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Methods Mol Biol 2021 Jan 01;2219:151-161. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0974-3_9.
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Recovery of Sea Star Egg Cell Surface Proteins Released at Fertilization.

Wiseman E , Bates L , Carroll DJ .

To provide a better understanding of the composition of the egg cell membrane, we describe a method in which proteins and peptides that are either naturally released by the egg or cleaved by sperm proteases can be collected, analyzed, and identified. Such molecules are captured and isolated from the surrounding seawater via biotinylation, before being concentrated by an affinity interaction and subsequently analyzed by western blotting and mass spectrometry.

PubMed ID: 33074539
Article link: Methods Mol Biol
Grant support: [+]

References :
Kato, Structural and functional insights into IZUMO1 recognition by JUNO in mammalian fertilization. 2016, Pubmed