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Med Mol Morphol 2018 Jun 01;512:118-127. doi: 10.1007/s00795-018-0179-x.
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Effects of moderate exercise on biochemical, morphological, and physiological parameters of the pancreas of female mice with estrogen deprivation and dyslipidemia.

Veloso AGB , Lima NEA , de Marco Ornelas E , Cardoso CG , Marques MR , da Costa Aguiar Alves Reis B , Fonseca FLA , Maifrino LBM .

Menopausal women are at high risk of developing heart disease. However, physical exercise practice can reverse this scenario. We evaluated the biochemical, morphological, and physiological effects of moderate aerobic physical exercise on the pancreas of knockout mice for LDL receptor with estrogen deprivation by ovariectomy. Animals were divided into six groups (n = 5): sedentary non-ovariectomized control; sedentary ovariectomized control; trained ovariectomized control; sedentary non-ovariectomized LDL-R knockout; sedentary ovariectomized LDL-R knockout; and trained ovariectomized LDL-R knockout. Physical exercise practice promoted improvement in biometric and biochemical parameters analyzed, with reduction of visceral adipose tissue and VLDL, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and blood glucose levels. In addition, physical exercise practice altered the morphology of pancreatic islets and improved their response to the effects of menopause. Thus, physical exercise practice was fundamental to minimize the effects of dyslipidemia associated with ovariectomy in the pancreatic tissue of LDL-R knockout animals, contributing to reduce the risk of developing cardiac diseases in the menopause period.

PubMed ID: 29335884
Article link: Med Mol Morphol

Genes referenced: LOC574780

References [+] :
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