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Elife 2016 Jul 30;5. doi: 10.7554/eLife.16000.
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Eph and Ephrin function in dispersal and epithelial insertion of pigmented immunocytes in sea urchin embryos.

Krupke OA , Zysk I , Mellott DO , Burke RD .

The mechanisms that underlie directional cell migration are incompletely understood. Eph receptors usually guide migrations of cells by exclusion from regions expressing Ephrin. In sea urchin embryos, pigmented immunocytes are specified in vegetal epithelium, transition to mesenchyme, migrate, and re-enter ectoderm, distributing in dorsal ectoderm and ciliary band, but not ventral ectoderm. Immunocytes express Sp-Eph and Sp-Efn is expressed throughout dorsal and ciliary band ectoderm. Interfering with expression or function of Sp-Eph results in rounded immunocytes entering ectoderm but not adopting a dendritic form. Expressing Sp-Efn throughout embryos permits immunocyte insertion in ventral ectoderm. In mosaic embryos, immunocytes insert preferentially in ectoderm expressing Sp-Efn. We conclude that Sp-Eph signaling is necessary and sufficient for epithelial insertion. As well, we propose that immunocytes disperse when Sp-Eph enhances adhesion, causing haptotactic movement to regions of higher ligand abundance. This is a distinctive example of Eph/Ephrin signaling acting positively to pattern migrating cells.

PubMed ID: 27474796
PMC ID: PMC4996649
Article link: Elife

Species referenced: Echinodermata
Genes referenced: efnb1 epha2 hnf6 LOC100887844 LOC100893907 LOC115919910 LOC583082 LOC590297 onecut2 pole
Antibodies: efnb1 Ab1 epha2 Ab1 LOC580916 Ab1 phospho-ptk2 Ab2
Morpholinos: efnb1 MO2 efnb1 MO3 efnb1 MO4 epha2 MO1

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References [+] :
Barsi, Genome-wide assessment of differential effector gene use in embryogenesis. 2015, Pubmed, Echinobase