebral neuropil; Ea, esophageal arteries; Fca, frontal collection artery; Lca, lateral collection artery; Pa, protocerebral artery; Pcv, protocerebral vasculature; Pp, pedipalpal arteries; Ptc, protocerebral neuropil; Sc, supracerebral artery; Vca, ventral collection artery; Vl, vessel loop.
Figure 5. Supply to specific neuropils in B. granulatus. A: Surface renderings of the ventral cerebral vasculature and the neuropils of ventral neuromeres in the prosomal ganglion give an overview of the supply system of the subesophageal ganglion; in dorsal view. B: Surface renderings of the posterior cerebral vasculature and the neuropils of posterior neuromeres in the prosomal ganglion showing supply to the neuropil of the leg neuromere IV (NpIV); in posterolateral view; arrowheads indicate vessel loops that protrude into the neuropil. C: Volume rendering of supplying arteries emanating from the left pedipalpal artery (Pp) and leg artery I (I); in ventrolateral view; arrowheads indicate arteries that emanate from the appendage artery. D: Volume rendering of arteries supplying the pedipalpal neuropil (vPpn) showing vessel loops that protrude into the neuropil; in anterior view; arrowhead indicates larger, dorsal vessel loops, arrows indicate smaller, ventral vessel loops. E: Virtual horizontal section through ventral parts of the prosomal ganglion showing the postneuropilar arteries (PnaIV); in dorsal view; inset shows the position of the section, arrowheads indicate the postneuropilar arteries. F: Schematic drawing of the supply system of an isolated neuropil showing the network of supplying arteries (vNp); in dorsal view. Abbreviations: CaIV, coxal artery IV; Cca, central collection artery; Ev, efferent vessel; La, leg artery; Np, neuropil; NpIIâ+âIV, neuropil of leg IIâ+âIV neuromere; Pc, pedipalpocoxal arteries; PnaIV, postneuropilar artery of leg IV neuromere; Pp, pedipalpal artery; Ppn, neuropile of pedipalpal neuromere; Tga, transganglionic artery; vNp, vessels of a certain neuropil; vPnp, vessels of posterior neuropil; vPpn, vessels of pedipalpal neuropil.
Figure 6. Supply to the central ganglion and posterior neuropils in B. granulatus. A: Virtual horizontal section through anteroventral parts of the ventral prosomal ganglion showing supply to the central ganglion; in dorsal view; inset shows the position of the section, dashed yellow lines show position of the central ganglion. B: Volume rendering of one transganglionic artery (Tga) and emanating arteries; in anterior view; dashed yellow lines indicate the position of the central ganglion, arrowheads indicate the inner row of vessel loops (Il) protruding into the central ganglion. C: Surface renderings of the vasculature of the posteroventral prosomal ganglion showing hemolymph supply to the posterior neuropil; in posterior view; dotted yellow lines show position of the posterior neuropil. D: Schematic drawing of the supply system of the central ganglion showing the inner (Il) and outer (Ol) row of vessel loops; in dorsal view. Abbreviations: Cg, central ganglion; Il, inner loop; Np, neuropil; Ol, outer loop; Tga, transganglionic artery; Vca, ventral collection artery; vNpIV, vessels of neuropil of leg IV neuromere; vPnp, vessels of posterior neuropil.
Figure 7. Efferent arteries of the prosomal ganglion in B. granulatus. A: Surface renderings of the neurilemma (Nl, transparent), the cerebral vasculature, and certain neuropils showing the frontal collection artery (Fca) and the pedipalpocoxal arteries (Pc); in anterior view. B: Surface renderings of the neurilemma (Nl), the cerebral vasculature, and certain neuropils showing the lateral collection artery (Lca); in anterolateral view; arrowhead indicates the position where the lateral collection artery (Lca) enters the frontal collection artery. C: Surface renderings of the neurilemma (Nl), the cerebral vasculature, and certain neuropils showing the ventral collection arteries (dashed white lines) and the efferent coxal arteries (CaIâ+âIV); in ventral view. D: Schematic drawing of the ventral collection arteries (Vca), ventral neuropils (Vnp), and ventral efferent vessels; in dorsal view. Abbreviations: CaI, coxapophysal artery I; CaIV, coxal artery IV; Cca, central collection artery; Cn, cheliceral nerve; Fca, frontal collection artery; Lca, lateral collection artery; Nl, neurilemma; NpIâ+âII, neuropil of leg Iâ+âII neuromere; Pc, pedipalpocoxal arteries; Pnp, posterior neuropils; Ppn, neuropil of pedipalpal neuromere; Tga, transganglionic artery; Vca, ventral collection arteries; Vnp, ventral neuropils.
Figure 8. Various aspects of the cerebral vasculature in different scorpion taxa. A: SEM of a corrosion cast of the cerebral vascular system in Lychas mucronatus, Buthidae; ventral view; overview of the cerebral vasculature; showing coxal arteries (Ca1, 2), arrowhead indicates postneuropilar arteries. B: SEM of a corrosion cast of the prosomal vascular system in Serradigitus joshuaensis, Vaejovide; anterior view; showing midline arteries (Tga, Ea, Pa), arrowhead indicating a vessel loop. C: SEM of a corrosion cast of the prosomal vascular system in Superstitionia donensis, Superstitioniidae; ventral view; showing transganglionic arteries (Tga), arrowhead indicates a postneuropilar artery forming a vessel loop. D: Volume rendering of the prosomal vascular system in Hadrurus arizoniensis, Iuridae; ventral view; showing transganglionic arteries (Tga); arrowheads indicate postneuropilar arteries. E: SEM of a corrosion cast of the cerebral vascular system in Diplocentrus lindo, Diplocentridae; posterior view, ventral is left; showing transganglionic arteries (Tga), dashed yellow lines indicate the position of the central ganglion. F: Surface renderings of the cerebral vasculature in Bothriurus keyserlingi, Bothriuridae; anterior view; showing efferent arteries (e.g. Lca, lateral collection artery). G: SEM of a corrosion cast of the cerebral vascular system in Uroctonus mordax, Vaejovidae; ventral view; showing efferent arteries (e.g. Pc, pedipalpocoxal arteries), arrowhead indicates a vessel loop. Abbreviations: Ao, anterior aorta; Ca Iâ+âII, coxapophysal arteries; Ch, cheliceral arteries; Cv, cerebral vasculature; Ea, esophageal arteries; Fca, frontal collection artery; IIâ+âIII, legarteries; Lca, lateral collection arteries; Pa, protocerebral artery, Pc, pedipalpocoxal arteries; Pp, pedipalpal arteries; Tga, transganglionic arteries; Vv, ventral vessel.