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Nat Prod Commun 2010 Nov 01;511:1789-92.
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(-)-Sclerotiorin from an unidentified marine fungus as an anti-meiotic and anti-fungal agent.

Bao L , Xu Z , Niu SB , Namikoshi M , Kobayashi H , Liu HW .

(-)-Sclerotiorin, isolated and purified from the fermented broth of an unidentified marine fungus (98F134), inhibited the maturation of starfish oocytes induced by 1-methyl adenine with an IC50 value of 0.50 microM. (-)-Sclerotiorin also showed antifungal activity against Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergilus fumigatus, Alternaria longipes, Piricularia oryzae, Verticillium albo-atrum, Fusarium culmorum, and F. nivale with IC50 values less than 20 microg/mL.

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