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J Biol Chem 1995 Mar 31;27013:7189-96. doi: 10.1074/jbc.270.13.7189.
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Identification, characterization, and developmental regulation of a receptor guanylyl cyclase expressed during early stages of Drosophila development.

McNeil L , Chinkers M , Forte M .

Membrane forms of guanylyl cyclase are single-transmembrane proteins that are activated by the binding of specific peptide ligands to their extracellular domains. In this report, we describe the identification and characterization of a Drosophila cDNA clone encoding a protein, DrGC-1, with high sequence identity to members of this family of receptor proteins. The protein contains a single, hydrophobic domain predicted to represent a transmembrane segment separating an extracellular domain with significant sequence identity (30%) to sea urchin egg peptide receptors from intracellular domains containing a protein kinase-like domain followed by a region with high sequence identity (65%) to cyclase catalytic domains found in receptor guanylyl cyclases from both vertebrates and invertebrates. In contrast to other members of this family, DrGC-1 is predicted to contain a carboxyl-terminal extension of 430 residues that has no homology to any described protein. Northern analysis indicates that DrGC-1 transcripts are present at variable levels in all stages of development. In situ hybridization demonstrates that high levels of uniformly distributed transcript are present in 0-2-h embryos. Later in embryogenesis (14-18 h), elevated levels of hybridization appear to be preferentially associated with muscle fibers.

PubMed ID: 7706258
Article link: J Biol Chem

Genes referenced: LOC100887844 LOC576733 LOC586799 LOC589042 LOC590870