J Cell Sci
1994 Apr 01;107 ( Pt 4):839-47. doi: 10.1242/jcs.107.4.839.
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The dynein genes of Paramecium tetraurelia. Sequences adjacent to the catalytic P-loop identify cytoplasmic and axonemal heavy chain isoforms.
Paramecium tetraurelia is a unicellular organism that utilizes both axonemal and cytoplasmic dyneins. The highly conserved region containing the catalytic P-loop of the dynein heavy chain was amplified by RNA-directed polymerase chain reaction. Eight different P-loop-containing cDNA fragments were cloned. Southern hybridization analysis indicated that each fragment corresponds to a separate dynein gene and that there are at least 12 dynein heavy chain genes expressed in Paramecium. Seven of the eight cloned contain sequence motif A, which is found in axonemal dyneins, and one contains sequence motif B, which is found in the dyneins from cell types that do not have cilia or flagella. Two of the Paramecium dynein genes were further investigated: DHC-6 which contains motif A, and DHC-8 which contains motif B. Additional sequencing of the central portions of these genes showed that DHC-6 most closely matches sea urchin ciliary beta heavy chain and DHC-8 is similar to the cytoplasmic dynein from Dictyostelium. Deciliation of the cells resulted in a substantial increase in the steady state concentration of DHC-6 mRNA but only a small change in DHC-8 mRNA. Antisera were produced against synthetic peptides derived from sequence motifs A and B. Competitive solid-phase binding assays demonstrated that each antiserum was peptide-specific. In western blots, the antiserum to motif A reacted with both ciliary and cytoplasmic dyneins. In contrast, the antiserum to motif B reacted with the cytoplasmic dyneins of Paramecium and bovine brain but did not react with ciliary dynein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
PubMed ID: 8056840
Article link: J Cell Sci
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Genes referenced: dnah3 LOC100887844 LOC115919910 polr3a