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Rev Esc Enferm USP 2011 Oct 01;455:1171-6. doi: 10.1590/s0080-62342011000500020.
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[The challenges of comprehensive care in a Psychosocial Care Center and the development of therapeutic projects].

Mororó ME , Colvero Lde A , Machado AL .

The object of this study is the development of therapeutic projects by the team working in a Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS III). It takes into consideration the creation and expansion process of the Brazilian public health system (SUS) and Psychiatric Reform. In this context, workers are challenged to develop care through an individual therapeutic project that considers the true needs and life context of the people involved. The objective of the study was to analyze and describe the strengths and weaknesses of a to develop the therapeutic projects based on the cartographic model and on the focal group technique. Participants were workers from a CAPS III center from Diadema, São Paulo. By analyzing the data collected through focal groups, the authors found, above all, a rupture between the night and day teams, and a lack of systematic space for conversation to develop and discuss on the therapeutic projects.

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??? Rev Esc Enferm USP