Dev Growth Differ
1985 Jan 01;274:447-452. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-169X.1985.00447.x.
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Release of a Gonad-Stimulating Substance from the Radial Nerves of the Cushion Star, Asterina pectinifera, in response to Excess Potassium*: (GSS release/starfish radial nerve/excess potassium/oocyte maturation).
The release of a gonad-stimulating substance (GSS) from radial nerves stimulated by a K+ -rich solution was examined in the cushion star, Asterina pectinifera. The threshold concentration of K+ necessary for the release of a sufficient amount of GSS to induce shedding of mature oocytes from ovarian fragments was 50 to 75 mM. The minimal amount of fresh nerve required for this release was 3 mg per ml of medium. The time of K+ stimulation necessary to induce maximal GSS release was about 20 min. Repeated stimulations of radial nerves with 100 mM K+ caused repeated release of GSS.
PubMed ID: 37280922
Article link: Dev Growth Differ