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J Biol Chem 1992 Nov 15;26732:22853-9.
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Phosphorylation of smooth muscle caldesmon by mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and expression of MAP kinase in differentiated smooth muscle cells.

Childs TJ , Watson MH , Sanghera JS , Campbell DL , Pelech SL , Mak AS .

Smooth muscle caldesmon was phosphorylated in vitro by sea star p44mpk up to 2.0 mol of phosphate/mol of protein at both Ser and Thr residues. The phosphorylation sites were contained mainly in the COOH-terminal 10-kDa cyanogen bromide fragment which houses the binding sites for calmodulin, tropomyosin, and F-actin. Tryptic peptide maps of 32P-labeled caldesmon by p44mpk and p34cdc2 showed that while both enzymes recognized similar sites of phosphorylation, they have different preferred sites. Phosphorylation of caldesmon attenuated slightly its interaction with actin and had no effect on its binding to calmodulin and tropomyosin. Smooth muscle cell extracts from chicken gizzard and rat aorta contained 42- and 44-kDa proteins, respectively, which were cross-reactive with an antibody to sea star p44mpk. Immunoprecipitates from gizzard and aorta cell extracts, generated with the p44mpk antibody, possessed kinase activities toward myelin basic protein as well as caldesmon. These results suggest that MAP kinase may have functions in the differentiated smooth muscle cells distinct from those involved in the cell cycle.

PubMed ID: 1331069

Genes referenced: LOC100887844 LOC115919910 LOC590297 thrb