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Eksp Klin Farmakol 2013 Jan 01;768:27-30.
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[Effect of a complex preparation of sea urchin shells on blood glucose level and oxidative stress parameters in type II diabetes model].

Kovaleva MA , Ivanova SA , Makarova MN , Pozharitskaia ON , Shikov AN , Makarov VG .

The experimental preclinical study on mice showed that a complex of polyhydroxylated naphthoquinone pigments and minerals from shells of sea urchins decreases the concentration of glucose, stimulates the synthesis of phospholipids in liver, and has antioxidant properties. On the model of streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced type II diabetes, this complex of polyhydroxylated naphthoquinone pigments and minerals from sea urchin shells exhibited activity after administration for 10 days in a dose of 1.8 mg/kg.

PubMed ID: 24228486

Genes referenced: LOC100887844